Boling, Henry

Date of Death: 7 Nov 1895
Subject: Henry F. Boling
Source: Kansas City Times, 9 Nov 1895

Private H. F. Boling, company G, Twentieth infantry, was crushed and almost instantly killed under the wheels of an electric motor late Thursday night in the southern part of the city. The accident occurred near and just south of the switch in rear of the Ables’ residence. The motorman in charge states that Boling was lying across the track and the car came so suddenly upon him that he had not time to stop his car before Boling was being rolled under the wheels. The night was very dark and it was impossible for the motorman, so he states, to see any great distance ahead. The office of the company was at once communicated with a special car with implements sent to the point of the accident. The motor had to be raised with jack screws before Boling’s body could be taken from under it. Coroner McGill summoned a jury and examined the body. An inquest will be held next Monday. The deceased soldier was born at Savannah, Mo., to which point his company commander telegraphed, conveying the information of the accident. He was 21 years of age and enlisted at Fort Leavenworth January 14 of the present year. The members of the company have made up a subscription to purchase a handsome coffin and provide a hearse for the funeral. Nearly $30 was collected in the company. The funeral will take place today, and will be with full military honors.

Source: Kansas City Times, 10 Nov 1895

Private Boling whose unfortunate death occurred Thursday night on the electric road, was buried yesterday afternoon with full military honors. Every enlisted man not on other necessary duty attended the funeral and all officers were requested to attend. Chaplain Robinson performed the religious service, and the ceremony from a military point was of a very imposing character. The young man’s parents had not been heard from yesterday afternoon.

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