Date of Death: 8 Oct 1918
Subject: Lewis Dean Embrey
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 18 Oct 1918, p. 2
The second to fall a victim of the Spanish influenza was Dean Embrey, who died at Camp Funston, October 8, 1918, aged 22 years, 11 months and 5 days. He was called to the colors from Andrew county in August, 1918, and was sent to Camp Funston, and went into training, and proved in his brief service to be an excellent soldier. He was born in Clay county, Mo., November 3, 1896 [sic], and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Embrey; the deceased with his parents came to Holt county in 1901, and they reside near the Iron bridge on the Nodaway southeast of Oregon. He is survived by his parents; three brothers, Garland, Marion and Clarence, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Sale, and Miss Gertie. The funeral services were held at the family home, on Friday afternoon last, October 11, conducted by the Rev. C. F. Hand of the Oregon M. E. Church, the body being laid away in the Fillmore cemetery.
The following letter pertaining to the death of this young soldier was sent the parents by General Leonard Wood, commanding at Camp Funston: “J. S. Embrey, Oregon, Mo. I have just learned with deep regret of the death of your son. I wish to express to you my sympathy, and my appreciation of his services. Dean Embrey gave his life in his country’s service just as unselfishly and freely as they are giving who are dying on the battle field, in the great cause for which we are all fighting. He gave the most that we can give that the right may prevail.”
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