Keeves, Mary (Wilson)

Date of Death: 11 Jan 1903
Subject: Mary V. (Wilson) Keeves
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 30 Jan 1903, p. 1

The passing away of a woman who has made the worth better for having lived in it,
and who has been all that a wife and mother to her family and a true warm hearted
friend to all who came near her, could be, as Mrs. Mary V. Keeves has been, must
needs be told in your columns to stimulate and strengthen other noble spirited women
by her example. Mary V. Wilson was born Mary c, 1833, in the state of Virginia,
where she lived with her parents until 1854, when she married Anthony S. Keeves
and lived with him until May, 1898, when he was called to his Maker. It was said
of him: "Amid the temptations, trials and vicissitudes of his long career,
he kept untarnished and unsullied the bright escutcheon of his knightly honor."
He said of his wife many times: "All that I am I owe to the counsel and companionship
of my wife." Their forty five years of association was not as naught. Men live
lives of credit and are lauded, but women who have lives of strenuous effort and
succeeded in doing their duty by their home and surroundings go almost unnoticed.
Perhaps it is because the effect of their efforts is seen only in another, who gets
the credit as being self made. Be that as it may, women, like Mrs. Keeves, will
go on undaunted, with an unselfish devotion, something akin to godliness, in their
own quiet noble spirited ways, uplifting, purifying and strengthening mankind. —
Savannah Reporter.

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