Departed this life at his late residence, seven miles northwest of Stewartsville, Missouri, on Thursday, the 22d day of August, 1872, after a short illness, Mr. Thomas Rankin Thornton, aged 44 years. Mr. Thornton was born in Callaway county, Missouri, in the year 1828. When about sixteen years old his parents moved to what is now De Kalb county, where he resided at the time of his death.
Mr. Thornton was a man of unblemished character and unquestioned integrity, and was universally beloved by all who knew him. Several years before his death he made a profession of religion, and has since lived an exemplary christian. His sickness was short and he bore it with christian fortitude, and gave unmistakable evidence that he was prepared to meet his God. He leaves a large family and an extensive circle of friends to mourn his loss.
J. C.
St. Joseph Daily Gazette, 28 Aug 1872, p. 4
Submitted by Monica Schirmer Eshelman
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