Date of Death: 6 Mar 1901
Subject: Clarence Ray Muir
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 22 Mar 1901, p. 2
When we see a precious blossom, That we tended with such care, Rudely taken from our bosom, How our aching hearts despair. ‘Round its little grave we linger, ‘Till the setting sun is low, Feeling all our hopes have perished, With the flower we cherised [sic] so. We shall sleep but not forever; There will be a glorious dawn; We shall meet to part, no never,– On the resurrection morn.
Little Ray, only child of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Muir, was born January 9 [sic], 1900, and died March 6, 1901, aged 1 year, 1 month and 6 days. This tender bud blossomed on earth to live but a short time. He was the pride of the family; his little face and bright eyes were so dear to all, but God, in his great wisdom, saw fit to take him from earth, to bloom in that eternal city not made with hands. How much sunshine he brought into that home, or how it wrung his parent’s [sic] hearts to give him up, none know or can even imagine, except those who have passed through a similar experience. But little Ray was to die, leaving sorrow-stricken parents and very near relatives; for the sting of death had set its seal by breaking the tender chord of life, and the tired little lamb fell to sleep:– “Safe in the arms of Jesus.” If we could but look through the Pearly Gates and see him robed among white robed angels, our sorrow would be quickly over, and we would not bring him back for a moment’s time– we would not disturb one day of heavenly job for life on earth. It is true we all long for the touch of a vanished hand and for a voice that now is still; yet God’s will, not ours, be done, for he hath said “suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.” Life, at best, is only a little span, just a few days and this life is ended. Words from us come as cold comfort to those bereft of their little one, and we can but these sad parents and relatives to Him, who comforts and cares for all.
The beautiful white casket was covered with lovely floral offerings, which showed the sympathy, love and respect that the neighbors held the mourning ones. Funeral services were conducted at the Gravel Wall church in Andrew county, by Rev. Clark, of Fillmore. The remains were carried but a short distance to the cemetery, where baby was laid to rest in his deep and narrow bed, to await the first call on resurrection morn.
Not now, but in the coming years, It may be in the better land, We’ll read the meaning of our tears And there, sometime, we’ll understand. Then trust in God thro’ all thy days: Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand; Tho’ dark thy way, still sing and praise; Sometime, sometime we’ll understand.
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