Herring, Joel C.

Joel C. Herring, a good farmer of Sheridan Township, was born in Buchanan County, Mo., on November 6, 1843. He is the son of Creed and Eliza (Board) Herring, both natives of Kentucky, the former born in 1810, and the latter in 1820. They were married in Shelby County, Ky., about 1835, after which they immigrated to Missouri, and engaged in agricultural pursuits in Buchanan County, where the father died August 4, 1885. The mother is still living in that county. The father was a successful farmer, and in politics, a Democrat. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The mother is a member of that church. Joel C. is the fourth of seven children. He grew to manhood on his father’s farm, and received a common-school education. His whole life has been devoted to farming and stock raising. On September 29, 1870, he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Vestal, who was born in Buchanan County, Mo., on August 10, 1841. Her parents were Daniel and Mary J. Vestal. After marriage Mr. Herring spent about two years in Buchanan County, then one year in the Indian Territory, in the Cherokee Nation. The year following he lived in Andrew County, Mo. He then came to De Kalb County, and settled where he now resides. In 1883 he and wife visited the Colorado Springs, in Colorado, for the latter’s health. He owns 360 acres in the home tract and fifty in Buchanan County. Politically he is a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. They have had five children born as follows: Elmer L., February 2, 1872; Edward, April 18, 1884; Henry C., May 21, 1877, died May 9, 1879; Joel C., born November 16, 1878, died August 9, 1881; Emma, November 16, 1882, died on December 16, 1883.

Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), p. 566.

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