MAYSVILLE, Mo. — Double services will be held here today for two children fatally burned in a gunpowder explosion.
The victims were Skyler Vaughn, four, son of John Vaughn, Maysville, and Roxann Jean Cochran, two, daughter of Mrs. Leahetta Cochran, Maysville, and Donald Cochran of Amity.
The boy was the little girl’s uncle.
Mr. Vaughn is president of the Grand River Muzzle Loaders Club.
An explosion resulted when the children played with a can of gunpowder and some matches Friday afternoon at the home in Maysville.
Both died Friday night at a hospital in Cameron.
A bed was set on fire in the mishap and the interior of the home was damaged.
Skyler Vaughn’s mother, Mrs. Barbara Vaughn, died last summer. Two of his brothers drowned in a farm pond a year ago last July.
In addition to his father, the Vaughn child is survived by two brothers, George and Jimmy Vaughn, of the home, and four sisters, Mrs. Leahetta Cochran (mother of the girl who died), Johanna Vaughn, Betty Belle Vaughn and Barbara Ann Vaughn, all of the home.
The Rev. Charles Hutsler will conduct the services this afternoon at 2 at the Maysville Methodist Church. Burial will be in the Sharp cemetery at Maysville. The bodies are at the Bram mortuary here.
Source: Saint Joseph News-Press, 13 February 1966, p. 1
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