Cumberland Ridge Cemetery

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Cumberland Ridge Cemetery 000 000x 000×1 000B
Adkins, Ida Bell Ida Bell Adkins
July 17, 1869
Dec. 22, 1882
Adkins, Lavinia+ Lavinia
beloved wife of Barnabas Adkins
Died June 2, 1883
Aged 63 Ys 4 Mo 2 Ds
103B 229B
Adkins, Minnie May Minnie May Adkins
Apr. 2, 1890
Oct. 23, 1901
Ashworth, Elizabeth Elizabeth Ashworth
Died Dec. 2, 1859
[stone broken] 74 yrs 9 mos
And there shall be no night there
And they need no candle neither light
Of the sun for the Lord God giveth them light
And they shall reign forever and ever
018aB 018bB 018cB
Bowlin, Benjamin F. Benjamin F. Bowlin
Died May 5, 1882
Aged 56y 6m 23d
Remember friends as you pass by
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you must be.
Prepare for death and follow me.
003B 003B1
Bowlin, L. Ismay (side)
L. Ismay
died July 20, 1877
aged 1 day
Children of J. A. & L. E. Bowlin
There was an angel band in Heaven
That was not quite complete
So God took our darling babies
To fill the vacant seats.
069B 072B
Bowlin, Orlie G. (side)
Orlie G.
Died Oct. 10, 1890
aged 5 days
069B 072B 074
Bowlin, Roy B. (front)
Roy B.
son of J. A. & L. E. Bowlin
died Feb. 7, 1900
aged 19 yr 4 mo 29 da
Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love has bound the heart
Tis hard so hard to speak the words
Must we forever part
Dearest Roy we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave’s embrace
But thy memory will be cherished
Til we see thy heavenly face.
069B 070B 071B 074B
Bowman, Cleora Cleora
wife of F. M. Bowman
Aug. 4, 1858
Oct. 4, 1907
028 029B
Breit, Edgar S. 1902-1903 111B
Breit, Gertrude 1890-1919 160
Breits, Mary Lavina Mary Lavina
daughter of Frederick & Cellistina Breits
Born July 19, 1855
Died Aug. 3, 1859
She died in beauty like a rose
Blown from its parent stem
She died in beauty like a pearl
Dropped from some diadem,
She lives in glory like the night gems
set around the silver moon
She lives in glory like the sun amidst the blue of June.
043aB 043bB 043cB 044B
Carter, John S. 1873-1935 167B
Carter, Leroy Davis In Memoria
Leroy Davis Carter
Jan. 27, 1826 – Jan. 28, 1907
We hope to meet again.
168baB 168bB 168cB
Carter, Sarah A. Alward In Memoria
Sarah A. Alward-Carter
born Aug. 13, 1833
died Jan 25, 1899
We hope to meet again
168baB 168bB 168cB
Colburn, Etta B. Etta B.
dau. of [E. T] & Alice Colburn
Died April. 19, 1882
Aged 10 mo 10 ds
Our darling Etta is at rest
Among the angels we know she is blest.
We loved and lost her.
001aBa 001bB 001cB
Colburn, infant (front)
…rdie E.
… of [E] T. & L. [Colburn]
[stone broken]
Died 10 m’s 13 ds
… little …
Oh we loved him deep …
It was hard for us to
Farewell dear …
As a tear rolled down
… cold … icy
… so sweet
… are going
… die was in …
002aB 002bB 002cB
Colburn, James L. Sacred to the memory of our son
James L.
son of Wm. & Margaret Colburn
Died June 10, 1869,
Aged 20 ys 5 ms 8 ds
Shed not for him the bitter tear
Nor give the heart to vain regret
Tis but the casket that lies here
The gem that filled it sparkles yet.
075B 076aB 076bB
Colburn, Margaret T. Margaret T.
wife of Wm. Colburn
Oct. 5, 1828
June 1, 1916
What is home without a mother
Colburn, William William Colburn Died Apr. 15, 1858
Aged 31 y 7 m 22 d
Rest my love beneath the sod
Till you and I shall meet our God.
