Ziegler, Arnold

Date of death: 24 Jul 1907 Subject: Arnold Ziegler Source: St. Joseph News-Press, 25 Jul 1907, p. 2

Arnold Ziegler, aged forty-four years, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock at a local hospital. He was unmarried and is survived by one brother. He was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Savannah, Mo. Interment will be at Oak Ridge cemetery, Sunday.

Zeigler, Frederick

Date of Death: 27 Feb 1878 Subject: Frederick Zeigler Source: Holt County Sentinel, 8 Mar 1878, p. 2

(From the Savannah Democrat, 1st.) Frederick Zeigler died on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of his father, about 5 miles southeast of town.

Source: Holt County Sentinel, 15 Mar 1878, p. 3

From the Savannah Reporter, 8th. Frederick Zeigler died on Wednesday of last week, at the residence of his father, about five miles southwest of Savannah.

Younger, Nora (Agee) (1921)

Date of death: 1 Nov 1921+ Subject: Nora I. (Agee) Younger Source: St. Joseph News-Press, 1 Nov 1921, p. 6

Mrs. Nora Younger, fifty-eight years old, wife of George O. Younger, Whitesville, Mo., died at 12:15 o’clock this morning in a St. Joseph hospital. The body will be taken to Whitesville for burial.

Yates, Lewis Cass and Yates, Elihu


Another one of Lafayette county’s worthy citizens who has lived to good purpose, at the same time maintaining the excellent standard of right living and thinking that his ancestors were noted for through several generations, is Lewis Cass Yates, the efficient superintendent of the Lexington waterworks. He was born July 24, 1844, in Savannah, Andrew county, Missouri, and is the son of Elihu K. and Susan (Porter) Yates. Elihu Yates was born September 13, 1816, in Norfolk, Virginia, and was the son of William and Mary (Wells) Yates. William Yates was born in August, 1780, in Scotland, and he came to America with his parents in early boyhood. He was a ship’s carpenter and was in the employ of the United States government in the navy yards at Norfolk, Virginia, for about thirty years. He emigrated to Cynthiana county, Kentucky, in an early day, and from there . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wright, Susan (Shunk)

Date of Death: 12 Oct 1910 Subject: Susan (Shunk) Wright Source: unknown, Oct 1910

After an illness of only six days, Mrs. Susan Wright passed away in death at the home of her son, Daniel Wright, near Rosendale, October 12, 1910. Her maiden name was Shunk.

She was born in Perry county, Ohio, August 4, 1824, and was therefore aged 86 years, 2 months and 8 days. In the year 1846 she was married to Edmond Wright, whose joys and sorrows she shared until May 5, 1878, when he passed away in death. There were seven children born to them, two of whom preceded her to the land beyond. One daughter died February 22, 1874, at the age of 25 years, another daughter died the same year, at six years of age. The living children are Isaac and Daniel Wright and Mrs. Susan Walker, all of Andrew county. She came . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wright, Mary (Roberts)

Date of Death: 14 Aug 1891 Subject: Mary (Roberts) Wright Source: Savannah Reporter, 20 Aug 1891

Last Friday, August 14, Mrs. Mary Wright died at the residence of her son, E. C. Wright, east of Savannah, aged 79 years, 1 month and 20 days. She was a native of Ohio, where she was married to John Wright, who died about eleven years ago. They came to Barry county, to this State in 1844, and to Andrew county in 1849, and ever after resided here. Four children were born to them, her son E. C. Wright being the sole survivor of the family. Deceased was a member of the Long Branch Christian church for the last forty-one years, and died in Christian fortitude. Her remains were buried in the Long Branch cemetery, last Saturday, August 15, being followed to their last resting place by many friends.

Mr. E. C. Wright and . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wright, Martha (Shunk)

Date of Death: 15 Mar 1902 & 16 Mar 1902 Subject: Lewis Wright & Martha (Shunk) Wright Source: Savannah Democrat from the Fillmore Lever, 28 Mar 1902

Lewis Wright died at his home south of town, Saturday, at the advanced age of 80 years, 11 months and 16 days. On the following day the old wife also departed to join her husband in the great beyond. Her age was 72 years, 5 months and 21 days.

Lewis Wright was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, March 29, 1821.

Mrs. Wright, who was Miss Martha Shunk, was born in Licking county, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1829.

Funeral services were held at the family residence by Jas. M. Walker, and the remains of husband and wife were laid to rest in one grave in the Fillmore cemetery, Monday, March 17.

A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Worley, Mary (Bunting)

Date of Death: 19 Jun 1899 Subject: Mary (Bunting) Worley Source: Savannah Reporter, 20 Jun 1919 “Twenty Years Ago”

The body of Mrs. James M. Worley was placed in the Fairview cemetery. She died at her home in Savannah and leaves her husband and four children.

Woodward, Mary (Vaux)

Date of Death: 30 Dec 1873 Subject: Mary A. (Vaux) Woodward Source: Andrew County Republican, 9 Jan 1874, p. 3

The wife of James Woodward was also buried on New Year’s day.

