Riley, Mrs. Emma

Date of Death: 25 Oct 1882
Subject: Mrs. Emma Riley
Source: unknown, 1882

Died, on the morning of the 25th of October, at the residence of her daughter, in Andrew county, Mo., Mrs. Emma C. Riley, in the 83rd year of her age. She was the widow of Benj. W. Riley, a prominent Baptist preacher, who settled in Clay county, near Mount Gilead, in 1826. The subject of this sketch was born in Loudon county, Va., in the year 1800. Was married in 1818. Her husband died in Clinton county, near Holt, in the year 1841, and she remained a widow to the time of her death. She leaves behind her eight children, and a great number of grand children and great grandchildren. She died of old age– the lamp of life having burned so low that when she expired it was without warning. Her life was as perfect an exemplification of her Christian profession as it is possible for humanity to attain in this world. And thus it is that one by one the links that bind this generation to the past are broken.

John T. Riley

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