077B 078aB 078bB 228B
Cole, George W.+ Geo. W. Cole
Co. F 21 Ia. Inf.
Cole, Martha Mother Martha Cole
Cole, Richard Father Richard Cole
Cole, William Son William Cole
Cordry, Elijah G. Rev. Elijah G. Cordry
Died July 19, 1882
Aged 56 ys 1 m 29 ds
He is saved by grace.
059B 060aB 060bB
Czech, Sarah E. Fiechter Sarah E. Fiechter
wife of Chas. Czech
Born Apr. 24, 1852
Died Mar. 4, 1885
Lo! where the silent marble weeps
A friend, a wife, a mother sleeps-
A heart within whose sacred cell
The peaceful virtues loved to dwell.
123B 124aB 124bB
Deakins, William Wm. Deakins
Co. B. ?0th Mo. Inf.
Dever, Maudie A bud on earth to bloom in Heaven.
dau. of Benj. & R. Dever
Born Oct. 2, 1885
Died Aug. 2, 1887
Thou art gone little Maudie,
Sweet child of our love
From the earth’s fiery strand
To bright mansions above
Our darling Maudie
016aB 016bB 016cB
017aB 017bB 017cB
Edwards, Ellen J. E. Edwards
Ellen J. E.
Dec. 24, 1838 – Nov. 20, 1915
Edwards, William E. P. Edwards
William E. P.
Dec. 19, 1878 – Mar. 7, 1879
Fiechter, Barbara Barbara
wife of John F. Fiechter
Died Mar. 3, 1883
Aged 61 ys 10 mos 12 ds
In death’s cold arms lies sleeping here
A tender parent, a companion dear
In love she lived, in peace she died,
[Her life was asked, but God denied.]
129aB 129bB 129cB
Fiechter, Cora A. (west)
At rest
Cora’s Grave
Cora A.
dau. of Chas. F. & Vereta Fiechter
Died Mar. 26, 1897
Aged 6 y’s 3 m’s 6 d’s
Our Cora is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear sister though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
162B 163B
Fiechter, George H Gone Home
George H. Fiechter
Died Jan. 10, 1880:
Aged 33 Yrs 10 Ds
195B 196B 197B 198B 199B
Fiechter, George L. George L.
son of Geo. H. & Jennie F. Fiechter,
Died July 4, 1879
Aged 9 Ms 3 Ds
Rest little Lessie in happiness rest
Mingling with angels we know thou art blest.
Far from the trials that tempt us to stray
God in his mercy has called thee away.
201B 202B 204B 205B 209B 211B
Fiechter, John F. [top of stone missing]
Died Apr. 3, 1879
Aged 65 Ys. 10 Ms. 8 Ds.
Barbara do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow.
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
189B 190B 192B 194B
Fiechter, Julia C. Julia C.
Died Nov. 1, 1882
Aged 9 Ys 2 Ms 4 Ds
children of Geo. & Jennie Fiechter
My husband and children are gone
They lie beneath the sod;
Dear ones tho’ I miss you much,
I know you rest with God.
125aB 125bB 126aB 126bB
Fiechter, Mary A. Mary A.
dau. of J. F. & Barbara Fiechter
Died Sep. 21, 1852
Aged 3 y 5 m 13 d
130B 131aB 131bB
Fiechter, Thomas F Thomas F.
Died Nov. 1, 1882
Aged 6 Ys 3 Ms 26 Ds
children of Geo. & Jennie Fiechter
My husband and children are gone
They lie beneath the sod;
Dear ones tho’ I miss you much,
I know you rest with God.
125aB 126aB 127B
Fisher, Arthur M. 1862-1955 159
Fisher, Hannah R. 1864-1938 159
Fisher, Nora G. 1893-1909 161
Fisher, Samuel E. (north)
Samuel E. Fisher
Died Aug. 26, 1890
Aged 67 y 2 m 18 d
My husband is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear Father tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
119B 121B
Fisher, Sarah A. (south)
Sarah A.
wife of S. E. Fisher
Died Feb. 24, 1899
Aged 67 Y 6 M 4 D
Religion filled her soul with peace
Upon a dying bed
Let faith look up, Let sorrow cease
She lives with Christ o’er head.
