Bostwick, Nancy (Huffaker)

Date of Death: 21 Jul 1910
Subject: Nancy Margaret (Huffaker) Bostwick
Source: unknown, Jul 1910

Nancy Margaret Huffaker-Bostwick was born July 19, 1851, died Sept.16, 1910, aged 59 years. She was married to William E. Bostwick Feb. 18, 1873. When a young girl she gave her life to Christ, uniting with the Christian church in Clay county. She united with the Mount Vernon Baptist church Oct 19, 1904, and was baptized the 27th by Rev. S. Riggs of Union Star. She lived a faithful Christian life. She leaves a husband and three children, Frank, Lizzie and Belle, and two grandchildren and five brothers with many kindred and friends to mourn her death. She was respected and loved by all who knew her for to know her was to love her. She was a kind and affectionate and faithful wife, a loving and devoted Christian. Her pastor and the church as well, will miss her much, but she will be missed more in the home by the bereaved husband and stricken children. The funeral was conducted by her pastor W. G. Ball, at Mount Vernon church; text Eccl. 7:10 and Phil. 1:21. “A good name is better than precious ointment and the day of death than the day of our birth.” “For me to live as Christ and to die is gain.” After which she was laid to rest in the beautiful Savannah cemetery. She rests from her labors for “Blessed are
the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.”

W. G. B.

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