Wescott, Sarah Elizabeth (Riggin)

Date of Death: 28 Oct 1917 Subject: Sarah Elizabeth (Riggin) Wescott Source: Andrew County Democrat, 2 Nov 1917

Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of James and Rebecca Riggin was born March 7, 1850, in Andrew County, Missouri, and departed this life October 28, 1917 aged 67 years, 7 months and 28 days. She was united in marriage to James Wescott, May 19, 1872, and to this union was born four children, George H., of Kidder, Mo, Mrs. Maude E. Hosher, Mrs. Lottie J. Duncan and James Thomas Westcott all three of Andrew county. She also leaves four grandchildren besides an aged mother and two sisters. Her husband died May 9, 1912. With the exception of a few years she lived her entire life on the farm just east of Fillmore, Mo. Her life was lived as a true Christian. Her membership was in the First Presbyterian church of Savannah. In her . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wells, William W.

Date of Death: 26 May 1921 Subject: William W. Wells Source: St. Joseph Observer, 28 May 1921

William W. Wells, the well known banker and business man of Rosendale, died at the home of his brother, E. L. Wells, 117 Ohio street, this city, Thursday. The remains were taken to Rosendale for burial.

Wells, Nancy (Griffith)

Date of Death: 27 Feb 1872 Subject: Nancy (Griffith) Wells Source: Andrew County Republican, 28 Jan 1872, p. 3

Mrs. Wells wife of Walter B. Wells of Fillmore died very suddenly on Tuesday morning at 3 o’clock. She was an estimable lady and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends who will deeply feel her loss with whom we sympathize in their sad bereavement.

Weaver, Sarah (Davidson) Pearce

Date of Death: 24 Jul 1906 Subject: Sarah (Davidson) Pearce Weaver Source: Holt County Sentinel, 3 Aug 1906, p. 5

Mrs. S. C. Weaver died at her home in Maitland, July 24th, after a prolonged illness. The remains were brought to Fillmore for interment Wednesday, and the funeral services were held at the M. E. church, by George W. Praiswater. Sarah Davidson was born April 14th, 1837. When a young woman she was married to Arthur Pierce, to which union were born six children, four of whom survive. They are A. W. Pierce, of Fillmore; Jordan Pierce, of Maitland; Mrs. Mollie Valentine, of Baker City, Ore., and Mrs. Laura Trout, of Nebraska. Some years after the death of her first husband she was married to S. C. Weaver, who survives her. Mrs. Weaver was a good Christian woman, a devoted wife and mother, and a good neighbor. She was held . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Waugh, Louisa (Davis) (____-1921)

Date of Death: 16 Mar 1921 Subject: Louisa Eliza (Davis) Waugh Source: St. Joseph Observer, 19 Mar 1921

Mrs. Louise Elizabeth Waugh, wife of a well known Bolckow farmer, died at a local hospital Wednesday, following an operation.

Wassmer, Lewis W. (1858-1880)

Date of Death: 27 September 1880 Subject: Lewis W. Wassmer Source: St. Joseph Herald, 29 September 1880, p. 4

Died at Savannah Monday evening, at 9 o’clock, Lewis Wassmer, aged about twenty-one years, of diphtheria. Mr. Wassmer was a son of the furniture dealer at Savannah, and was a bright, intelligent and genial young man, highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral will occur to-day.

Warner, Samuel N.

Date of Death: 14 Jun 1895 Subject: Samuel N. Warner Source: Holt County Sentinel, 28 Jul 1895, p. 1

Rev. S. N. Warner died at his home in Savannah, June 14th, at the age of 75 years. He began his services as a minister of the M. E. church in 1843.

Warner, Samuel

Date of Death: 9 Mar 1874 Subject: Samuel Warner Source: Andrew County Republican, 13 Mar 1874, p. 1

Fillmore Items. We were sadly shocked, on last Monday, by the sad news that Mr. Sam Warner had taken opium, from the effects of which he died late in the evening. The opium was taking about 4 o’clock in the morning. Medical aid was called at once, but all efforts proved ineffectual. It is supposed that derangement of the mind was the cause of the rash act. Thus, in a very brief space of time, the community has been deprived of a good, useful and enterprising citizen, and the family, of an indulgent father and a kind husband. Our tears and sympathies mingle with those of the bereaved and distressed family.

