Turpin, Edward

Date of Death: 23 Apr 1874
Subject: Edward Turpin
Source: Andrew County Republican, 1 May 1874, p. 1

Died. Turpin– On Saturday, April 23, 1874, at his residence on the East St. Joe road, three miles from Savannah, Edward Turpin, aged 67 years, 3 months and 5 days.

The deceased was an old citizen of Andrew county, having settled here in 1844. He was born in Kentucky, removed to Indiana when thirteen year[s] of age, whence he came to Missouri. Deceased was widely known in the county as a charitable, honorable man, and his death is mourned by a family consisting of an aged wife and five children. His remains were interred in the “Camp Ground” graveyard on Monday, the 27th.

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