Clemmens, Anthony

Date of Death: 18 Oct 1881 & 16 Oct 1881
Subject: Anthony Clemmens & Sarah (Jobe) Clemmens
Source: Savannah Reporter, 28 Oct 1881

Anthony C. Clemmens and wife, old, well known citizens of Platte township, died at their residence last week. The wife went first, and although there was said to be no really perceptible ailment from which Clemmens was suffering, the bereaved husband took to his bed, and begged those in attendance not to bury his aged partner until he died, and then bury them both together. The wishes of the grief stricken old man were heeded to, and in three hours less than two days after the death of Mrs. Clemmens, her faithful partner through the long pilgrimage of her life, had joined her in death and together they will enter the portals of heaven, where they will receive the rewards of a well spent life.

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