McGinnis, Mary Jane (Morrow)

Date of Death: 5 Apr 1874
Subject: Mary Jane (Morrow) McGinnis
Source: Andrew County Republican, 15 May 1874, p. 1

Died. McGinnis– In Clay township, some three weeks ago, the wife of Elder Smith McGinnis, aged about 70 years, of the Free Will Baptist Church, formerly from Kentucky.

Source: same

Died of spinal meningitis, Mary Jane, wife of Smith McGinnis, April 5th, 1874, Andrew county, Mo.

After having lived the life of the righteous for many years, it has pleased a just God to call our beloved sister from labor here to the rest prepared for the people of God. May her meek Christian spirit be imitated by those with whom she mingled in life.

Resolutions By Gravelwall Grange

At a regular meeting of the Gravelwall Grange No. 867, of the Patrons of Husbandry, May 2, A. D. 1874, the following resolutions were presented by a committee and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in the death of sister McGinnis this Grange has lost a kind friend, her husband a loving companion, and her children an affectionate mother;

Resolved: That the Secretary of this Grange be instructed to publish these resolutions in the Andrew County Republican.

F. Snyder, Sec’y

John Rankin, Committee

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