Wood, Barbara (Brumbach)

Date of Death: 21 Jan 1866 Subject: Barbara (Brumbach) Wood Source: unknown, written by J. F. S. Wood

Barbara (Brumbach) Wood, daughter of Henry and Mary Brumbach, and wife of William F. Wood was born May 15, 1800, in Page County Virginia, near Luray, where she grew to womanhood.

She always looked beautiful to me. She was medium height, above average in size and well formed. She had deep blue eyes, dark hair– but not black– and fair complexion.

As I remember her she was dignified and womanly. Her language was refined (chaste) and free from slang or vulgar jesting. Her manners were pleasant and homelike. She could give you a welcome and make you feel at home. She was a kind loving wife and mother. She was even tempered and self controlled. To say she was industrious, hardly expresses it. She was strong and healthful. She belonged to that . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wilson, Viola (____-1891)

Date of Death: 21 June 1891 Subject: Viola Wilson Source: St. Joseph Gazette, 25 June 1891, p. 3

Miss Viola, daughter of J. W. Wilson and sister of J. B. Wilson of St. Joseph died at the residence of her aunt in Andrew county, Monday, and was buried in the family lot at the Savannah cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Miss Wilson had been sick for some time and was recently taken to Andrew county with the hope that the country air would improve her.

Williams, Serilda

Date of Death: 28 Mar 1899 Subject: Serilda Williams Source: Holt County Sentinel, 21 Apr 1899, p. 4

Died at the home of her parents on Tuesday, March 28, 1899. Miss Serilda Williams, aged 25 years. This young lady after months of patient suffering, was only too glad to go to her heavenly home, having made all preparations by “putting her house in order.”

Conscious to the last her parting with parents and kindred was a most touching scene. She was the daughter of Joseph Williams and wife, who with one sister and a large circle of friends she leaves behind to mourn her loss. The remains were laid to rest in the old Baptist cemetery in Andrew county.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams, desire to thank all those kind friends who so kindly came to their assistance, during their long and sore struggle.

Williams, Mary (Williams) (c. 1855-1875)

Date of Death: 17 Sep 1875 Subject: Mary (Williams) Williams Source:Andrew County Republican, 24 Sep 1875, p. 8

Died. In DeKalb county, seven miles east of Rochester, Friday, September 17th, 1875, Mrs. Mary Williams, wife of Campbell Williams, aged twenty years. The deceased was the daughter of Judge Thomas Williams, of DeKalb, and only sister of I. R. Williams, of Savannah. Cut down in the morning of womanhood, idolized by her friends and relatives for her amiable qualities of head and heart, a sincere Christian and member of the Baptist Church, her loss is deeply felt by all who had the good fortune of her acquaintance.

Wilkerson, Lydia (Austin)

Date of Death: 21 Sep 1883 Subject: Lydia M. (Austin) Wilkerson Source: Savannah newspaper, 28 Sep 1883

Died, in Savannah, Mo., Sept. 21, 1883, Lydia M., wife of J. W. Wilkerson. Mrs. Wilkerson, whose maiden name was Austin, was born in Harrodsburg, Warren county, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1837. Converted at the early age of 11 years, she united with the M. E. Church where she adorned the doctrine of Christ, by a consistent Christian life. She, with her parents, came to Missouri in January, 1865; was married Feb. 26, 1867. Her death was caused by a complication of diseases. Naturally of a weak constitution, she had a stroke of paralysis, which in a few days was followed by another, and a third stroke destroyed her power of speech; and to a system already weakened by disease, was added malarial fever, which soon proved fatal. The funeral services were conducted, at . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wilkerson, John

Date of Death: 14 Jul 1888 Subject: John Wilkerson Source: unknown, Jul 1888

After an illness of several days, John Wilkerson died at his home in Rochester township, about 1 o’clock last Saturday morning, 14th, in his sixty-ninth year. He was born in Warren county, Ohio, in November 1819, and lived there until October, 1865, when he moved with his family to this county, where he has lived ever since. He was married in 1840 to Ann Connor, who still survives him. There were born to this union, twelve children, all of whom are living, as follows: F. M. Wilkerson (in Ohio); John W. Wilkerson, Iowa; David Wilkerson, Gentry county, Missouri; James H., Vincent and Sanford Wilkerson, all of Andrew county; Mrs. Lizzie Bellis, DeKalb county; and Albert Wilkerson, Mrs. Ella Osborne, Mrs. Mary Wells, Anna and Thomas Wilkerson, all of Andrew county. The remains of deceased were buried in . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wilkerson, J. H.

Date of Death: 6 Jan 1923 Subject: J. H. Wilkerson Source: Savannah Reporter, Jan 1923

J. H. Wilkerson passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edna Harding, in Miami, Florida, Saturday, January 6. Mr. Wilkerson and his wife, who live at Rosendale, left December 4, last, and motored to Miami, Florida, for a visit with his daughter and were on the road nine days.