120B 121 121B
Ford, Mary A. Wrigley Mary A. Ford
dau. of E. & Margarett Wrigley
Born Nov. 11, 1834
Died May 20, 1882
He that believeth in me hath everlasting life.
John 6-7
Ford, Viola Viola Ford
Sept. 9, 1900
May 5, 1901
Gibbins, Edward 1842-1932 088
Gibbins, John T. 1864-1943 174B
Gibbins, Margaret E. 1863-1949 174B
Gibbins, S. Ellis 1873-1951 087B
Gibbins, Sarah E. 1843-1925 088
Gilmore, Charles W 1853-1853 116B 114 114B 115
Gilmore, Charles W. Chas. W. Gilmore Born July 17, 1853.
Died Aug. 6, 1853.
181B 184B
Gilmore, Sarah A. 1851-1853 117B 114 114B 115
Gilmore, Sarah A. Sarah A. Gilmore Born Aug. 21, 1851
Died Aug. 20, 1853
181B 185B
Guthrie, Elizabeth Ann Young Sacred to the Memory of
Elizabeth Ann
Cnsort of Rev. A. W. Guthrie
and daughter of Benj. Young, Esqr.
died April 7th, 1855
Aged 37 years 11 mo
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
157 157B
Hahn, Arthur E. 1897 age 6 mo 095B
Hahn, Elizabeth J. 1868-1897 095B
Hahn, Fred J. Fred J.
Born Aug. 24, 1857
Died Sept. 25, 1893
Children of John & Julia Hahn
096B 098B 099
Hahn, Gustave J. 1860-1922 095B
Hahn, Otelie B. Otelie B.
Born Apr. 13, 1855
Died June 2, 1894
Children of John & Julia Hahn
096B 097B 098B
Hedges, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of John Hedges
Died July 9, 1888
Aged 69 Y 9 M
081B 082B
Holland, Viola Viola
dau. of I. N. & Ida Holland
Jan. 18, 1892
1 mo & 4 d
Blooming in Heaven
118 118B
Jansen, Bertha Jansen
Bertha his wife
Apr. 4, 1865
Jansen, Louis Louis Jansen
Feb. 22, 1852
Dec. 17, 1926
Jarrett, Elizabeth J. Elizabeth J.
wife of G. W. Jarrett
Died Apr. 2, 1887
aged 53 ys 11 Ms 2 Ds
Eternal rest grant to her O Lord
And let perpetual light shine on her.
142B 143aB 143bB 218B
Karrasch, Edward J Edward J.
son of John & Augusta Karrasch
Born Oct. 27, 1882
Died Jan. 14, 1901
147 148
Karrasch, Fred W. 1870-1951 146B
Karrasch, Nellie 1871-1933 146B
Ketring, Eady Ketring
Eady his wife
Dec. 9, 1841 – Oct. 28, 1882
104B 106B
Ketring, Jennie 1849-1917 104B 105B
Ketring, Susan Susan Ketring- his mother
104B 107B
Ketring, William William Ketring
July 28, 1837 – Mar. 17, 1915
Kowitz, Fredrick 1835-1915 054
Kowitz, Fredrick 1869-1881 057B
Kowitz, Karoline 1835-1926 054
Kowitz, Tillie 1880-1882 058B
Magers, George Geo. Magers
Co. A 29 Ind. Inf.
Magers, Peter 1844-19uncarved 144B
Magers, Sarah J. 1841-1922 144B
Maul, William N. William N. Maul
Died Aug. 9, 1887
Aged 60 ys 4 ms 1 ds
Father thou art gone to rest
We will not weep for thee
For thou art now where oft on earth
Thy spirit longed to be.
100B 101aB 101bB
McCoy, Fannie 1858-1927 061 061B
McMackin, Annie Annie
wife of Thos. McMackin Born May 16, 1796
Died June 17, 1874
Aged 78 ys 1 mo. 1 da
Parted friends again may meet
From the trials of nature free
Crowned with mercy,
O how sweet wll eternal friendship be.
