Ricketts, Elizabeth (Elgin)

Date of Death: 12 May 1860
Subject: Elizabeth (Elgin) Ricketts
Source: St. Louis Christian Advocate, 31 May 1860, p. 4

Elizabeth Elgin Ricketts– Mother Ricketts, the subject of this notice, was born and raised in Culpepper county, Va. Of the eighty years, wanting two days, of her earthly pilgrimage, between thirty and forty of them were spent in the service of the Lord. Eighteen years of the latter part of her life were spent in Andrew county, Mo., where she died in great peace, May 12, 1860. She was not of those who merely hope that they are Christians: she knew and rejoiced in God as a sin-pardoning God. Hers was an undoubted assurance. She was often unspeakably happy. Christian-like, she labored for the good of others and not, as we believe, without success. Having lived right, she died in triumph, praying and praising God until the last. Being asked in her last illness if she was willing to die, she answered, “O yes! O yes!” Her reward is on high. May God bless the afflicted relatives.

S. W. Cope

Savannah, Mo.

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