Clarke, Thomas H.

Date of Death: 19 Apr 1872
Subject: Thomas H. Clarke
Source: Andrew County Republican, 26 Apr 1872, p. 3

Judge Thomas H. Clarke, an aged and highly respected citizen of this community, departed this life at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. P. Hyde, in Savannah, Missouri, on Friday, the 19th day of April, 1872.– The deceased was born in Utica, New York, August 27, 1793, where he served an apprenticeship and worked awhile at the printing business; thence he removed to Terre Haute, Indiana, where his sterling qualities were so far recognized as to secure an election by the people to the office of Sheriff of Vigo county and also Associate Justice of the district. In 1829 he removed to Manhattan, Putnam county, Indiana, and in 1846 settled in Savannah, Mo. In 1857 he was appointed, under the administration of President Buchanan, to the position of Pension Agent for the State of Missouri, the duties of which office required his removal to St. Louis. In 1861 he returned to Savannah once more, where he resided until his death. The deceased was once Postmaster at Savannah, and also Justice of the Peace for a time. Our citizens knew Judge Clarke as a pure-minded, honest citizen, winning the love and respect of all whose fortune it was to be intimate with him. His long life has been one replete with usefulness and good works, and his many firm friends in various parts of the country will be pained to learn of the demise of their old companion and true friend. His last moments were calm and peaceful, and he sank quietly and serenely into the arms of death, putting trust in Him “who doeth all things well.”

The remains were interred in the cemetery near this city on Sunday, the 21st inst., under the auspices of Savannah Lodge No. 71 and Ben Franklin Lodge No. 353, who performed the last earthly rite over their deceased brother with all the honors of Masonry. Judge Clarke was made a Mason in 1815, in Utica, New York, and up to the time of his death has been an honored and worthy member of that order.

(St. Joseph Gazette, St. Louis Republican and Terre Haute papers please copy.)

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