E. W. Joy & … Savannah, Mo.
108B 109aB 109bB 107B1
McMackin, Thomas Thomas McMackin
Died Mar. 17, 1869
Aged 75 ys 1 mo 9 ds
In a good old age his spirit took its flight,
110aB 110bB 110cB
Miller, Florence A. Florence A.
dau. of D. & F. E. Miller
Died Sep. 5, 1884
Aged 1 y 10 m 8 d
Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.
Miller, George C. H. Geo. C. H. Miller
Died Oct. 17, 1851
Aged 18 yrs 11 m
166aB 166bB
Mooney, Edger E. Edger E.
son of J. R. & I. E. M. Mooney
Died Apr. 3, 1889
Aged 1 yr. 3 mo.
Gone but not forgotten.
004B 005aB 005bB
Pyle, Clarence Clarence
Died Aug. 20, 1900
Aged 4 mo 16 das
Children of D. E. & Ora Pyle
Two little angels now on high
They hand in hand together roam.
Two links now binds us to the sky
Two fingers beckon us to come
Lord give us strength our loss to bear
And lead us in the heavenly way
Oh may we meet our dear ones there
In realms of eternal day.
046aB 046bB
Pyle, Laurence Laurence
Died Aug. 22, 1900
Afed 4 mo 18 das
Children of D. E. & Ora Pyle
Two little angels now on high
They hand in hand together roam.
Two links now bindsus to the sky
Two fingers beckon us to come
Lord give us strength our loss to bear
And lead us in the heavenly way
Oh may we meet our dear ones there
In realms of eternal day.
046aB 046bB 045B
Reid, Joseph C. Joseph C. Reid
died Feb. 7, 1898
aged 50 Y 9 M 26 Ds
066 067B
Roberts, Arthur B. Arthur B. Roberts
Died Aug. 22, 1874
Aged 50 years
Roberts, John John…
[stone broken]
25 Yrs …
Blessed …
215B 216B 217B
Roberts, John C. In Memory of John C. Roberts
Died May 30, 1865
Aged about 61 years
The days of afflictions are o’re,
The nights of distresses are past;
We see him in anguish no more,
He has gone to his happy release.
113aB 113bB 113cB 230B
Roberts, Margaret In Memory of Margaret
Wife of John C. Roberts;
Died Aug. 2, 1863
Aged about 49 Years
She has passed through this sad vale of tears
And we trust, through the portal of Heaven
She has numbered her months, days and years
And to the paradise of God has arisen.
186B 187B 188B
Roberts, Mary E. Mary E.
dau. of A. B. & P. J. Roberts
Died Oct. 1, 1880
Aged 20 Y 10 M 8 D
While on earth she was loved and we deeply deplore her.
But shall a murmer escape from our breast?
Do you ask how she lived?
She set heaven before her.
137B 138aB 138bB
Roberts, Thomas Perry In Memory of Thomas Perry
son of Arthur B. & Prisci J. Roberts
Died February 1, 1865,
Aged 8 Ye’rs 10 mo & 18 Ds
Great God, and wilt thou condescend
To be my Father and my friend?
I a poor child, and Thou so high,
The Lord of earth, and air, and sky?
Art Thou my Father? Canst Thou bear
To hear my poor imperfect prayer?
Or stoop to listen to the praise
That such a little child can raise?
Art Thou my Father? Let me be
A meek, obedient child to Thee;
And try, in word, and deed, and thought,
To serve and please Thee as I ought.
134B 135B 136aB 136bB 214B
Rucktashel, Oscar C. Hier Ruht
Oscar C. Rucktashel
Born Feb 9, 1864
Died Aug 3, 1880
Rest in peace
026B 027B
Salmons, Arthur G. George L. & Arthur G.
children of W. S. & Mattie Salmons
We hope to meet our loved ones
On that bright and happy shore.
139B 140B
Salmons, George L George L. & Arthur G.
children of W. S. & Mattie Salmons
We hope to meet our loved ones
On that bright and happy shore.
