McBrien Cemetery

McBrien Cemetery
AKA Best Cemetery
Benton Township, Section 21
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From State Route E, north on SR C 8.0 miles to 48 highway. West on Highway 48 2.0 miles to County Road 136. North on 136 for 2.0 miles to pasture gate on west side of road. West through pasture for 0.3 miles to cemetery on the north of the fence line. There is no gate here, but there is a large hole in the fence at the very east end where one can crawl under and into the cemetery. This pasture is not on the cemetery land.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Nadine Taylor and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).


Beginning at NW Corner
Direction of Row Photograph(s)
1 north to south 008-018
2 south to north 019-024
3 north to south 025-033, 035, 036
4 south to north 037-047
5 north to south 049-079
6 south to north 080-090, 130, 091, 034, 092-107
7 north to south 108-129, 166, 131-138, 148, 139-144,
153, 146, 147, 149-154
8 south to north 156-168
9 north to south 169-214
Name Inscription Photograph(s)
McBrien Cemetery 001 003 004 005
006 007 049 085
215 216 217 218
Armstrong, Susan Susan E. Oct. 10, 1839 – Mar. 23, 1922
193 194
Best, Benjamin Benj’n Best
Jan. 7, 1862
aged 9 Mo’s
091 034
Best, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of Henry Best
Died Dec. 5, 1868
AE. 61 Y 8 M & 10 Ds
Erected by Jas. Best
189 190
Best, Henry Henry Best
Died Oct. 5, 1867,
Aged 65 ys 6 ms 1 Day
He was a member of the Baptist Church 34 years.
191 192
Best, infant Infant son of J. H. & H. J. Best
Born Dec. 19, 1853,
Died Dec. 31, 1853
187 188
Best, Isaac R. Isaac R. Best
Died Aug. 10, 1886
Aged 55 Y 6 M 15 D
094 095
Best, James K. P. James K. P. Best
Died Aug. 14, 1856
Aged 10 Y’rs 8 M’s 28 D’s
182 183
Best, John H. John H. Best
Apr. 9, 1825 – July 8, 1906
He was a Baptist minister for 50 years.
Best, Lillie J. My Wife Lillie J.
wife of Eld. John H. Best
Died May 11, 1894
Aged 61 y’s 11 m’s 25 d’s
My wife is gone,
She lies beneath the sod,
Dear mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
207 208 209 210
Best, Linn Linn Best
Born Jan. 19, 1874
Died Aug. 15, [stone broken]
195 196
Best, Nancy? J. [stone broken]
J. H. & L. J. Best
Born Sep. 9, 1859
Died April 21, 1861
197 198
Best, Rebecca Rebecca
wife of Isaac R. Best
Died Aug. 13, 1866,
Aged 28 Y’s 4 m’s 28 d’s
Cobb, Marion Marion
wife of Asa Cobb
Died Jan. 10, 1871
Aged 53 y’rs 8 mo’s 24 d’s
037 038
Davis, Eva Eva
dau. of I. R. & T. E. Davis
Died Feb. 27, 1880
Aged 1 m 2 w 4 d
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.
202 203 204 205 206
Diggs, Ester Ester Diggs
born Dec. 30, 1830
died July 19, 1896
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
019 020 021
Diggs, Laura Belle Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Laura Belle
dau. of E. & E. Diggs
Died Mar. 29, 1872
Aged 1 Y 7 M 18 D
This lovely bud so young and fair
Called hence by early doom
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise would bloom.
022 023 024
Gee, Leora We loved and lost her.
dau. of R. & N. Gee
Died Jan. 8, 1882
Aged 8 ms 21 ds
They are going [ever] going,
Leaving many a lonely spot,
But tis Jesus who has called them
Suffer and forbid them not.
Little hearts forever stainless
Little hands as pure as they
Little feet by angels guided,
Never a forbidden way
042 043 044 045 046 047
Gee, Nettie E. Nettie E. Gee
Died April 26, 1893
Aged 4 y’rs 9 mo’s & 19 days
When we leave this world of changes,
When we leave this world of care,
We shall find our missing loved one,
In our father’s mansion fair.
039 040 041
Gray, Oscar N. Oscar N.
son of Elisha & M. J. Gray
Born Apr. 14, 1884
Died Feb. 9, 1885
199 200
Hall, Walter B. Walter B.
son of I. D. & M. Hall
Died Sept. 28, 1873
Aged 2 Yrs 8 Mo 11 D
031 032 033
Harris, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of Jas. Harris
Died [stone broken, missing]
… [y]ears
058 059 060
Harris, James [James] Harris
Died Mar. 12, 1876;
Aged 77 Y 11 M 17 D
061 062 063
Headlee, Elizabeth Our Mother’s Grave
wife of John Headlee
Died Jan. 30, 1871,
Aged 50 yr’s 5 m’s 25 d’s
160 161 162 163
Headlee, Elizabeth A. Elizabeth A.
dau. of G. M. & R. M. Headlee
Died Jan. 11, 1869,
Aged 1 M & 27 Ds
135 136
Headlee, Ephriam Farewell
Ephriam Headlee
Born Jan. 15, 1854
Died Aug. 10, 1873
Headlee, George M George M. Headlee
Died April 24, 1869
Aged 29 y’s 7 m’s 8 d’s
137 138 148
Headlee, infants Two infants
Dearest sons of J. & E. Headlee
149 150
Headlee, John John Headlee
Born July 4, 1862
Died Sept. 6, 1863
Headlee, John John Headlee
Died Feb. 2, 1862
Aged 46 y’rs 5 mo’s 27 d’s
Headlee, John? M. [stone broken]n M.
son of G. M. & R. M. Headlee
Died Nov. 1, 1867,
Aged 8 M & 14 Ds
146 147
Headlee?, Joseph [Jo]seph H…
[born] Apr. 7, 1860
Died Mar. 28, 1866
141 142
Hurd, William L. Wm. L. Hurd
Died May 12, 1880
Aged 40 Y’s 2 m’s & 15 d’s
008 009
Hurd, Willie W. Willie W.
son of Wm. & Ang[eline Hurd]
Died June 8, 1878
Aged 8 Y’rs 2 Mo’s 16 D’s
Sleep on dear Willie take thy rest,