Source: Holt County Sentinel, 20 Mar 1874, p. 3

Last Monday, says the St. Joe Herald, an old resident of Holt . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wardlow, Milton

Date of Death: 9 Aug 1922 Subject: Milton Wardlow Source: Savannah Reporter, Aug 1922

Milton Wardlow, son of David and Sarah Wardlow, was born near Fillmore, April 12, 1848, and departed this life August 9, 1922, at the age of 74 years, 3 months and 28 days, having spent his life within one-half mile of his birthplace. He has been in poor health for some time but only confined to his bed for four days.

At the age of sixteen he enlisted in the Union Army, Company D, 43rd regiment and was discharged from service June 13, 1865, having served almost fifteen months.

November 9, 1871 he was married to Laura Killen. To this union were born fourteen children, eight sons and six daughters.

He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, seven sons and one daughter, David A., of Savannah; Ira, of Rea; Walter C. . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wardlow, Laura (Killin)

Date of Death: 8 Feb 1923 Subject: Laura (Killin) Wardlow Source: Savannah Reporter, 15 Feb 1923

Laura, daughter of Charles and Thursa Killin, was born August 18, 1854 at St. Joseph, and died at her home north of Fillmore, February 9, at the age of 68 years, 5 months and 20 days. When twelve years of age she moved to a place one-half mile from where she resided at the time of her death.

On November 9, 1871, she was united in marriage to Milton Wardlow. To this union were born fourteen children, eight sons and six daughters. She leaves to mourn her death seven sons and one daughter: David A. Wardlow, Savannah; Ira Wardlow, Rea; Walter C. Wardlow and Charles W. Wardlow, both of Kansas City, Kansas; Wesley E. Wardlow, Trenton; Loren M. Wardlow, McCook, Nebraska; Mrs. Ethel Holt and Fred M. Wardlow, both of Fillmore; thirteen . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wardlow, Cary

Date of Death: 21 Jul 1909 Subject: Cary Wardlow Source: Savannah Reporter, Jul 1909

Another old pioneer has left us in the person of Cary Wardlow, who was called on the long voyage July 21st. He had been a resident of Andrew county since 1841, and in all that time was never known to wrong a neighbor. He came here when the country was young, and did his part toward developing its natural resources, and making Missouri the splendid commonwealth she is today.

Cary Wardlow was born in Highland county, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1839; moved with his parents to this county in 1841, and on Nov. 21st, 1869, was married to Martha Hulse. To this union were born four children, two of whom died in infancy. The survivors are Thomas A. Wardlow and Mrs. F. E. Wade. After his marriage he moved onto a farm adjoining the old . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Ward, Thomas M.

Among the pioneers of the State and Sonoma county special mention should be made of the gentleman who name heads this sketch. He is descended from a race of pioneers. His grandfather, a native of Scotland, emigrated to the United States and settled in North Carolina in the colonial times. His father, David Ward, was born in that state, but was among the early settlers in Cook County, Tennessee, where the subject of this sketch was born May 23, 1815. His mother, Nancy (Mitchell) Ward, was a native of Virginia. Her grandfather was an officer in the Revolutionary war. Shortly after Thomas M. was born his parents moved to Missouri, and after a short residence in several places in that State they removed, in 1820, to Lafayette county. Here Mr. Ward was reared and his early youth and young manhood was spent on his father’s farm, where he became inured . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wandfluh, John

Date of Death: Apr 1913 Subject: John Wandfluh Source: Savannah Reporter, Friday, April 11, 1913, front page


John Wandfluh of Lenox, Ia., Aged 25 Buried Here Wednesday

At the age of twenty-five years John Wandfluh committed suicide at his home one mile from Lenox, Iowa, Tuesday morning about 10 o’clock by shooting the top of his head off with a shot gun because he was despondent. The remains were brought to Savannah Wednesday and placed in the Savannah cemetery.

