Hurst, Elizabeth (Forney)

Date of Death: 20 Nov 1907
Subject: Elizabeth Frances (Forney) Hurst
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 6 Dec 1907, p. 8

Elizabeth Frances Hurst (nee Forney), daughter of Peter and Barbara Forney, was born in Holmes county, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1846. Died Nov. 20, 1907, aged 61 years, 1 month and 19 days.

She came from Ohio with her parents to Missouri in 1849, where she has lived ever since. She was afflicted with catarrh for several years, which finally deranged her mind, and it seemed expedient to remove her from her home to a local hospital in St. Joseph on the 22nd day of July last, for treatment, where she died, Nov. 20, 1907.

She was converted and joined the United Brethren church when she was yet a young girl, and remained a faithful consistent member until death.

She was married to John E. Hurst in 1872, who, with one brother, four sons and one daughter are left to mourn her departure. Three brothers, one sister and two daughters having preceded her to that better land. She was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery at Fillmore, where she awaits the Resurrection Morn. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Atkisson, pastor of the U. B. church, at Maitland. The services were held in the M. E. church in Fillmore. A host of friends and relatives were in attendance.

“She is gone to be with Jesus And will sorrow never more, For she occupies a mansion On that bright eternal shore. Some have gone on before her, And others are now on the way, Soon we’ll all get home to glory And no partings will mar our stay.”

J. H. A.

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