God will raise thee with the blest.
015 016 017 018
Kellogg, Sarah Sarah –
wife of Nathaniel Kellogg
Oct. 6, 1835 – Dec. 3, 1905
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
131 132
Lee, infant Daughter of S. E. & L. T. Lee
McAtee, Leanner Leanner
wife of Wm. I. McAtee
Died Apr. 28, 1887
Aged 69 Y 7 M 13 D
My dear husband do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
064 065 066 068 069
McAtee, W. F. W. F.
son of W. I. & L. McAtee
Aug. 1, 1854
July 4, 1894
070 071
McBrien, Eliza J. 1841-1910 119 120
McBrien, George George
son of J. M. & Eliza J. McBrien
Born Apr. 10, 1881
Died Mar. 11, 1889
Aged 7 Y 11 M 1 D
Rest little George in happiness rest
Mingling with angels we know thou art blest
Far from the trials that tempt us to stray
God in his mercy Has called thee away.
127 128 129 166
McBrien, James M. James M. McBrien
Died Apr. 19, 1885
Aged 46 Y’s 9 Mo & 22 Ds
121 122
McBrien, Josephine Josephine
dau. [of]
[stone broken, part missing]
June 6, 1871
Aged 7 Ys 8 Ms 3 Ds
124 125 126
McBrien, Lottie Z. Lottie Z.
wife of A. B. McBrien
108 111
McBrien, Nancy Nancy E/C.
dau. of J. M. & E. J. McBrien
Born Feb. 9, 1866,
Died June 2, 1871,
Aged 5 Ys 3 Ms 23 Ds
164 165
Montgomery, Eve Our Mother Eve
wife of J. Montgomery
Died Apr. 9, 1878
Aged 86 Y 1 M 12 D
Our father and mother is gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear parent th’o we miss you much,
we know you rest with God.
074 075 076 077
Montgomery, John+ Our Father John Montgomery
Died Aug. 28, 1875
Aged 83 Y’s 18 D’s
Our father and mother is gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear parent th’o we miss you much,
we know you rest with God.
074 077 078 079
Pettijohn, B. W. 1850-uncarved 025
Pettijohn, Charles Charles
son of B. W. & Sarah Pettijohn
died Feb. 12, 1906
aged 24 Y 11 M 18 D
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
035 036
Pettijohn, infant Infant son of B. W. & S. Pettijohn
born & died May 31, 1887
Pettijohn, Lawrence Lawrence
son of B. W. & S. Pettijohn
Died July 9, 1886
Aged 1 Y 2 M 7 D
Pettijohn, Sarah A. 1845-1912 025
Roberts, Benjamin Benjamin Roberts
Born July 24, 1811
Died Nov. 6, 1887
Aged 76 y 3 m 12 d
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod;
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
086 088 089
Roberts, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of Benjamin Roberts
Born Mar. 28, 1810
Died July 28, 1896
Aged 86 y’s 4 m’s
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod;
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
086 087 088
Roberts, Gideon Gideon Roberts
Died Oct. 19, 1859,
Aged 85 Y’s 21 D’s
090 130
S., J. F. [J. F. S. footstone] 153
Simmons, Edward Edward Simmons
Died Apr. 22, 1859
Aged 60 Y 9 M & 7 D
Our father and mother are gone
The voices we loved are stilled
Their places are vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
And though the body moulders here
Their souls are safe in Heaven.
080 081 084 085
Simmons, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of E. Simmons
Died May 2, 1890
Aged 82 Y 6 M & 6 D
Our father and mother are gone
The voices we loved are stilled
Their places are vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
And though the body moulders here
Their souls are safe in Heaven.
080 083 084
Simmons, James E. James E.
son of John & Rachel Simmons
Born Oct. 18, 1860
Died Nov. 17, 1860
Thou hast gone from [stone broken]
143 144
Simmons, Nancy A. Nancy A.
wife of Riley Simmons
Died May 23, 1875
Aged 40 Ys 6 Ms 3 Ds
I. B. Thompson St. Joe
178 179 180 181
Smith, Malinda Malinda
dau. of J. R. & M. J. Smith
Died Apr. 20, 1877
Aged 1 Y 11 M 24 D
Stephens, Lelia E. Lelia E.
dau. of Robt. L. & Martha E. Stephens
Died June 22, 1874
Aged 1 y 4 m 1 d
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.
010 011 012
Thompson, infant twins Children of W. J. & S. E. Thompson
Infant son and daughter
Born Apr. 25, 1874
Died Apr. 26, 1874
Gone but not forgotten.
112 114
Thompson, Mary J. Children of W. J. & S. E. Thompson
Mary J.
Died Sep. 20, 187…
Aged 10 Yr 6 Mo 7 Days
A light is from our household gone,
A voice we lov’d is stilled.
A place is vacant at our hearth,
That never can [be filled.]
Silas Latson Savannah, Mo.
112 115 116 117 118
Townsend, J. H. 1835-1917 072 073
Townsend, Malinda 1841-1921 072 073
Townsend, Margret L. Margret L.
dau. of J. H. & M. Townsend
Died Mar. 28, 1872
Aged 1 Yr. 15 ds
101 102
Townsend, Rebecca C. Rebecca C.
dau. of J. H. & M. Townsend
Died Apr. 8, 1867
Aged 1 m’o 20 d’s
Townsend, Theodosia Alice Theodosia Alice
dau. of Wm. M. & Permelia Townsend
Died May 14, 1871,
Aged [stone broken]
Turner, Charles O. Charles O.
son of W. M. & R. J. Turner
Died Feb. 3, 1891
Aged 2 Y 1 M & 10 D
Turner, Sarah M. Our Darling Sarah M.
Dau. of G. W. & N. J. Turner
Died Aug. 3, 1886
Aged 2 Yr 3 Mo 28 D
She has from us gone
Her place is vacant
There is an empty chair
There is an aching void within,
that nothing but death can ever fill.
103 104 105
unknown [Stone could not be turned over] 106 107
unknown 151
unknown fragment One …