Mr. Wilkerson was born in Clinton county, Ohio, February 24, 1847 and came from that county in 1865 and settled on a place south of Savannah. On March 26, 1875, he was married to Lettie J. Petree and to this union five children were born: Mrs. W. S. Swartz of Savannah, Clyde Wilkerson of Rosendale, Mrs. Edna Harding of Miami, Florida, Mrs. C.A. Faires of Rosendale and Miss Irene Wilkerson of Savannah. On August 2, 1916, his wife died and a few years ago . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wilkerson, Ernest

Date of Death: 24 Mar 1875 Subject: Ernest Wilkerson Source: Andrew County Republican, 26 Mar 1875, p. 8

Died. Wilkerson.– In Savannah, on Wednesday, the 24th inst., Ernest, infant son of J. W. and Lydia Wilkerson.

Wilkerson, Ann (Conner)

Date of Death: 18 Nov 1890 Subject: Ann (Conner) Wilkerson Source: Savannah Reporter, Nov 1890

Mrs. Ann Wilkerson died in Rochester township, on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1890, aged 70 years, 6 months and 9 days. Her maiden name was Ann Connor. She was born in Delaware, May 9, 1820, moved to Ohio when young, where she married John Wilkerson in 1840. They came to Missouri in September, 1865. Her husband died about two years ago. Twelve children survive them, ten living in Missouri, one in Iowa and one in Ohio. Her remains were interred in the cemetery here yesterday afternoon.

Wilhelm, Ferdinand

Date of Death: 28 Dec 1876 Subject: Ferdinand Wilhelm Source: Holt County Sentinel, 12 Jan 1877, p. 2

Ferdinand Wilhelm, a resident of the Lower Neely Grove settlement, died last week.

Whittaker, Daniel S.

Date of Death: 6 May 1875 Subject: Daniel S. Whittaker Source: Andrew County Republican, 7 May 1875, p. 8

Died. Whittaker– In this county, yesterday morning, 9 o’clock, May 6, 1875, Mr. Daniel S. Whittaker, aged 78 years. The deceased was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Andrew Co. He was formerly from Pennsylvania, and settled in this State first in Gentry County, living there two or three years, and afterwards moved to Andrew county– some eighteen or twenty years ago. He leaves but one child, Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith. He was the uncle of Chas. A. Whittaker, Esq., of Savannah.

Whitlock, James

Date of Death: 20 Sep 1922 Subject: James Whitlock Source: St. Joseph Observer, 30 Sep 1922

A crowd of men from the neighborhood of Cosby went fox and coon hunting Wednesday evening. As the chase was getting interesting about 10 o’clock, John Clark of near Cosby and Glade Worrack of near Clarksdale were standing at their posts on the King Hill stock farm when they saw James Whitlock, who was standing near a tree, also watching the dogs, fall to the ground. They rushed to him but life was extinct.– Savannah Reporter.

White, Ora Bell

Date of Death: 11 Oct 1905 Subject: Mrs. Ora Bell White Source: Holt County Sentinel, 20 Oct 1905, p. 1

Mrs. Elzy White died at 10 o’clock p.m., Wednesday, October 11th, of typhoid fever, from which she had been suffering the past week. She leaves a husband and three small children to mourn her.

Westcott, James

Date of Death: 9 May 1912 Subject: James Westcott Source: Holt County Sentinel, 31 May 1912, p. 8

James Westcott, a leading farmer of Andrew county, died suddenly at his home near Fillmore, while eating dinner one day last week. He was in his usual good natured manner when the noonday meal began and as was his custom was joking with his family when he fell from his chair and by the time assistance reached him he was dead.

West, Susan Agnes (Modie)

Date of Death: 6 Apr 1894 Subject: Susan Agnes (Modie) West Source: Savannah Register, 12 Apr 1894, p. 1, column 1

Susan Agnes Modie was born Aug [25, 1845], and died Friday morning, [April 6,] 1894, at eight o’clock. She was … aged 48 years, 7 months, and … days. She married April 12, 1863, to George W. West. She joined theEpiscopal Church in 1874. She was … in this city, and lived here ever [since] and was therefore well and favorably known by nearly every inhabitant. Nine children were born to her, five boys and four girls, one of the girls preceded her to the other shore. A husband, mother, brother and three sisters mourn her loss. Her remains were layed to rest in the Savannah Cemetery, … followed by a large con… of friends, the funeral being conducted by Rev. Nicholas at the Episcopal Church at 10 o’clock. . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

West, Ezra J.

Date of Death: 9 Jan 1873 Subject: Ezra J. West Source: Andrew County Republican, 17 Jan 1873, p. 3

Died, at his father’s residence, on Thursday, January 9, 1873, at 3 o’clock A. M., Ezra J. West, aged 15 years.

Source: Andrew County Republican, 21 Jan 1873, p. 3

Died. On January 9, 1873, near Bolckow, Ezra West, son of James West, Esq., aged 15 years.