William Pittman, a prominent farmer of Grant Township, residing about one-half mile from Fairport, was born in Knox County, Ohio, on February 19, 1833. He is the eldest of six children born to A. and Sarah (Boyce) Pittman, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former born in 1803, and the latter in 1816. The paternal grandfather was Benjamin Pittman, who was a soldier in the War of 1812. The maternal grandfather was Adam Boyce, a Quaker. The father removed with his parents to Knox County, Ohio, when a boy of twelve years. He came to Missouri in 1883, and died in De Kalb County in June, 1884. The mother died in Ohio in 1844. Both parents were members of the Baptist Church. William was reared on the farm. His education was begun in the common schools, but finished in Dennison University, Ohio. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F of the Eighty-first Ohio Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, and was made orderly sergeant of his company. He served with this company three and one-half years, and was then mustered out, and commissioned by President Lincoln as assistant adjutant general, and assigned to duty with the Second Brigade of the Fourth Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps, and was subsequently on duty with the Third Brigade, and next with the Fourth Division of the same corps at headquarters, as adjutant to Gen. Corse. He was mustered out August 15, 1865, and returned to Ohio. He immigrated to De Kalb County. Mo., in the fall of 1865, and located where he now resides. The first three years after removing to Missouri he taught school during the winter season, but since then has given his attention exclusively to farming. He served as road commissioner of the county for three years, and as justice of the peace for three terms. He is a member of John Williams Post, No. 218, G. A. R. On December 31, 1854, he was united in marriage with Rebecca Stephens, who was born in Pennsylvania on January 19, 1834. She is the daughter of John Stephens. They have had eight children, of whom seven are living.
Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), p. 577.
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