Lynd, Andrew

Andrew Lynd. One of the capable and prosperous farmers of Latah County is named at the head of this article, and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to incorporate an epitome of his career in this volume, since he has labored long for the upbuilding of the country and has conducted himself in a commendable manner. Mr. Lynd was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, on September 21, 1848, being the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Tipton) Lynd, the father a native of Ohio, born in 1816, and the mother born in Virginia in 1820. Mr. Tipton was born in North Carolina in 1807 and died in Latah County. The parents of our subject removed to Illinois when he was a lad of five, and thence they went to Ringgold County, Iowa, took land and farmed for three years and then removed to Andrew County, Missouri. Three years were spent there, and then they went to Washington County, Kansas, and in 1858 took a homestead. Our subject attended school there and worked with his parents, also doing freighting on the plains. The family home remained in that place in Kansas until 1883, when the father sold out and migrated overland to Latah County. He took up the farm where Andrew now lives, ten miles east from Palouse. The next year our subject came to Latah County and purchased a piece of land near Palouse and farmed it for eleven years. When the father died the old homestead was sold, and seven years since the subject of this article purchased it. It consists of one hundred and seventy acres, and is well improved, and produces abundance of timothy hay. Also Mr. Lynd owns another quarter section of good land.

The marriage of Mr. Lynd and Miss Mary M., daughter of Henry and Rebecca (Harlan) Gray, was solemnized on November 16, 1873, and they have become the parents of the following children: Alice E., deceased; Albert J., deceased; Millie, teaching in Latah County; Francis M., deceased; and the rest are all at home,-Elsie, Seth J., Harvey H., Reuben B., Homer J., Mary B. Mrs. Lynd was born in Putnam County, Indiana, on October 1, 1856, and she had one brother, Andrew, now deceased. Her father was born in Putnam County, Indiana, and her mother was also born in Indiana, her birthday being January 11, 1832. The brothers and sisters of Mr. Lynd are as follows: Jane, deceased; Mary A. wife of William Bastow; Amanda, wife of P. Hanshaw, of Salem; Charles, in Ellis County, Kansas; Rebecca, wife of Ralph Traver, in Oregon; Elizabeth, wife of F. H. Brown, in Whitman County; Julia, wife of David Gover, in Oregon; Phoebe; Celia, deceased; Effie, wife of J. J. Hafer, in Latah County; Laura, wife of Theo. Smith, of Oregon; Samuel, in Walla Walla; Massam, in Walla Walla and James, in Palouse. Mr. and Mrs. Lynd are members of the Baptist Church at Palouse, and for that institution he liberally gave two hundred dollars in gold for the first building. He has always been faithful in the support of the faith. Politically Mr. Lynd is always active and is also a member of the school board. He believes in diversified farming and each year he clears upward of three hundred dollars on his hogs alone, being also prosperous in other lines as well.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho Embracing Nez Perces, Idaho, Lathan, Kootenai, and Shoshone Counties, State of Idaho, 1903
Submitted: Monica Schirmer Eshelman

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