Fillmore Cemetery

Section 4

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Views of Section 4 523 524
Allison, James T. Farewell
James T. Allison
Died Apr. 5, 1876;
Aged 65 y 2 m 27 d
Dear companion remember me as you pass by
As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be,
[Prepare for death and follow me.]
502 503 504
Alloway, Frances Duncan Mother Frances Duncan Alloway
Ashworth, Agnes M. Proffit 1904-1928 208
Ayers, Rufus (west)
Loving Remembrance
Rufus Ayers
Died Apr. 12, 1892
Aged 71 y 10 m 3 d
My husband is gone,
He lies beneath the sod,
Dear father, tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
183 184 185 206
Ayres, Sarah Ann Sarah Ann Ayres
Born May 22, 1822
Died Nov. 15, 1896
Aged 74 y 5 m 23 d
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given,
And tho’ the body moulders here
The soul is safe in Heaven.
186 187 216 217
Ayres, Willie Willie
son of W. F. & M. L. Ayres
Died July 22, 1879
Aged [1/7 M] 6 D
365 365a
Baker, Eliza M. (north)
Eliza M.
wife of Wesley Baker
Born May 23, 1814
Died Nov. 1, 1888
In loving remembrance of Mother & Son
Beloved if God so Loved us we ought also
to love one another.
292 293 294
Baker, Erren (east)
In loving remembrance of Mother & Son
Beloved if God so Loved us we ought also
to love one another.
son of J. W. Baker
Born Feb. 6, 1876,
Died Sep. 21, 1877
292 294 297
Baker, John W. Holy Bible
John W. Baker
Died Sept. 24, 1875;
Aged 47 ys 8 ms 20 d
A loved one has gone from our circle
On earth we will meet him no more
He has gone to his home in heaven
And all his afflictions are o’er.
376 377 378
Baker, Lucinda Lucinda
wife of C. C. Baker
Died Aug. 31, 1872;
Aged 76 y’rs 7 mo’s 27 d’s
379 380
Baker, Robert S. Robert S.
son of Geo. & Alice Baker
Died July 30, 1885
Aged 1 Y 9 M 5 D
Bartling, Bertha E. Mother Bertha E. Bartling
Beale, Mary (north)
wife of Samuel S. Beale
Died Mar. 22, 1882
Aged 66 Ys 1 M 6 Ds
John Borer’s widow, S. S. Beale’s
wife, Death … life … is made …
Cherish …
156 158 154 210 157 153
Beasley, Clary Clary Beasley
Dec. 20, 1878
Sep. 9, 1892
Beasley, Dick Dick Beasley
born Aug. 27, 1887
died Oct. 4, 1918
Beasley, Eppilinda Berry Eppilinda Berry
wife of Theodore Beasley
Nov. 27, 1849
Mar. 27, 1892
Beasley, Eva Eva Beasley
Mar. 20, 1870
Nov. 28, 1892
Beasley, Frank Frank Beasley
June 10, 1881
Mar. 20, 1901
Beasley, Joe Joe Beasley
Apr. 7, 1882
Nov. 19, 1902
Beasley, Mattie Mattie Beasley
Jan. 24, 1876
Sep. 9, 1889
Beasley, Ora Ora Beasley
Oct. 12, 1869
Sep. 12, 1886
Beasley, Theadore Theadore Beasley
born Aug. 15, 1840
died Feb. 9, 1922
Berry, J. B. 1858-1907 228
Bomberger, William Wm. Bomberger
Apr. 4, 1808
Feb. 14, 1895
Borer, John (south)
John Borer
Died Jan. 3, 1872
Aged 54 Y’s 10 M’s 15 D’s
Remember friends as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you will be
Prepare for death and follow me.
156 158 151 152 157 150
Bradford, Hephzibah (north)
wife of James Bradford
born Feb. 25, 1806
Died Feb. 10, 1892
Erected to our Father and Mother
Our parents are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear father and mother
Tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Daughter of a Revolutionary War Soldier
Daughters of the American Revolution
055 056 057 059
Bradford, James (east)
Erected to our Father and Mother
Our parents are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear father and mother
Tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
James Bradford
Born May 11, 1802
Died July 24, 1881
055 057 058
Brown, Abner J. Brown
Father Abner J.
Brown, Alice A. Brown
Mother Alice A.
Brown, Lester E. Lester E.
son of A. J. & A. A. Brown
died Aug. 3, 1885
Aged 1 y’r 8 m’s 27 d’s
Beautiful lovely he was but given
A fair bud to earth to bloom in heaven.
418 419
Brown, Nancy A. Nancy A. Brown
Died Aug. 18, 1866,
Aged 67 years
Burtnett, Margaret (north)
Margaret Burtnett
Died Feb. 3, 1919
Aged 76 Y 9 M 22 D
358 359
Burtnett, Marion (south)
Marion Burtnett
Died Oct. 31, 1882
Aged 41 Y 7 M 5 D
In life beloved, in death beloved.
358 360
Calhoon, Emanuel 1857-1896 015
Callen, Eden W. Callen
Father Eden W.