John Wandfluh was the son of Chris Wandfluh who died at Amazonia several years ago. Chris Wandfluh was a respected and influential citizen in Germany and invested heavily in the output of his slate mine and marketed a very large quantity at one time and the company who received the slate became insolvent because of a slump in the markets and the elder Wandfluh lost almost everything by . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wampler, Isaac

Date of Death: 22 May 1911 Subject: Isaac Wampler Source: Holt County Sentinel, 2 Jun 1911, p. 5

Isaac Wampler, for many years a resident of Forest township, but for the past two years residing in Andrew county, died at his home near Savannah, Monday of last week, May 22d. He is survived by his wife and six children.

Walter, David

Date of Death: 20 May 1873 Subject: David Walter Source: Andrew County Republican, 30 May 1873, p. 3

A large circle of friends and acquaintances will regret to learn of the demise of David Walter, an old and highly respected citizen of Rochester, Andrew county, Missouri.

From the St. Joseph Herald we gather the following points in the life of Mr. Walter. He was born on the 18th of November, 1802, in the city of Straisund on the Baltic sea. He removed to the city of Philadelphia in 1820, and there he learned the trade of baker and confectioner. After serving a faithful apprenticeship, he became discontented with the small profits arising from working for others, and the true spirit of independance [sic], opened business for himself at 442 Race street. He conducted the business successfully five years. In the year 1825, he closed business in the Quaker City and . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Walker, Robert

Date of Death: 14 May 1874 Subject: Robert Walker Source: Andrew County Republican, 29 May 1874, p. 8

Died. Walker– On Wednesday, May 14, 1874, Robert Walker, son of Joseph Walker, of Hackberry Ridge, aged 44 years.

In Memory of Robert Walker, who Died May 14, 1874

Dear as thou wast, and justly dear, We would not weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting tear; It is– that thou art free. And thus shall faith’s consoling power The tears of love restrain; Oh, who that saw that parting hour, Could wish thee back again. Gently the passing spirit fled, Sustained by grace divine. Oh, may such grace on us be shed And make our end like thine!

Walker, Martha (Earls)

Date of Death: 3 Oct 1909 Subject: Martha (Earls) Walker Source: Savannah Democrat, 8 Oct 1909, p. 1

Mrs. Martha Walker, wife of Henry T. Walker, deceased, died at the residence of her son, A. A. Walker, in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 3rd, aged seventy-eight years, and was buried in the Savannah cemetery Tuesday beside the remains of her husband. Her son, S. A., and other relatatives [sic] were present and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Henry Ballard, of St. Joseph. The Walker family lived in this city many years ago.

Mrs. Walker was a daughter of Johnathan [sic] Earls, deceased, who lived on his farm about two miles east of this city, and was one of the earliest settlers of this county. Besides her son, S. A., she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Brooks, of Magdelina, New Mexico, and Mrs. Benjamin Petree, of Oregon, Mo.; two brothers, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Walker, Joseph Morton

Date of Death: 5 Jan 1923 Subject: Joseph Morton Walker Source: [probably Savannah Reporter], Jan 1923

Joseph Morton Walker, son of James F. and Katherine Walker, was born in Lee county, Virginia, May 22, 1843, and departed this life, after a few days of illness of pneumonia, January 5, 1923, at his home four and one-half miles northwest of Rosendale, at the age of 79 years, 7 months and 23 days. He came to Andrew county, Missouri, with his parents when he was but a child, and this county has been his home ever since.

For three years he served in the Civil War, being a member of Company B, Fourth Missouri Voluntary Cavalry. Later he was appointed and commissioned First Lieutenant of K Company, of the 98th Regiment of Missouri militia, by Governor Thomas C. Fletcher. He was an honored, upright and beloved citizen of this county. . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Walker, Joseph Marion (1849-1923)

Joseph M. Walker, seventy-four years old, a retired stone mason, died at 10 o’clock yesterday morning at his home, 1437 North Fifteenth street, after a prolonged illness. Mr. Walker was born in Andrew County and had lived in St. Joseph eighteen years . . .

