LaVerna Heights Cemetery
Savannah, Nodaway Township, Section 16
Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Highway 71, at south edge of Savannah, go west on Park Avenue approximately 2 blocks, on LaVerna Heights property. West of buildings, south of road approximately 100 feet. Fenced, walk through, beautifully kept.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005-12. ©THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Row Beginning at NE |
Inscription | Photograph(s) |
1 | North to south | 07, 06, 33- 35 |
2 | North to south | 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40- 47 |
3 | North to south | 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 |
4 | North to south | 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 48 |
5 | North to south | 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 49-55 |
6 | North to south | 32, 56-62 |
* Indicates African-Americans
Name | Inscription | Photograph(s) |
LaVerna Cemetery | 01 02 03 04 05 | |
Aurbacher, Sr. M. Nivarda | Born 1903 Prof. 1931 Died Jan 20, 1985 |
50 |
Bachmaier, Sr. M. Josefine | Born 1910 Prof. 1930 Died April 4, 1982 |
53 |
Bauer, Sr. M. Donata | Born 1881 Prof. 1904 Died 1932 |
15 |
Bayer, Sr. M. Martha | Born 1892 Prof. 1935 Died Feb. 28, 1977 |
45 |
Bergmann, Sr. Magdalene | Born 1910 Prof 1934 Died April 23, 2005 |
63 |
Book, Sr. M. Joseph | Born 1907 Prof. 1927 Died April 27, 1989 |
21 |
Braun, Sr. Catherine | Born 1919 Prof. 1951 Died December 5, 2009 |
67 |
Brennan, Sr. Rebecca Bonita | Born 1946 Prof. 1964 Died Aug. 4, 2005 |
64 |
Bresson, Sr. M. Eucharia | Born 1906 Prof. 1929 Died May 6, 1969 |
42 |
Cassidy, Sr. Margaret Mary | Born 1901 Prof. 1930 Died March 10, 1995 |
27 |
Cindrich, Sr. M. Rose | Born 1912 Prof. 1936 Died July 13, 1998 |
56 |
Cole, Mary Ellen | Loving Mother Mary Ellen Cole Nov. 16, 1925 Dec. 18, 1997 |
25 |
Conole, Sr. M. Caroline | Born 1900 Prof. 1935 Died Sept. 23, 1982 |
52 |
Damberger, Sr. M. Quirina | Born 1904 Novice Died 1928 |
13 |
Dankesreiter, Sr. M. Clara | Born 1906 Prof. 1929 Died April 10, 2000 |
55 |
Doyle, Sr. M. Theresa | Born 1908 Prof. 1928 Died Sept. 2, 1985 |
49 |
Dunne, Rev. John F. | Ordained Dec. 1928 1905 – 1964 |
06 |
Eberl, Sr. M. Amanda | Born 1885 Prof. 1908 Died 1937 |
36 |
Eder, Sr. M. Reinholda | Born 1905 Prof. 1928 Died August 22, 2011 |
70 |
Espert, Sr. M. Annunciata | Born 1909 Prof. 1930 Died July 24, 2002 |
35 |
Feichtenschlager, Mother M. Pia | Born 1876 Prof. 1897 Died July 22, 1949 |
34 |
Gantner, Sr. M. Gemma | Born 1907 Prof. 1945 Died Oct 28, 1983 |
51 |
Gering, Sr. M. Stanislaus | Born 1914 Prof. 1936 Died Feb. 7, 1995 |
28 |
Glashauser, Sr. M. Jovita | Born 1909 Prof. 1928 Died 1931 |
14 |
Glauber, Sr. M. Heriberta | Born 1879 Prof. 1903 Died 1944 |
17 |
Goderer, Sr. M. Bernilda | Born 1911 Prof. 1931 Died Oct. 28, 1992 |
61 |
Graff, Sr. M. Immaculata | Born 1911 Prof. 1930 Died July 17, 1991 |