139B 140B
Salmons, Martha H. 1857-1939 141B
Salmons, Silas W. 1853-1905 141B
Schnitzius, John (east)
John Schnitzius
Born Sept. 2, 1805
Died May 5, 1886
089B 090B
Schnitzius, Mary (west)
wife of John Schnitzius
Born Apr. 5, 1810
Died May 3, 1883
089B 091B
Schwartz, Charles R. 1881-1948 094B
Scott, Emma Emma
wife of Elijah Scott
Died Jan. 1, 1889
Aged 29 years
010B 011B
Snodgrass, Clarance M. Clarance M.
Born Oct. 5, 1886
Died Nov. 8, 1898
031B 226B
Snodgrass, Morgan L. Morgan L.
Born april 6, 1886
Died July 1, 1886
031B 227B
Snodgrass, Warren H. Warren H.
Mar. 4 born 1895
Died Feb. 11, 1896
031B 225B
T., R. [R. T. footstone] 008B
Townsend, David M [footstone] 035 036
Townsend, David M. 1848-1865 086B 114 114B 115
Townsend, James M. 1851-1853 083B 114 114B 115
Townsend, James M. James M.
son of J. & R. Townsend
Died Aug 25, 1853
Aged 2 yrs 2 das
181B 183B
Townsend, John 1807-1853 084B 114 114B 115
Townsend, Rebecca+ Rebecca Townsend
Born Oct. 11, 1810
Died Apr. 30, 1875
[two markers]
181B 182B 085B 114 114B 115
Trook, Emily J. Emily J.
Wife of John Trook
Died Dec. 8, 1871
Aged 39 y’rs 11 mo’s 13 d’s
221B 222B 223B
Trook, Henry Henry
husband of Mary Trook
Died Oct. 23, 1855
Aged 59 yrs 6 m’s 26 d’s
Trook, infant Infant son of John & Emily Trook,
Died Sep. 3, 1852
Trook, John Absent but not forgotten.
John Trook
Died May 31, 1888,
Aged 66 yr’s 8 mo’s & 8 D’s
"He looked for a city which hath
foundations whose builder and maker is God."
175B 176aB 176bB 220B
Trook, Mary Mary,
wife of Henry Trook,
Died Aug. 10, 1852
in the 55 yr of her age.
Turpen, Edward+ Farewell My Husband
We will meet soon
Edward Turpen
Died April 25, 1874
aged 67 y 3 m 5 ds
Living here my love beneath the sod
Untill you and I shall meet our God.
042 042B 049aB 049bB 049cB
Turpen, Lovina Holy Bible
… I live …
Lovina Turpen
Born Dec. 25, 1805
Died Oct. 20, 1887
Aged 81 ys 9 ms 25 ds
My mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod.
Dear mother though we miss you much
We know thou art with God.
042 042B 048aB 048bB
048cB 048dB 047B
unknown 009
unknown [broken stone]
Oct. 22, 1863
Aged 1 y 1 m 15 d
unknown [footstone] 122B
unknown 200B
unknown [footstone] 212B
unknown [mortuary marker] 213B
unknown [footstone] 219B
unknown plot 180B1
unknown, Caroline [footstone] 038
unknown, Clara [footstone] 037
unknown, infant (maybe Cole) Infant daughter
Dec. 27, 1884
Vanschoiack, Jackson Jackson Vanschoiack
Feb. 16, 1846 – Oct. 10, 1928
050aB 050bB 051B
Vanschoiack, Laura Vanschoiack
Laura their dau.
Aug. 14, 1885 – Nov. 10, 1895
050aB 050bB 052B
Vanschoiack, Missouri A. Vanschoiack
Missouri A. his wife
June 25, 1848 – Apr. 2, 1923
050aB 050bB 053B
Venard, Empson Huel Empson Huel Venard
Dec. 19/10, 1865 Mar. 22, 1915
Venard, May O. Carter May O. Carter
wife of Empson H. Venard
Aug. 2, 1863
Nov. 18, 1951
Venard, Tracey Lynn Tracey Lynn Venard
Mar. 15, 1925
Oct. 29, 1925
Winter, Adam Father Adam Winter
039 039B 040B 034B
Winter, Catherine Mother Catherine Winter
039 039B 040B
Wrigley, Addie Wrigley
Sept. 25, 1871
Jan. 21, 1952
033aB 033bB 033dB
Wrigley, Alva 1904-1970 034
Wrigley, Crawford A. Sacred to the Memory of Crawford A.