Jan. 16, 1909
July 11, 1939
220 221
Callen, Wyman Joseph Callen
Son Wyman Joseph
July 11, 1929
Sept. 7, 1929
Cole, Aaron 1806-1881 148
Cole, Mary 1812-1872
Cole, Susan Susan – his wife
Jan. 26, 1847 – Oct. 7, 1919
030 031
Cole, Taylor F. Taylor F.
son of G. W. & R. A. Cole
Died July 22, 1871
Aged 1 mo & 27 ds
Our little Taylor is at rest
In our savours bossom [spelling sic]
146 147
Cole, William H. William H. Cole
Oct. 22, 1840 – May 13, 1906
030 031
Craig, John F. 1865-1941 429
Craig, Lillie M. 1871-1950
Crull, infant (north)
Infant Babe
Born Aug. 10, 1887
Died Aug. 29, 1887
Budded on earth to bloom in
Children of R. B. & Addie Crull
002 005 006
Crull, Lura E. (west)
Lura E.
Born July 26, 1888
Died July 30, 1890
Her life was like a flower,
That blossoms and is gone,
It flourishes its little hour,
With all its beauty on.
Children of R. B. & Addie Crull
002 003 004 007 006
Cunningham, C. V. Father C. V. Cunningham
Cunningham, Isadora Mother Isadora Cunningham
Davidson, Bertha M. 1896-1958 434
Davidson, Elizabeth (north)
wife of Robert Davidson
Born Feb. 7, 1813
Died May 14, 1886
Aged 73 Y 3 M 7 D
082 083
Davidson, Mary B.+ In Memoriam
Woodmen Circle
Mary B. Davidson
June 30, 1865 – Dec. 29, 1915
Davidson, Minta May Mirta May
Daughter of Z. T. & P. Davidson
died Sept. 18, 1875
aged 1 y’r 5 mo 22 d’s
E. W. Joy & Co. Savannah, Mo.
159 161
Davidson, Permelia Messick Gone but not forgotten
wife of Z. T. Davidson
and Daughter of Wm. & Margaret Messick
Died Feb. 1, 1877
Aged 26 y’rs 1 mo 26 d’s
159 160
Davidson, Robert (south)
Robert Davidson
Died Nov. 4, 1885
Aged 73 Yr 9 Mo 3 D’s
Our Father is gone
He lies beneath the sod,
Dear Father tho’ we miss you much
[We know you rest with God.]
082 084 085
Davidson, Samuel Samuel Davidson
Missouri Pvt 9 Co 165 Depot Brig
World War I
April 1 1885 June 18 1970
Davidson, Steven M. Our Little Darling Steven M. Davidson
May 15, 1955
Davis, Clifton L.+ (east)
This infant form to earth just given,
Too pure for earth, has gone to Heaven.
Clifton L.
only child of R. P. & Ida Davis
Died Apr. 25, 1874
Aged 3 y’rs 10 mo’s
241 244 246
Davis, Rufus P.+ (west)
Thou art gone to the grave; we no longer behold thee;
God gave thee, he took thee; and he will restore thee.
Rufus P. Davis
Died Nov. 17, 1872
Aged 31 y’rs & 8 mo’s
241 242 243
Davison, George W. George W.
Sept. 18, 1880
April 24, 1920
Davison, Ida Ida, wife of W. J. Davison
Davison, John (west)
Suffer little children to
come unto me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
son of Robert & Elizabeth Davison
Died Sept. 16, 1852
Aged 1 Yr 4 M
126 127 131
Davison, Mary Matilda+ (south)
Mary Matilda
dau. of Robert & Elizabeth Davison
Died Oct. 14, 1873
Aged 17 Y 3 M 12 D
And I heard a voice from heaven
Saying unto me, Write:
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth; Yea, saith the spirit,
that they may rest from their labors
and their deeds do follow them.
132 134
Davison, Siray Father Siray Davison
Died Feb. 2, 1900
Aged 60 Y 8 M 19 D
080 081
Dinwiddie, Susen Mrs. Susen Dinwiddie 486
Dodge, Claudie Claudie Dodge
June 16, 1877
June 20, 1877
Dodge, Hannibal D. Hannibal D. Dodge
Died Jan. 31, 1869
Aged 37 y’rs 5 mo’s 8 d’s
406 407
Dodge, Ida Reed Ida Reed Dodge
Feb. 25, 1858
Oct. 29, 1878
Dodge, Marshal H. Marshal H.
son of H. D. & C. R. Dodge
Died Jan. 20, 1869
Aged 9 y’rs 7 mo’s 19 d’s
Downey, Julian Julian,
wife of Eli Downey
Born Jan. 21, 1807
Died April 22, 1871
Aged 64 yr’s 3 m’s 1 da.
118 145 213
Ducolon, Levi+ In memory Levi Ducolon
Died Nov. 23, 1881
Aged 34 Y 8 M 2 D
illegible verse
176 177 178
Duey, Henry Henry Duey
Died June 2, 1884
Aged 70 y 10 m 2 d
Dearest father thou hast left us
Here thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that has bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal
314 315 316
Duey, James James
Died Feb. 23, 1880
Aged 14 Y 1 M 1 D
Children of Henry & E. J. Duey
Our Darlings have gone to the Mansion above.
