Fairview Christian Church Cemetery AKA Rhoades CemeteryBenton Township, Section 16Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah, 0.4 miles east on Highway E to Highway C. North on Highway C 4.3 miles to County Road 164. West/northwest 0.9 mile on CR 164. Double gate across lane to drive up hill to cemetery. Gate was double-padlocked with no trespassing signs and top rail of gate painted purple (the universal no trespassing color). The cemetery is up a hill about 0.1 mile.
Notes: Fairview is in fairly good condition, mowed, but has many broken stones and a pile of footstones to south side of cemetery. Caution: If there are leaves on ground, walk carefully, as many graves are deeply sunken and walking is perilous. Also, many trees have been cut, but the stumps are above ground and will cause tripping.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe & Keith Stanton, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Empire CemeteryAKA Empire Presbyterian Cemetery, Empire Prairie CemeteryPlatte Township, Section 32Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah: 3.5 miles east on State Route E to SR D, then 10.2 miles north on D to Highway 48. East on 48 for 6.1 miles to M. South for 0.8 miles on M to lane with cemetery sign on east side of road. Follow lane 0.2 miles east to cemetery.
Notes: AKA Empire Presbyterian Cemetery or Empire Prairie Cemetery
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Earls CemeteryNodawayTownship, Section 14 SouthAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah US Business 71, east on State Route E 1 mile to County Road 333, south 0.5 mile on CR 333 to southeast corner of intersection with CR 334.
Notes: The entire family of Jonathan and Frances Earls is listed on one side of the main monument here. However, some members are not buried here.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Dysart CemeteryClay Township, Section 16Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah, 10.5 miles north on US 71 to State Hwy. Y, west on Y 6 miles to State Hwy. H, south 2 miles. Cemetery is on the east side of the road.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton and Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Davis CemeteryJackson Township, Section 10Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Fillmore, east about 1 mile on State Route A, north on County Road 50 0.5 miles to entrance of private farm. Cemetery is on south property line about 1 mile from CR 50. Accessible with permission from property owner only; gate is padlocked.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Mary Moffatt, 2004, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Daily CemeteryRochester Township, Section 6Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah US Business 71, east on State Route E, 3.5 miles to SR D, north on SR D 0.8 mile to County Road 185, north on CR 185 0.9 mile. Cemetery is on the east side of road, but cannot be seen from the road. There is a large white sign “Daily Cemetery” at the entrance road, which is a mowed track in the grass. Do not attempt to drive the grass track if it has been rainy as the ground will be muddy and slick and the track goes quite sharply uphill for 0.1 mile.
Notes: A large number of markers at Daily have been removed from their original locations and have been lined up, lying flat, in one area.
Credits: This cemetery was researched and photographed by Nadine Taylor and Betty Halvorsen, 2005, 2008 and 2010. (c)THE . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Cumberland Ridge Cemetery AKA Dean Cemetery, Camp Ground Jefferson Township, Section 34 North Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah limits, go south on US 71 for 2.5 miles. Turn right (west) into the first private driveway south of Cumberland Ridge Church and drive 0.2 miles. Cemetery is on the south side of the road, which is actually a dirt and grass lane. Not advisable to drive this in wet weather. Cemetery was totally overgrown, but cleaned in June of 2005 by a 4H group.
Notes: The cemetery is full of poison oak and poison ivy.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
* Indicates African-Americans + Indicates obituary available
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Crowley Cemetery Jefferson Township, Section 5 Andrew County, Missouri
This cemetery no longer extant.
County Farm Cemetery AKA Shady Lawn CemeteryRochester Township, Section 18 WestAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah US Business 71 east on SR E 3.5 miles to State Route D, south on State Route D 1 mile to where County Road 337 joins State Route D. Cemetery is on east side of road.
