Wood, Barbara (Brumbach)

Date of Death: 21 Jan 1866
Subject: Barbara (Brumbach) Wood
Source: unknown, written by J. F. S. Wood

Barbara (Brumbach) Wood, daughter of Henry and Mary Brumbach, and wife of William F. Wood was born May 15, 1800, in Page County Virginia, near Luray, where she grew to womanhood.

She always looked beautiful to me. She was medium height, above average in size and well formed. She had deep blue eyes, dark hair– but not black– and fair complexion.

As I remember her she was dignified and womanly. Her language was refined (chaste) and free from slang or vulgar jesting. Her manners were pleasant and homelike. She could give you a welcome and make you feel at home. She was a kind loving wife and mother. She was even tempered and self controlled. To say she was industrious, hardly expresses it. She was strong and healthful. She belonged to that sturdy German stock which came to this country in an early day, and was noted for its industry, economy and thrift.

In those days when the clothing and food was all taken from the farm, the people had something to do– they were not running over the country hunting work. I well remember my mother, evenings, at her little wheel till bed-time spinning flax or hemp into thread for our clothing.

Our mother had been raised by religious parents and was religiously inclined but was not a church-member till late in life. On Sundays after getting the children cleaned up for the Sabbath, she would get the big family Bible and her old-fashioned split-bottomed chair, lean the back against the wall, put her feet on the front round, the Bible in her lap and sit there and read. I wondered then what there was in that old book that interested her so much. I have that same old Bible now and prize it highly.

There was no Sunday School then, so the children were allowed to play on Sundays.

There was a preaching point five or six miles away. Father and mother sometimes attended. I think they assisted in the singing– they were both good singers and practiced at home.

Mother’s parents were Baptists. When she was about 57 years of age, she with her husband was baptized into the fellowship of the Union Grove Baptist Church in Andrew County, Mo. She was ever faithful to this covenant.

Mother was robust and bid fair to live to a ripe old age, but the death of her husband, and accumulated cares seemed to break her constitution. She carried her loved ones in her great loving heart, and her dear hands were never too tired to minister to their needs.

I have felt that it was this self-forgetfulness and untiring devotion that hastened her death.

On Thursday evening as she was walking thru the rooms, she suddenly dropped into a chair. I hastened to her. She was paralized. On the following Sunday night– Jan. 21, 1866, the struggle ended, and she passed on to the Mansions above to meet her Redeemer and see Him face to face, and be like Him.

Dear Mother

Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is fled
Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee Where no Farewell tear is shed.

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