135 138 138a 214
Duey, Julietta Julietta
Died Feb. 27, 1880
Aged 2 Y 1 M 11 D
Children of Henry & E. J. Duey
Our Darlings have gone to the Mansion above.
135 138 138a 214 137
Duncan, Christiena (south)
wife of James W. Duncan
Died Jan. 16, 1871
Aged 56 Ys 9 Ms 14 Ds
Her children rise up and call her blessed,
her husband also and he praiseth her.
276 277 278 280
Duncan, James W.+ (north)
James W. Duncan
Born Sept. 6, 1815
Died July 18, 1890
Aged 74 Ys 10 Ms 12 Ds
Thou which hast shared in great and sore troubles
Shall quicken me again and shall bring me up again
from the depths of the earth.
276 280 281 283 284 286
Edwards, G. W. G. W. Edwards
born died
Aug. 26 May
1926 26, 1933
222 223
Elifrits, infant (north)
Children of J. W. & L. E. Elifrits
Died Aug. 16, 1889
Aged 3 m’s 18 d’s
Like the dove to the ark
Thou hast flown to thy rest
From the wild sea of strife
To the home of the blest.
060 061 062 064
Elifrits, Mary E. (north)
Children of J. W. & L. E. Elifrits
Mary E.
Died July 4, 1886
Aged 10 m’s 16 d’s
A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
060 061 066 067
Elliott, Elnora 1856-1934 071
Elliott, Floyd G. Floyd G.
son of J. C. & Georgie A.Elliott
Born Nov. 22, 1886
Died Mar. 13, 1889
Our baby is gone,
He lies beneath the sod,
Dear Floyd tho’ we miss you much,
We know you rest with God.
036 037 038
Elliott, Samuel Huston 1852-1916 071
Ellison, Freddie Freddie
Died June 5, 1889
Aged 2 Y 10 M 15 D
Children of J. Henry & Flora Ellison
Our babies are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear children tho’ we miss you much,
We know you rest with God.
455 453 455a
Ellison, Herbert Herbert
Died June 3, 1889
Aged 8 M 13 D
Children of J. Henry & Flora Ellison
Our babies are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear children tho’ we miss you much,
We know you rest with God.
452 455 455a
Ellison, Jane (south)
Jane Ellison
Died Mar. 11, 1892
Aged 62 years
Ellison, Thomas (west)
Jane do not lonely be,
But live aright and come to me,
Children I am happy now,
With a crown so bright upon my brow,
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
Thomas Ellison
Died Mar. 13, 1881
Aged 57 Y 19 D
413 414 415
Embrey, Lewis D.+ 1895-1918 072
Fleming, Francis L. Mother Francis L.
wife of T. B. Fleming
Died Apr. 23, 1902
Aged 37 Y 7 M 5 D
229 230 231
Fritchman, Harmie L. Harmie L.
son of J. & Mary Fritchman
Died Oct. 22, 1871
Aged 4 y’s 11 m’s 18 d’s
Fritchman, John Holy Bible
Our Father John Fritchman
Born Aug. 18, 1796
Died Nov. 2, 1872
Aged 76 Y 2 M 14 D
Father thou hast left us
Here thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that has bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal.
[also has marker in Savannah, Section 4]
288 289 290 291
Gilbert, Isaphena 1875-1950 433
Gilbert, John R. 1871-1931
Gladfelter, Clifford I. Clifford I.
son of S. & J. Gladfelter
died Jan. 24, 1893
Aged 16 Y 2 M 7 Ds
Dearest child, thou hast left us
And thy loss we deeply feel,
Tis the Lord that has bereft us
Of one we loved so well.
347 348 349
Gladfelter, Jennie 1854-19uncarved
[Died Nov. 16, 1932]
Gladfelter, Lucile Virginia 1904-1924 352
Gladfelter, Otis 1883-1918 350
Gladfelter, Samuel 1852-1930 344
Graham, Margaret Our Mother Margaret
wife of T. J. Graham
Died Mar. 12, 1881
Aged 62 Ys 4 Mo
Our mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
[Dear mother, tho’ we miss you much
[We know you rest with God]
[sunk in concrete]
[two markers]
Margaret Graham
306 313 307 309
Green, Melvina A. Melvina A.
dau. of H. & M. L. Green
Died Jan. 12, 1873
Aged 7 Ys.
053 054
Gregory, Nannie L. Nannie L.
wife of Rufus K. Gregory
and dau. of Rufus & Sarah A. Ayers
Died Mar. 24, 1884
Aged 23 Y’s 5 M’s 20 D’s
Death is but a path that must be trod,
If we would ever pass to God.
180 181 182 179
Hall, Maria Holy Bible
Maria Hall
Died Jan. 29, 1887
Aged 65 y’s 3 d’s
Our Mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear Mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God
446 447
Hanners, Alexander Corpl. Alex. Hanners
Co. D 14 Kans. Cav.
Hanners, Alexander Franklin Alexander Franklin
son of A. & E. Hanners
died Apr. 22, 1885
Aged 1 Y’r 7 M’s 8 d’s
Thou art gone little Frankie
Sweet child of our love
From earth’s fairy strand
To heigh mansions above.
