Miller, Fleming Mitchell

Date of Death: 20 Jan 1890
Subject: Fleming Mitchell Miller
Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, 10 Sep 1896, p. 7

Fleming Mitchell Miller was the first born of William A. and Chelley Mitchell, and the eldest of six sons, three of whom became ministers in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He was born in Lafayette County, Mo., in April, 1824, but reared to manhood in Pettis County. When 18 years of age he moved with his parents to Andrew County, Mo., where he spent the rest of his life. The days, in which his early youth were spent, were characterized by great religious fervor. It was not the wild outburst of fanaticism, but the deep flowing stream of fervent piety which had descended from the great revival of 1800, and spread over the valleys of the Cumberland, the Ohio, the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers. Men, in these days, both in the laity and the ministry, possessed a power peculiar to their time. The very air was redolent with fervent piety. Men preached, exhorted, prayed and sung with an unction, which was a concomitant of the times. Under these circumstances favorable to great depth of piety, this young man grew up, from his very birth to his manhood. His father was a man much above the average of his time in education, intellectual accomplishments, general information and social and Christian influence; while his mother was a woman superior to most women in intellectual gifts, and of the most constant and fervent piety. In the boyhood of young Miller, he was under the immediate Christian influence and ministry of two of the founders of this church–Revs. Finis Ewing and Samuel King. He was constantly familiar with the preaching of such men as Revs. R. D. Morrow, J. B. Morrow, Robert Sloan, David Kirkpatrick and P. G. Rea in their palmiest days. He was married to Miss Nancy E. McDonald on the 6th day of September, 1846, which was one of the happiest events of his life, and contributed more to his eminence and usefulness in life than any other incident perhaps in it. Two years after this marriage, he placed himself under the care of Platte Presbytery as a probationer for the ministry, and six months afterwards was licensed to preach. In October, 1851, in the city of St. Joseph, Mo., he was solemnly set apart to the whole work of the ministry. His power in the pulpit was marked from the beginning of his ministry. His personal magnetism and influence over men were wonderful, His personal characteristics were ruggedness and strength. These he displayed everywhere, in the pulpit, in the management of meetings, in the church judicatories, and in social life. He was endowed with a heavy, strong, but well-modulated voice, which instantly attracted the attention of the audience, and held it well in hand until the close of his efforts.

For forty years he labored in the bounds of Platte Presbytery, and no man in any denomination, or in any circle of life, perhaps, did more to mould public opinion or shape the destinies of men than he. So extensively was he known, and so universally respected, that everywhere he was addressed as “Uncle Mitch.” His popularity was among all denominations, nor was he narrow or sectarian in his sympathy and fellowship. His life was full of labors and full of sacrifices for the church and for the public good. He died with his armor on, going out of a meeting for want of strength, to lie down and die five days afterward.

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