Son of James A. & Mary Wrigley
Died Sept. 24, 1882
Aged 20 yr 10 mo 16 ds
Blessed are the pure of heart
[for they] shall see God.
023B 024aB 024bB
Wrigley, Edith Edith
dau. of J. A. & Mary Wrigley
Died Feb. 2, 1881
Aged 2 yr 1 mo 27 ds
Wrigley, Elias (west)
Elias Wrigley
Died Apr. 21, 1863
Aged 65 years
Wrigley, Elias Wrigley
Oct. 13, 1866
Sept. 4, 1946
033aB 033bB 033cB
Wrigley, James Wrigley
Wrigley, Margaret (east)
Margaret Wrigley
Died July 14, 1888
Aged 81 y’s 7 m’s & 17 d’s
013B 014B 224B
Wrigley, Mary Wrigley
Wrigley, Ralph Ralph
son of J. A. & Mary Wrigley
Died Dec. 15, 1878
Aged 9 mo 28 ds
Young Charles (north)
Charles Young
Born Apr. 8, 1870
Died Sept. 2, 1871
Young, Annie N. (west)
Annie N. Young
Born Dec. 18, 1865
Died Oct. 7, 1866
Young, Claudia I. (north)
Claudia I. Young
Born Aug. 10, 1868
Died June 5, 1870
Young, Clinton (south)
Clinton Young
Died Apr. 10, 1854
Aged 49 y 11 m 20 d
Erected to our Father and Mother
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We hope you rest with God.
153 154 155B
Young, Emily Ann (north)
Emily Ann
wife of C. Young
Died Mar. 21, 1898
Aged 84 y 6m 9d
Erected to our Father and Mother
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We hope you rest with God.
155B 156B
Young, Mariah B. Mariah B. his wife
Sept. 4, 1840 – uncarved
164aB 164bB
Young, Mary W. (north)
Mary W. Young
Born June 30, 1870
Died Dec. 6, 1872
Young, Nannie (west)
Nannie Young
Born Feb. 17, 1866
Died June 18, 1866
Young, Robert L. (west)
Robert L. Young
Born Nov. 20, 1863
Died Dec. 14, 1882
Young, Robert S. Rock of Ages
In loving Remembrance
Robert S. Young
Nov. 1, 1834 – Aug. 8, 1904
164aB 164bB
Young, William H. (south)
William H. Young
Born Dec. 10, 1838
Died Aug. 9, 1872
149 150

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005-2006:

Adkins, Ike
Barnes, George S.
Barnes, Percilla (Grigg)
Beaird, George W.
Bowlin, James Abner
Bowlin, Lavina E. (Colburn)
Bowlin, Priscilla
Bowman, Earl
Bowman, Floyd Montgomery
Brown, William S. Morris
Colburn, Edward T.
Colburn, John R.
Cole, infant
Deakin, Ann Elizabeth (Oliver)
Fuller, Frances Amanda (Smith)
Fuller, Ida Missouri
Fuller, Laura Amanda
Fuller, Mary Minnie
Fuller, Nellie Catherine
Gibson, Nicholas
Henderson, Lora
Larr, Mrs. Amanda
Maul, Sarah Elizabeth
McMillian, Ella Wave
McMillian, George W.
Miller, Howen B.
Oliver, John Benjamin
Roberts, Ann Eliza (Maul)
Roberts, James M., d. Mar 2 1946
Roberts, Priscilla J. (McDonald)
Roberts, Thomas Arthur
Schwartz, Emma
Schwartz, Julia Anna (Engler)
Schwartz, Ludwig
Skeen, Lela Belle
Snodgrass, Herbert
Weir, infant
Wrigley, Margaret

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