His Book
480 481 482 487
Hanners, Caroline+ Children of A. & E. Hanners
Died Jan. 6, 1876
Aged 2 y’s 4 m’s 21 d’s
475 477 476
Hanners, infant Children of A. & E. Hanners
Infant son
Died Feb. 10, 1879
aged 5 h’rs
475 477 478
Hanners, infant Children of A. & E. Hanners
Infant dau.
Died Jan. 12, 1876
Aged 1 d’y
475 477 479
Hanners, Mary F. Mary F.
wife of Alexander Hanners
Died July 27, 1868
Aged 20 Y’rs 8 M’s
Hare, Ethel Bell (or Belle) (west)
Ethel Bell
dau. of H. C. & Jennie L. Hare
Died July 5, 1885
Aged 1 Y 10 M 5 D
Thy little feet have passed down the valley,
we went with thee darling as far as we could
And we know by the smile that parted thy sweet lips
Angels on the banks, of the river stand.
[two markers]
Ethel Belle Hare
302 303 304 305 313 307 308
Hare, Henry C.+ 1844-1921 307 310 313
Hare, Jennie L. 1859-1954 307 311 313
Hare, Joseph E. (west)
To our Father and Mother
We cherish their memory
Joseph E. Hare
Born Sep. 17, 1806
Died Jan. 25, 1891
298 299 301
Hare, Joseph R. 1833-1919 307 312 313
Hare, Susannah C. (west)
To our Father and Mother
We cherish their memory
Susannah C.
wife of Jos. E. Hare
Born Aug. 5, 1810
Died Sep. 25, 1890
298 299 300
Harris, Alice (west)
Our darlings
dau. of G. W. & Z. I. Harris
died Mar. 26 1887
aged 1 Y 5 M 18 D
068 070
Harris, Grover C. (north)
Grover C.
son of Eph. & Sarah M. Harris
Born July 22, 1887
Died July 12, 1888
016 018 019
Harris, Jessie E. (west)
Our darlings
Jessie E.
dau. of G. W. & Z. I. Harris
died Dec. 14, 1894
Aged 5 Y 2 M 28 D
068 069
Harris, Sarah M. (west)
Jesus has called the mother home,
Her flesh lies mouldering in the tomb
God grant her offspring now be blest
And meet her in eternal rest.
Sarah M.
wife of Eph Harris
Died Mar. 1, 1888
Aged 31 y’s 1 mo 10 ds
016 017 020
Hatcher, I. W. (north)
I. W. Hatcher
Died Apr. 13, 1874
Aged 56 y 9 m 23 d
We miss thee from our home dear father
We miss thee from thy place;
A shadow o’er our life is cast,
We miss the sunshine of thy face.
114 115 116
Hatcher, Nancy N. (west)
She has fallen asleep, She is resting at last,
The pulse has grown still, and the fever is past,
She suffers no longer in heart or in brain,
And the pain that so racked her shall not come again,
She has fallen asleep O mother ’tis past
Thank God as you weep She is resting
at last.
In my father’s house are many mansions.
Nancy N. Hatcher
Died Dec. 6, 1894
Aged 71 y 1 m 23 d
111 112 113 117
Hays, Elmer Wayne Elmer Wayne Hays
Jan. 1, 1919
Jan. 1, 1940
Hopkins, Millie+ (west)
wife of Milton Hopkins
Born Apr. 27, 1857
Died Dec. 31, 1905
She was a kind and affectionate wife,
a fond mother and a friend to all.
224 225 226
Howard, henry Holy Bible
Henry Howard
Born Jan. 31, 1842,
Died Oct. 15, 1868,
Aged 26 Yrs 8 Ms 15 Ds
I believe in the communion of saints,
the resurrection of the body,
And the life everlasting.
395 396 397
Hughes, Jessie G. Jessie G. Hughes
Nov. 27, 1920
Nov. 29, 1920
Hunt, Amanda R. 1850-1936 488
Hunt, Arthusia (west)
dau. of J. F. & M. W. Hunt
Died Oct. 17, 1887
Aged 21 Y’s & 13 D’s
Weep not for me my parents dear
I am not dead, but sleeping here
I am not yours, but God’s alone
He loved me best, and took me home.
495 496 497
Hunt, J. F.+ 1832-1918 488
Hunt, Mary W. My Wife’s Grave
Mary W.
wife of J. F. Hunt
Died Feb. 15, 1872,
aged 38 y’rs 2 mo’s 5 d’s
492 493 494
Hunt, Robert Benton Robert Benton
son of J. F. & M. W. Hunt
Died Oct. 21, 1884
Aged 24 Y 10 M & 10 D’s
My son is gone, he lies beneath the sod,
Dear Benton thow I miss you much
I hope you rest with god.