19 |
Grovijohn, Sister M. Ancilla (Cecilia) | Sep 24 1920 – Apr 6 2016 | |
Hager, Sr. M. Blasé | Born 1878 Prof. 1908 Died 1950 |
38 |
Hall, Sr. Dorthie Anne | Born 1918 Prof 1980 Died December 16, 2010 |
68 |
Hofmann, Sr. M. Ottilia | Born 1889 Prof 1919 Died 1948 |
18 |
Hohenwarter, Sr. M. Archangela | Born 1860 Prof. 1894 Died 1941 |
37 |
Kepplinger, Sr. M. Patricia | Born 1891 Prof. 1921 Died Feb. 17, 1976 |
39 |
Knoflach, Sr. M. Theodosia | Born 1879 Prof. 1908 Died 1961 |
09 |
Kronegger, Sr. Stilla M. | Born 1913 Prof. 1936 Died Dec. 29, 2003 |
40 |
Lafoy, Robert Allen | Baby Son Robert Allen Lafoy Apr 23, 1981 Apr. 25, 1981 |
31 |
Lauer, Sr. M. Lidwina | Born 1900 Prof. 1930 Died Dec. 17, 1981 |
54 |
Lehrhuber, Sr. M. Elizabeth | Born 1905 Prof. 1929 Died 1958 |
41 |
Lohmer, Sr. Joan | Born 1909 Prof 1932 Died Feb. 28, 2006 |
65 |
Long, Sr. Marie | Born 1926 Prof. 1954 Died July 1, 2011 |
69 |
Lynch, Sr. Judith Kay | Born 1945 Prof. 1970 Died 2007 |
66 |
Lyons, Frances T. | Frances T. Lyons Oct. 10, 1918 Oct. 9, 1966 |
24 |
Magrum, Sr. Virginia | Born 1920 Prof. 1940 Died Nov. 18, 2003 |
12 |
Maier, Sr. M. Melita | Born 1906 Prof. 1928 Died Sept. 19, 1988 |
22 |
Mainville, Michael Joseph | Michael Joseph Mainville Aug. 23, 1965 March 27, 2000 |
07 |
Mairinger, Sr. M. Agnes | Born 1881 Prof. 1904 Died 1958 |
08 |
Mead, Sr. M. Antoinette | Born 1917 Prof. 1936 Died April 30, 1998 |
57 |
Meisinger, Sr. M. Beata | Born 1884 Prof. 1907 Died 1974 |
11 |
Moeck, Theresa M. | Theresa M. Moeck Oct. 1, 1992 Asleep in Jesus |
32 |
Moedl, Sr. M. Bartholomew | Born 1902 Prof. 1921 Died Nov. 3, 1993 |
29 |
Moedl, Sr. M. Gerarda | Born 1904 Prof. 1925 Died March 14, 1978 |
23 |
Murray, Sr. M. Fidelis | Born 1906 Prof. 1944 Died May 31, 1990 |
20 |
Nini, Sr. M. Frieda | Born 1914 Prof. 1836 Died Nov. 2, 2001 |
47 |
Nuissl, Sr. M. Maximiliana | Born 1878 Prof . 1903 Died 1940 |
16 |
Oechsle, Sr. M. Assunta | Born 1909 Prof. 1937 Died April 11, 1998 |
58 |
Posch, Sr. M. Celine | Born 1923 Prof. 1943 Died July 20, 1999 |
62 |
Probst, Sr. M. Virgilia | Born 1881 Prof. 1901 Died 1967 |
10 |
Reichert, Sr. Mary Ellen | Died June 22, 2013 | Reported |
Richard, Sr. M. Paula | Born 1913 Prof. 1950 Died 1975 |
43 |
Schneglberger, Mother M. Concordia | Born 1897 Prof. 1918 Died Feb. 25, 1969 |
33 |
Schroepf, Sr. M. Emmanuela | Born 1885 Prof. 1909 Died Jan. 22, 1976 |
44 |
Schweiger, Sr. M. Hilda | Born 1911 Prof. 1931 Died July 31, 1997 |
59 |
Stuckenschneider, Sr. M. Veronica | Born 1902 Prof. 1943 Died Aug. 24, 1998 |
26 |
VanZetti, Marie I. Thomas | Marie I. Thomas Van Zetti Feb. 26, 1905 March 2, 1989 |
30 |
Vierling, Sr. Bernadette | Born 1915 Prof. 1936 Died Dec. 9, 2003 |
48 |
Waugh, Sr. M. Agatha | Born 1903 Prof. 1938 Died Nov. 4, 1978 |
46 |
Weiss, Sr. M. Meinolfa | Born 1910 Prof. 1936 Died April 21, 1997 |
60 |
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