Date of Death: 25 Sep 1916
Subject: Alexander Fleet Russell
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 6 Oct 1916, p. 2
The entire county was shocked Monday evening to hear that A. F. Russell had died suddenly. He had been to Savannah that afternoon preparing for his hog sale on October 24.
He left town about 4 o’clock and he and Mrs. Russell and the man who stays there had enjoyed their supper and were sitting about talking in a very pleasant manner about the affairs of the day, and about 9 o’clock Mr. Russell said he was tired and with that breathed his last breath, and would have fallen had not Mrs. Russell came [sic] to his support. He never enjoyed rugged health, but had been in very good health during the past year.
Mr. Russell was one of the pioneer fine hog men in the county, having had his first Duroc-Jersey hog sale just twenty years ago. He was enterprising and prosperous and respected. His neighbors, who lived him, were his pallbearers and a large crowd was present to do homage to his life at the funeral at the Christian church, Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. Rev. A. R. Hunt gave the address from the text, “Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not what hour the bridegroom cometh.” He was young enough to accomplish much more here and will be greatly missed.
Alexander Fleet Russell was born near Taylorsville, Spencer county, Kentucky, October 29, 1857, and died at his country home, about seven miles west of Savannah, September 25, 1916, being at the time of death 58 years, 10 months and 25 days old.– Savannah Reporter, September 29.
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