489 490 491
Hurst, Fannie P. 1862-1916 052
Jenkins, Hiram+ Hiram Jenkins
Died Apr. 27, 1871
Aged 41 Ys 5 Ms
Johnson, Dessie Proffitt Dessie Proffitt Johnson
Dec. 25, 1900 – Oct. 27, 1950
Johnson, Mattie F. 1892-1969 333
Jones, Elias Elias
son of W. M. & E. Jones
Died Nov. 16, 1872
Aged 1 y’r 10 mos
Jones, Margaret Margaret
wife of R. M. Jones
Born Feb. 15, 1815
Died Oct. 188 [that’s all of the number]
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
373 374 375
Kennedy, Clara Merriman Clara Merriman
born Mar. 26, 1870
died June 16, 1885
354 355
Kennedy, Richard T. 1865-1939 353
Kenyon, Earl Earl
son of J. S. & H. A. Kenyon
died Aug. 13, 1882
Aged 10 M 12 Ds
Illegible verse
Earl’s Grave
026 027 028 029
Kenyon, Eunice E. Eunice E.
wife of Rev. Samuel Kenyon
Born Nov. 13, 1809
Died Feb. 3, 1884
Aged 74 y 2 m 20 d
Mattie do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
Daughter of a Revolutionary Soldier
Daughters of the American Revolution
021 022 023 024
Kenyon, Mary A. Kenyon
Mary A. his wife
Sept. 19, 1828
Mar. 30, 1905
Kenyon, Thomas J. Thomas J. Kenyon
May 22, 1831
Sept. 7, 1875
Killen, Mollie A. 1856-1930 193
Killin, Charles (east)
Charles Killin
Died Sep. 15, 1869
Aged 79 Ys 3 Ms 15? Ds
[An alternate reading is 70y 8m 13d]
400 401a
Killin, Gertie M. Gertie M.
dau. of J. R. & M. A. Killin
Died Mar. 27, 1896
Aged 9 Y 6 M
In my father’s house are many mansions.
188 189 190
Killin, John R.+ At Rest
John R. Killin
Died July 15, 1898
Aged 49 Y 11 M 23 D
191 192
Killin, John R. Woodmen of the World Memorial
John R. Killin
Bat B 304 Field Art 77 Division
born Dec. 19, 1889
died in France Feb. 22, 1919
[two markers]
John R. Killen
Pvt. Btry B 304th F. A.
died Feb. 22nd, 1919
[also has marker in Savannah American Legion section]
194 195 196
Killin, Joseph E. 1884-1930 227
Killin, Thirza (west)
wife of C. Killin
Died Apr. 11, 1878
Aged 66 y’s 6 m’s 18 d’s
400 401 401b
Kinsey, Amy S. (north)
Amy S. Kinsey
Died July 18, 1885
Aged 49 y 1 m 18 d
"And if for Christ we suffer,
With him we then shall reign."
Mainly illegible verse
089 090 091 092
Kinsey, Chandler P.+ Chandler P.
son of Theo & Amy Kinsey
died at Camp Alger Va. June 6, 1898
aged 23 Y 1 M 18 D
Member of Co. E 4th Reg.
Mo. Vol. Inft
087 088
Kinsey, F. A. 1870-1925 099
Kinsey, Matilda P. Matilda P.
Dau. of Theo. & A. S. Kinsey
Died Aug. 18, 1878
Aged 3 Ms 20 Ds
Kinsey, Theodore 1836-1912 089 093 094
Kinsey, Ulysses Sherman Ulysses Sherman
son of Theo. & Amy S. Kinsey
Died May 29, 1883
Aged 18 y’s 4 m’s
Just in the bloom of life
Death closed his lovely eyes.
095 096 097
Klein, Francis (west)
Francis Klein
Born May 4, 1889
Died Mar. 16, 1890
443 444
Klein, Ida Elizabeth Klein
Mother Ida Elizabeth
Dec. 16, 1900
May 9. 1974
Klein, John Father John Klein
Died Apr. 22, 1899
Aged 66 Y 10 M 11 D
441 442
Klein, John Ervin Klein
Brother John Ervin
June 7, 1920
Nov. 10, 1957
Klein, John Ervin, Sr. Klein
Father John Ervin Sr.
Feb. 2, 1885
Mar. 14, 1979
Klein, Kathern M. Kathern M. Klein
June 20, 1916
Sept. 2, 1917
Aged 1 Y 2 M 13 D
Klein, Margaret J. Klein
Sister Margaret J.
June 22, 1918
Aug. 9, 1931
Klein, Mariam (east)
Mariam Klein
Born Nov. 5, 1887
Died Nov. 19, 1887
Klein, Mary A. 1847-1912 439 440
Larrabee, Ladurnia Dr. Ladurnia Larrabee
Died Jan. 21, 1878
Aged 56 years
A native of N. Y.
411 412
League, James G. A. James G. A. League
Died July 25, 1894
Aged 68 y 7 m 20 d
My husband is gone
He lies beneath the sod,
Dear father tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
008 009 011
Lightle, James Jas. Lightle
Co. D. 50 Ill. Inf.
