Montgomery, John

Date of Death: 28 Aug 1875
Subject: John Montgomery
Source: Andrew County Republican, 3 Sep 1875, p. 1

On the 22nd [sic] of August, at 11 o’clock p.m., John Montgomery, in the 84th year of his age, after a protracted sickness of over three months, passed quietly away to the spirit land. He was universally admired by all who knew him for his high moral qualities and his uprightness as a citizen. He was born in Ireland, moved to this country when a boy and located near Wheeling, Va. He was always a strong uncompromising Democrat, and while living in Monroe county, Ohio, was the leader of Democracy in that county, and held several political offices. Yet when the flag was about to be dishonored in the spring of 1861 old Father Montgomery was found a true and firm defender of his adopted country and offered one of his sons as a sacrifice. He had been a citizen of Andrew county 19 years. He was followed to his grave by both old and young of his neighborhood, and lamented by all.


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