These entries are from an old database which is no longer updated and will eventually be eliminated. (s/s = Same Stone)

Andrew Anderson
2 Dec 1838 - 21 Feb 1897

Elizabeth M. Edwarson
____ - 30 Sep 1892
Father: Chris Edwardon
Mother: Severena
Aged 15y 11m 5d

Amalea Gunderson
1868 - 1887
s/s Enock Christina and Nels Gunderson

Christina Gunderson
1833 - 1913
s/s Enock Nels and Amalea Gunderson

Enock Gunderson
1833 - 1873
s/s Christina Nels and Amalea Gunderson

Gustav S. Gunderson
26 Feb 1870 - 22 Jun 1935
Spouse: Lucinda Redman
Father: Enoch Gunderson
Mother: Christine Nelson

Gwynetha C. Gunderson (Wolf)
15 Jul 1912 - 24 Mar 2006
s/s Leo Nelson Gunderson

Leo Nelson Gunderson
10 Aug 1911 - 23 Sep 1993
s/s Gwynetha C. Gunderson

Lucinda Gunderson (Redman)
20 May 1877 - 25 Mar 1956
Spouse: Gustav Gunderson
Father: Thomas Redman
Mother: Mary Jane Schammahorn

Nels N. Gunderson
21 Mar 1866 - 11 Nov 1910
s/s Enock Christina Amalea Gunderson
Father: Enock Gunderson
Mother: Christine Nelson

Catharine Linquest (Norell)
24 Sep 1833 - 17 Feb 1910
Born in Sweden

Jacob Linquest
____ - 10 Apr 1897
Aged 3y 7m 18d

William Linquest
1 Jan 1830 - 29 Aug 1897
Born in Luusdal, Sweden, Co H 13 Kan Vol. Inf

William Wiley Linquist
5 Nov 1910 - 6 Oct 1911
Father: Andrew J. Linquist
Mother: Emma L. Heins

Fern Marie Nelson
15 Dec 1915 - 18 Jun 1984
s/s Paul R. Nelson

Paul R. Nelson
28 Aug 1918 - 23 Aug 1979
s/s Fern Marie Nelson

Gotfred Terkelson
____ - 23 Mar 1888

Rine Thompson
23 Oct 1842 - 29 Oct 1884
Spouse: S. T. Thompson

Donald E. Torkelson
1924 - 1977
In Memory -- Interred Ft. Sam Houston Nat