Lillard, Eva A. 1902-1992 335
Lillard, Velma Daughter Velma Lillard
Lillard, W. Milton 1884-1956 335
Lilley, Indie C. 1870-1936 073 075
Lilley, Thomas F. 1868-1930 073 076
Logan, Martha Ann 1818-1874 466
Lyman, Laura Diane Laura Diane Lyman
Apr. 4, 1957
Apr. 18, 1957
Marion, Frances 1843-1936 079
Marion, Robert 1842-1923
McCallon, Andrew J. Andrew J.
son of Wm. T. & L. McCallon
Died Dec. 27, 187[8]
[stone broken]
270 271 275
McCallon, Elvira J. Elvira J.
dau. of W. T. & L. McCallon
Died Oct. 28, 1884
Aged 32 y 11 m 23 d
Rest Elvira in happiness rest
Mingling with angels we know thou art blest
Far from the trials that tempt [us to stray]
[God in his mercy has called thee away.]
[sunk in concrete]
272 273 274
McCallon, James L. Jas. L. McCallon
Died Sept. 22, 1873
Aged 30 Y 1 M 13 D
267 268
McCallon, Katharine Katharine McCallon
Died Apr. 30, 1879
Aged 68 Y’s 9 M’s 17 D’s
258 259
McCallon, Lavicy Carriger (west)
Lavicy Carriger
wife of William T. McCallon
Born July 13, 1827
Died Jan. 26, 1910
Aged 82 Ys 6 Ms 13 Ds
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
253 254 255
McCallon, Sarah Sarah
wife of James McCallon
Died Apr. 15, 1869
Aged 81 y’rs 4 m’s & 16 d’s
264 265 266
McCallon, William T. William T. McCallon
Died June 7, 1886
aged 71 Yr 5 Mo 20 Days
256 257
McElroy, Henry Henry McElroy
born in Lincoln County North Carolina
Sept. 3, 1822
Died Nov. 1, 1883
Aged 61 Y’s 1 M 28 d’s
Remember man as you pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now you soon shall be
Prepare for death and follow me.
381 382 383
McElroy, Rosie E. 1867-1925
Gone but not forgotten.
392 393
McElroy, Sarah (west)
wife of Henry McElroy
Died Aug. 27, 1886
Aged 60 years
My dear Sons do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Rosa I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’r is known a sigh or tear.
384 385 386
McElroy, Sarah L. Sarah L.
dau. of H. & S. J. McElroy
Died Mar. 22, 1861
Aged 3 M’s & 20 D’s
Mesenger, Anna May Anna May – his wife
Feb. 16, 1872 – Jan. 16, 1913
032 033
Mesenger, Richard Richard Mesenger
died Sept. 15, 1910
aged 68 years
Messick, Alice+ Gone Home
wife of R. L. Messick
Died Oct. 24, 1902
Aged 22 Y 6 M 2 D
320 321
Messick, Edward H. Edward H.
son of Wm. & Ellenora Messick
Died Aug. 16, 1872;
Aged 1 Y 2 M 16 D
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.
318 319
Messick, Elenora 1845-1884 317
Messick, William B. William B.
1845- uncarved
Millholen, John A. 1875-1942 430
Millholen, Mary 1878-1959
Mink, Charles J. 1869-1954 428
Mink, David F. 1840-1920 427
Mink, Liew Rena 1871-1964 428
Neese, Ida Ida
dau. of Rufus & L. Neese
Died July 4, 1880
Aged 2 M 21 D
[Rest little] Ida in happiness rest
Mingling with angels we know thou
art blest,
Far from the trials that tempt us to stray
God in his mercy has called thee away.
108 109 110 212
Neese, Mary A. (west)
Mary A.
dau. of Joel & Polly A. Neese
Died Oct. 30, 1886
Aged 17 Y 4 M 27 D
Like falls flower she passed away
Mid innocence and bloom
An angel now in a brighter world
Far far beyond this tomb.
100 101 102
Neese, Samuel Samuel Neese
Died Oct. 31, 1873
Aged 67 Y 10 M
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
120 121 122
Neese, Samuel H. (west)
Samuel H.
son of Joel & P. A. Neese
Died April 16, 1883
Aged 32 y’s 8 m’s 3 d’s
Farewell dear Samuel
Our earthly meetings are o’er
But may we meet where Jesus is
And meet to part no more.
104 106 107
Noble, Nancy Nancy
dau. of Nathan & Nellie Noble
Died Apr. 25, 1889
Aged 33 years
Oh come, angel band,
come and around me stand,
Oh bear me away on your snowey wings to my immortal home.
356 357
Oliphant, John A. 1853-1940 077
Owsley, Bettie Bettie
wife of Joseph Owsley
Died May 30, 1883
Aged 30 Y & 2 M
Lord she was thine and not my own
Thou hast not done me wrong.
387 388 389
Palmer, Cora E. 1868-1896 511
Palmer, infant Infant
Aged 2 Ms
Pearce, Emaline (west)
Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Emaline Pearce
Died Aug. 31, 1863
Aged 1 Y 8 M 12 D
126 127 128 129
Pearce, Ida (west)
Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Ida Pearce
Died Sept. 3, 1868
Aged 1 Y 8 M 8 D
126 127 128 130
Pendleton, John S. (west)
In my father’s house are many mansions.
Our Father and Mother are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much,
We know you rest with God.
John S. Pendleton
Died Jan. 11, 1894
Aged 36 y 9 m 15 d
047 048 049
Pendleton, Julia A. (west)
In my father’s house are many mansions.
Our Father and Mother are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much,
We know you rest with God.
