Date of Death: 12 Oct 1910
Subject: Susan (Shunk) Wright
Source: unknown, Oct 1910
After an illness of only six days, Mrs. Susan Wright passed away in death at the home of her son, Daniel Wright, near Rosendale, October 12, 1910. Her maiden name was Shunk.
She was born in Perry county, Ohio, August 4, 1824, and was therefore aged 86 years, 2 months and 8 days. In the year 1846 she was married to Edmond Wright, whose joys and sorrows she shared until May 5, 1878, when he passed away in death. There were seven children born to them, two of whom preceded her to the land beyond. One daughter died February 22, 1874, at the age of 25 years, another daughter died the same year, at six years of age. The living children are Isaac and Daniel Wright and Mrs. Susan Walker, all of Andrew county. She came with her husband to this county 62 years ago, and has ever since been a resident of the county. About 37 years ago she became a Christian, under the ministry of the late Elder William Trapp, at the old StoneChurch, south of Fillmore, near which place her home was for many years. In this faith she continued until called home. Besides her two sons and one daughter, she is survived by sixteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. At 10 o’clock a.m., Friday, October 14, a large number of neighbors and friends assembled at the home and after Elder Chapman had preached an appropriate funeral discourse, the aged body was brought to Savannah, and laid beside that of the companion of her early life.
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