Notes: Also known as Shady Lawn Cemetery. The County Farm and Infirmary housed “paupers” and mentally impaired people of all ages, as well as the elderly. There are reportedly many burials there without tombstones. The 1914 building is currently part of Shady Lawn Nursing Home. There was only one existing stone in 2005-6.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (C)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Concord Cemetery Monroe Township, Section 11 West Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Cosby, 0.5 miles west on State Route O to County Road 295, south 1 mile on CR 295 to entrance on a private on east side of the road. Drive west of mobile home about 0.3 miles through pasture following trail. Can see the well-kept cemetery on top of hill from road. Check with property owner to be certain electric fence is not strung across access road.
Notes: The land for this cemetery, which was established in 1865, was donated by William Blue and William Brown.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
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Collier Graves Benton Township, Section 30 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah city limits, west to 71 Highway and north on 71 Highway a total of 9 miles to County Road 54. Travel west on County Road 54 for 1 mile to RD 38. Travel south on RD 38 for 0.2 miles to gates on the east side of the road. Cemetery is approximately 0.1 mile east through the pasture in direct line with gate.
Notes: A few stones from this cemetery were extant in the 1970s, but the area has been bull-dozed since, and no stones remain in 2006. A man who formerly owned the property said that the burial ground was about a 30-foot circle. Slaves or African-Americans were buried just over the crest of the hill, looking north.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Coffman Cemetery Nodaway Township, Section 22 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah US Business 71, east on State Route E, 0.5 mile to SR C, north 3 miles.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
* Indicates African-Americans + Indicates obituary available
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Clizer CemeteryJackson Township, Section 34Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah northwesterly on US Business 71 and US 59, 5 miles to County Road 70, north on CR 70 for 1 mile to CR 63. About 0.5 mile on CR 63 to driveway of private property. Cemetery is in a tilled field, but cannot be seen from the road.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Gregg Clizer, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Clemmens Cemetery Platte Township, Section 33 West Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: Go 1.5 miles south on State Route D from State Hwy. 48. Cemetery in on private property on the west side of the road. Access by permission.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Carson Burial Ground Rochester Township, Section 6 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah: Drive east on E Highway 3.5 miles to the intersection of Highways D and E. Turn North on Highway D and drive 0.8 miles to County Road 185. Turn north on CR185 and drive 0.3 miles to a driveway into the field on the west side of road. Burial ground is about 0.2 miles into field.
Notes: Accessible only when crops are not planted and by permission from owner, J. B. Phillippe.
Credits: This burial ground was documented and photographed by Nadine Taylor and Betty Halvorsen, 2008 and 2009. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: (Carson), Margaret C. (1819-1855) Carson, Elizabeth C. (1843-1865) . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Caples Cemetery AKA Amazonia Cemetery or Boston Hill CemeteryAmazonia, Lincoln Township, Section 36 SouthAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Amazonia, east on Broadway, turn north to Main, follow Main to end of blacktop, where the road becomes County Road 370, gravel lane to left. The cemetery is on the top of a steep hill. The road around the perimeter is drivable in good weather
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Brown Cemetery AKA Selix CemeteryMonroe Township, Section 11 WestAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: South on Fourth Street of Cosby, Missouri off State Route O, past Leidy Street. Cemetery is on private property, accessible with permission.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. ©THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
* Indicates African-Americans + Indicates obituary available
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Brock Cemetery Lincoln Township, Section 3 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah City limits, go west on US Business 71 and US 59, 4 miles to State Route CC, then south 1 mile to County Road 422, then west about 0.5 mile.
Notes: Though he had at one time seen several stones from this cemetery, the current owner of this property says that he can no longer find the tombstones, which had been moved from their original location. Therefore, it is unknown which Brock family members were buried here. Please note that it is illegal to move or destroy any part of a cemetery, even if it is on private property.
Bower Cemetery AKA Beale Cemetery Jackson Township, Section 17 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Fillmore, go south on State Route H. The cemetery is on the east side of SR H, one mile from the intersection of H with A. Entry is by permission, through private property.
Notes: This cemetery was cleaned in October, 2005 as part of the Eagle Scout Project of Nathan Stone. AKA Beale Cemetery.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Nathan Stone’s Eagle Scout Project, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
* Indicates African-Americans + Indicates obituary available
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Bolckow CemeteryBolckowAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Bolckow, east on State Route B, 0.5 mile.