Julia A.
wife of J. S. Pendleton
Died June 30, 1887
Aged 28 y 10 m 15 d
047 048 050
Pennington, Jennie S. 1872-1943 086
Pettijohn, Myrtle Ellen Myrtle Ellen Pettijohn
June 27, 1920
June 6, 1949
Powell, Hattie A. Hattie A. Powell
Feb. 21 July 11
1881 1913
Praiswater, Francis Francis
died June 10, 1867
Children of S. & S. Praiswater
Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
123 124 125
Praiswater, Samuel, Jr. Samuel Jr.
died Nov. 10, 1859
Children of S. & S. Praiswater
Suffer little children to come
unto me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Proffit, Clarence Leroy Clarence Leroy "Bud" Proffit
Feb. 16, 1899
July 24, 1934
Proffit, Eliza Holy Bible
Eliza Proffit
Born June 29, 1821
Died Dec. 1, 1881
Aged 60 Ys 5 Mos
361 362
Proffit, Harvey E. Harvey E.
son of Robert & Lou Proffit
Born Sep. 11, 1881
Died Feb. 4, 1891
aged 10 Ys 4 Mo 24 Ds
012 013 014
Proffit, Lewis Lewis Proffit
Born Aug. 4, 1818
Died Oct. 10, 1898
363 364
Proffit, Martha E. Martha E.
dau. of J. L. & O. R. Proffit
Died [stone sunk in concrete]
Reed, George J. Reed
Father George J.
Apr. 1, 1817
Jan. 8, 1872
Reed, Hannah D. Reed
Mother Hannah D.
May 17, 1827
Nov. 26, 1916
Reed, Thomas S. Thomas S. Reed
Nov. 27, 1864
Mar. 5, 1944
Rutherford, Goldie M. 1921-1934
[mortuary marker]
Rutherford, Jennie 1882-1926 343
Rutherford, Rhoda E. 1897-1980 341
Rutherford, Roscoe A 1890-1942
Rutherford, Sadie May Sadie May Rutherford
July 8, 1917
Sep. 10, 1920
Rutherford, W. E. Rutherford
W. E. "Burd"
Saunders, Creed Creed Saunders
Died May 22, 1856
Aged 49 y’rs 3 m’s 20 d’s
398 399
Saunders, Jesse B. Jesse B.
Son of C. & P. Saunders
Died Feb. 6, 1868
Aged 25 y’rs 11 m’s 23 d’s
Shewmaker, Charles E. 1866-1889 169
Shewmaker, Cora L. [footstone only] 046
Shewmaker, James P. James P. Shewmaker
Died June 3, 1875
Aged 45 y’rs 10 mo 5 d’s
162 164
Shewmaker, Johnny M. Johnny M.
son of J. P. & S. F. Shewmaker
Died Jan. 27, 1870
Aged 9 Days
Shewmaker, Mary A. Mother
His wife Mary A.
Shewmaker, Richard Emery [footstone only] 045
Shewmaker, S. H. Father S. H. Shewmaker
Shewmaker, Sarah F. Sarah F.
wife of James P. Shewmaker
Died June 17, 1874
Aged 35 y’rs 5 m’s & 16 d’s
Mother …
… kind and …

God has … for a …
165 166 167
Shirley, Felix VanBuskirk Felix VanBuskirk
son of S. M. & S. J. Shirley
Died Apr. 25, 1879
Shores, Emeline Emeline Shores
born Feb. 3, 1833 in Bluntsville, Ten.
died Jan. 25, 1903
Absent, but not forgotten.
039 040
Shores, James James Shores
born Jan. 13, 1828
in kingdom of England
died Feb. 29, 1872
Absent but not forgotten.
Simerly, Daisy Ruthe+ Daisy Ruthe
dau. of Wm. W. & Dora Simerly
Died Sept. 6, 1884
Aged 1 Yr 6 Ms 12 Ds
Gone Home
367 368 369 370
Simerly, Dora Simerly
Mother Dora
366 410 408
Simerly, William W. Simerly
Father William W.
366 410 409
Simmons, Anna L. 1884-1950 424
Simmons, Christina + Christina
wife of J. T. Simmons
Dec. 15, 1862 – Jan. 11, 1895
421 422
Simmons, Georgia Mae 1893-1986 426
Simmons, infant [possibly] [footstone only] 420
Simmons, James Albert 1891-1985 425
Simmons, John T. John T. Simmons
Mar. 4, 1853
Dec. 23, 1916
Simmons, Stella E. 1881-1960 424
Snapp, Augustus R. (east)
Augustus R. Snapp
Born Aug. 18, 1873
Died Aug. 8, 1894
Aged 21 ys 11 ms 10 ds
They were lovely and pleasant
in their lives and in their death they were
not divided.
460 461
Snapp, Clarence N. Clarence N. Snapp
May 18, 1894
May 7, 1939
Husband of Emma Marie
Snapp, Mary E.+ Mary E. wife of M. M. Snapp
Aug. 25, 1848 – Jan. 7, 1917
Aged 68 Y 4 M 12 D
Our loved one, farewell.