Source: St. Joseph News-Press, 4 June 1923, p. 6

Wakefield, Milly Ann (McDonald)

Date of Death: 29 Jan, 1858 Subject: Milly Ann (McDonald) Wakefield Source: St. Louis Christian Advocate, 18 Feb 1858, p. 4

Died in this city on the 29th ult. of typhoid pneumonia, Sister Milly Ann Wakefield, wife of Dr. M. F. Wakefield, aged 36 years.

For twenty years Sister Wakefield had been a faithful, zealous member of the Methodist Church (of the Church South since its organization). As a Christian, she lived “by the faith of the Son of God,” and in the constant enjoyment of religion. She was a Christian, and a devoted friend of the Church of Christ– doing all in her power to promote its interests, and the glory of God in the salvation of souls. The influence of her piety was felt especially in her family, her husband, children and servants sharing in her prayers and godly counsels. Her house was the home of Methodist preachers, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wagenblast, Caroline (Schafer)

Date of Death: 7 Jan 1916 Subject: Caroline (Schafer) Wagenblast Source: unknown, 7 Jan 1916

Mrs. Caroline Wagenblast, seventy-eight years old, widow of John Wagenblast, died at 8:45 o’clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Kelly at Avenue City. She is survived by five other daughters, Mrs. August Vogle and Mrs. H. A. Theis, Clarksdale, Mo.; Mrs. L. O. Brown and Miss Anna Wagenblast, Bolckow, Mo., and Mrs. Fred Keiser, Cosby, Mo.; and five sons, Marion Wagenblast, Whiting, Kan.; George Wagenblast, Cosby, Mo.; Henry Wagenblast, Tulsa Okla.; Frank Wagenblast, Jewell City, Kan.; and Charles Wagenblast, Helena, Mo.

Waegele, Pearl

Date of Death: 7 May 1919 Subject: Pearl Waegele Source: Holt County Sentinel, 16 May 1919, p. 5

The many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Waegele and family will sympathize with them in the death of their daughter, Miss Pearl, which occurred at Denver, Colorado, May 7, 1919. Miss Pearl after teaching in Holt and Andrew counties went to Colorado for her health and where she taught for several years, but finally had to abandon her work on account of the inroads upon her constitution by that sure victor, consumption.

She was born in the Richville district thirty years ago and grew to a beautiful Christian character in this section of our county. She was greatly beloved, and was an earnest church and Sunday school worker, and her requests that her pall-bearers should be selected from the ranks of her former school pupils in this and Andrew . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Wachtel, Sarah Ellen (Donovan) (1854-1913)

Date of Death: 15 May 1913 Subject: Sarah Ellen (Donovan) Wachtel Source: Holt County Sentinel, 23 May 1913, p. 6

Mrs. Andy and [Mrs.] Henry Hershner received word Thursday of the death of their sister, Mrs. John Wachtel, of Rosendale.

Ed. Fuhrman drove to Rosendale, Saturday, in his car, taking Mrs. Andy and Henry Hershner and James Donovan over to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wachtel.

Violett, George

Date of Death: 20 May 1920 Subject: George Violett Source: St. Joseph Observer, 15 May 1920

When a truck laden with five tons of crushed rock and driven by Ralph Hall, struck George Violette [sic], a seventy-four-year-old Amazonia man, on South Fourth street Monday, the fender knocked Violette down and then the wheels held him fast. It was necessary to back the truck off the prostrate man before he could be released. His left leg and ankle were crushed, and he also sustained internal injuries. He was taken to the home of relatives in North St. Joseph.

Verdier, Jefferson Adams

Date of Death: 6 Mar 1889 Subject: Jefferson Adams Verdier Source: Ste. Genevieve [MO] Fair Play, 16 Mar 1889, p. 1

Jefferson A. Verdier, seventy years of age, dropped dead, a few nights ago, from heart disease, at his home, five miles northeast of St. Joseph, on the Rochester road. Deceased leaves a wife, three boys and five girls. He was one of the oldest settlers of Andrew County.