Notes: The photography of this cemetery was part of the Eagle Scout projects of Andrew and Jacob Sinclair.
Credits: This cemetery was documented and photographed by Andrew and Jacob Sinclair, and Betty Halvorsen, Mary Nagel, and Nadine Taylor, 2006 (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: Ashworth, Charles Lee (1936-1937) Ashworth, Oral M. (1910-1991) Ballou, Gerald W. “Jerry” (1935-2000) Boswell, Barbara J. (1950-2014) Cavey, Barbara June (1937-2020) Cavey, Sidney Lee (1911-1991) Chambers, Frank LeRoy (1931-2017) [Yes! There’s more!]
Bethel CemeteryMonroe Township, Section 5 EastAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: Bethel Cemetery is straight east of Cosby. Cosby is located on State Route O, continue east at stop sign, take SR Z east .5 mile. Go straight east 1.5 miles on County Road 274. Church sign on road 274. Bethel Church and cemetery on north side are easy to see.
Credits: This cemetery was photographed and documented by Betty Halvorsen & Nadine Taylor, and Carol & Robert Ferguson, 2007. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: (Brizendine), Elaine (1949-1992) (Brizendine), Helen L. (1916-1993) (Carroll), Elizabeth (1829-1905) (Halbert), Mary (1793-1871) (Mackey), Bertha Mae (1913-1992) Allen, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Bennett Lane Cemetery AKA Wesley Chapel CemeteryNodaway Township, Section 19 NorthAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah, north on US Business 71 and US 71, 4 miles to County Road 151; cemetery is on the north side of 151 at the intersection.
Notes: AKA Wesley Chapel Cemetery
Bennett Lane Cemetery has paved streets that run through the entire cemetery. Those along with the two adjacent roads define the sections.
A trust (see Lash Bench) provides for maintenance and upkeep of this cemetery, including preservation of tombstones. During 2006, a monument company was repairing stones. Some pictures will show before and after views.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-2011. (c) THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: Burgess, Frederick Glenn (1936-2020) Carter, . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Bedford Chapel CemeteryEmpire Township, Section 30 WestAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah US Business 71, east on State Route E 3.5 miles to SR D, then north and east 0.8 miles to County Road 185, then north 2.6 miles on CR 185 to CR 188. Cemetery is on the northwest corner of intersection. There is a grass driveway north of the intersection.
Notes: Bedford Chapel Church was established in the late 1860s.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005 & 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005 & 2006. ©THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman). * Indicates African-Americans + Indicates obituary available
Updates, corrections and additions: . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Bashor CemeteryEmpire Township, Section 8 EastAndrew County, Missouri
Directions: North off US 169 on State Route M 3.1 miles to State Highway AA and County Road 229 intersection, then 0.8 mile east on CR 229 to driveway leading to private farm. Cemetery is north of CR 229 about 0.3 mile on farm fence line. Visitors must have landowner’s permission to visit site. Gates are electronically controlled by owner; there may be cattle in both pastures.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: Castro, Martin Van Buren (1842-1865) Morrison, Sarah ( __ – __ ) . . . [Yes! There’s more!]
Antioch Christian Church Cemetery AKA Lambright Cemetery, Frazee Cemetery Clay Township, Section 18 Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah north on US 71, 10.5 miles to State Route Y, then west 6.5 miles to County Road 7, south 0.5 mile to CR 6, from Fillmore north of SR H, which joins SR Y. Take SR Y northwesterly 6 miles to CR 7, then south on CR 7, 0.5 mile to CR 6. There are signs leading to the cemetery. The cemetery is on the south side of CR 6. It is neat and well-maintained.
Notes: AKA Lambright Cemetery or Frazee Cemetery
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton and Betty Halvorsen 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Updates, corrections and additions: (Edwards), Imo I. (1910-1997) Edwards, Charles . . . [Yes! There’s more!]