Snapp, Milton M. 1850-1933
Snapp, Rosa May Rosa May
dau. of M. M. & M. E. Snapp
Died Aug. 12, 1878
Aged 1 y 11 ms 1/4 ds
498 499
Snapp, Rufus A. (west)
Rufus A. Snapp
Born Sep. 12, 1870
Died Sep. 18, 1894
Aged 24 yrs 6 ds
There is no death, no darkness, no tears,
in that bright world where the righteous dwell.
They were lovely and pleasant in their lives
and in their death they were not divided.
456 457 459 461
Spicer Spicer Memorial
[The Spicer family donated the land for the cemetery,
so this is a tribute to them. It is not a burial marker.]
Stafford, Mary Elizabeth+ 1849-1922 438
Stafford, Nancy H. My wife farewell
Nancy H. Stafford
wife of S. B. Stafford
Died [Fe]b. 5, 186[9, stone broken]
Aged 26 Y’s 1 Mo. 23 D’s
468 469 470 471
Stiers, John N. 1844-1928 073 074
Stinnett, Earl D. 1916-1938 001
Stinnett, James T. 1899-1979 514
Stinnett, Marjorie Marjorie Stinnett
Dec. 17, 1922
Dec. 28, 1922
Stinnett, Opal L. 1918-1956 001
Stinnett, Rachel 1901-1993 514
Sutton, Isadore F. Gone Home
Isadore F.
Dau’tr of O. & M. Sutton
Died June 11, 1871
139 140
Sutton, Mary Our Mother Mary Sutton
Died Feb. 28, 1883
Aged 69 Y 4 Mo. 1 Day
Fold her Father in thine arms
And let her henceforth be
A messenger of love between
[Our human hearts and thee.]
[sunk in concrete]
141 142 143
Tuttle, John 1847-1941 034
Vaughn, Sarah M. Sarah M.
wife of Jerry Vaughn
Died Apr. 18, 1883;
Aged 36 Yr 1 Mo 2 Ds
390 391
Waid, Paulina H. Paulina H. Waid
Died Oct. 25, 1859
Aged 4 y’rs 9 m’s 6 d’s
Wardlow, Arthusa Arthusa
dau. of M. & L. Wardlow
Died Aug. 23, 1874
Aged 3 M 11 D
500 501
Wardlow, Julia Julia
dau. of M. & L. Wardlow
born Jan. 3, 1878
Died Oct. 10, 1893
Webster, Lizzie Lizzie
dau. of J. W. & A. Webster
died Sept. 13, 1880
aged 6 ys 6 ms 7 Ds
Erected to her memory by Wm. Houck
Our little Lizzie so young so fair, called
hence by early doom, just come to show
how sweet a flower, In Paradice would
507 508 509 510
Wells [unmarked footstone] 198 199
Wells, Catharine E. (west)
Mother Catharine E. Wells
died Jan. 21, 1903
aged 70 Y 14 D
200 201 202
Wells, Jackson (west)
Father Jackson Wells
died Mar. 12, 1901
aged 75 Y 8 M 22 D
Wells, Joseph T. (east)
Joseph T. Wells
died Apr. 8, 1889
aged 22 Y 5 M
203 204
Wells, Lizzie (east)
Lizzie Wells
died Nov. 28, 1888
aged 15 Y 9 M 17 D
203 204 197 199
Wheaton, Julia Bell Wheaton
Julia B.
Aug. 19, 1870 – July 26, 1871
[twp markers]
Aged 11 mo’s 7 d’s
042 043
Wheaton, Nathan Wheaton
May 17, 1851 – Sept. 22, 1888
Wheaton, Sabina Wheaton
Sabina his wife
Dec. 26, 1828 – July 18, 1907
Wheaton, Silas Silas Wheaton
Mar. 18, 1821 – Apr. 4, 1902
Whitney, Ed Ed Whitney
Missouri Pvt 356 Inf 89 Div
February 29, 1936
Wikoff, Mahala (west)
We cherish their memory
wife of P. Wikoff
Died Oct. 27, 1877
Aged 76 y 10 m 15 d
[two markers]
Died Oct. 22, 1877
236 237 239 240
Wikoff, Peter (west)
We cherish their memory
Peter Wikoff
Died Jan. 23, 1882
Aged 80 y 3 m 17 d
236 237 238
Wilkerson, Clarence E. Clarence E. Wilkerson
Born Apr. 8, 1875
Died Aug. 13, 1875
Aged 4 Ms & 5 Ds
174 175
Wilkerson, Harriet (south)
wife of W. H. Wilkerson
Died Dec. 22, 1893
Aged 54 Yrs 3 Mo’s 1 Day
Wilkerson, John John
Died Feb. 15, 1902
Aged 32 Ys 6 Ms 1 D
521 522
Wilkerson, Mary A. Mary A.
Dau. of W. H. & R. Wilkerson
Died Aug. 19, 1874
Aged 20 y 2 m 9 ds
McDermitt Berryhill Sav, Mo.
171 172 173 215
Wilkerson, William H. (north)
William H. Wilkerson
Died Dec. 1, 1880
Aged 68 Yrs 10 Mo 25 Ds
232 233
Wilson, Fred L. 1860-1939 338

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