Harbert W. Haynes, an attorney at law in Stewartsville, De Kalb Co., Mo., was born in Russell County, Ky., May 14, 1821. He is the son of John and Elizabeth (Harlem) Haynes, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Kentucky. They lived in Russell County, Ky., at the time of their death. Harbert W. was reared on the farm, and at the age of eighteen his father apprenticed him to a cabinet-maker at Danville, Ky., for three years for his board and clothes. At the expiration of the three years, he engaged in business for himself in Russell County, Ky. In 1848 he engaged in house-joining and carpentering, continuing until 1853, at which time he went to Carthage, Tenn. After spending four years at that place, he removed to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, were he remained until the, spring of 1858, when he came to Stewartsville, Mo., and followed carpentering until the breaking out of the war. In 1862 he enlisted in the Federal army, joining Company H, Fourth Missouri M. I. M. Cavalry. Remaining in the army two years, he returned home, but being unable to work at his trade on account of injuries received during his service in the war, he began to practice law before the justice courts. He was admitted to the bar in Maysville, Mo., September 26, 1868. On April 11, 1843, he was wedded to Miss Lillie A. Hunt, of Wayne County, Ky. They have had eight children, two of whom are dead. Henry C. married Jane Gilmore, William H. married Sophia Orzenberger, Fannie J. is the wife of Robert H. Buster, Lillie E. is the wife of Moses Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes have been members of the Missionary Baptist Church for forty years. In 1882 he was elected county prosecuting attorney, holding the office two years. During his term of office he drew fifty-six indictments, all of which were sustained. He never continued a State case, but was always ready for trial. In politics he is a Republican, and a strong advocate of temperance. At this time he is engaged in writing a book for publication to be entitled “Haynes’ Astronomy.” Prof. Haynes position on the subject is: First, That the Bible is uniform in its statements that the sun does rise and go down-not in appearance, but in fact. Second, that the earth is motionless, and hence is stationary and at rest.
Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), pp. 564-565.
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