… calling …
213 214
Vaught, David A. David A.
son of G. W. and Elvira E. Vaught
Died Nov. 25, 1872
Aged 16 Y’r 11 Mo’s 18 Days
[two stones]
055 056 057
Vaught, Elvira E. Elvira E.
wife of G. W. Vaught
Died Apr. 1, 1894
Aged 70 Yr 10 Mo 12 Days
051 052
Vaught, George W. George W. Vaught
Died May 11, 1888
Aged 73 y’s 4 m’s 26 D’s
053 054
Wallace, Agness Meet me in Heaven.
wife of Wm. Wallace
Died Dec. 25, 1877
Aged 51 y’s 7 m’s
169 170
Wallace, Emly Emly
Died Sep. 7, 1851
aged 3 mo’s
Children of Wm. & Agness Wallace
171 172 174 175
Wallace, Winfield S Winfield S.
Died Aug. 15, 1862,
Aged 9 m’s 28 d
Children of Wm. & Agness Wallace
171 173 174 176
Woodward, Kate Little Kate
daughter of W. H. & M. C. Woodward
Died Aug. 24, 1872
Aged 10 mo’s 17 d’s
013 014

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2006:

Amadon, Altha (Beardman)
Hall, Jeremiah
Hall, William
Headlee, infant daughter of J. & E.
McBrien, George M.
McBrien, John
McBrien, Joseph H.
McBrien, Spencer
Montgomery, John T.
Ritchey, Elim P.
Scurlock, George Newton
Simmons, Lillie M.
Stotts, James H.
Tetrick, Ida V. O.
Turner, James A.
Turner, Sarah Lizzie
Turner, William Milton
Vaught, John H.

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