Clark, Jeremiah

Date of Death: 4 Jun 1877
Subject: Jeremiah Clark
Source: Savannah Reporter, 8 Jun 1877


On Monday morning June 4 at 3:00 o’clock, Jeremiah Clark aged almost 71 years.

The funeral took place on Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock and was attended by a large number of his old friends. Mr. Clark was a pioneer of Andrew County, and these lines will cause a pang of genuine sorrow to thrill the heart of many a fellow settler who assisted in subduing the wilderness in the earliest days of the county. One by one the old landmarks pass away and before long they will live only in the memory of a grateful people surrounded by the comforts of civilization secured to them through the efforts of the sturdy pioneer. The following points of the life of the deceased are from the Democrat:

Deceased was born in 1806, in Rockingham County, New Hampshire and resided there until he arrived at manhood. He graduated as Civil Engineer at Dartmouth College in 1824. In 1831 he removed to Illinois where he pursued his vocation, surveying, until 1835, when he removed to the Platte Purchase, where he married Miss Elizabeth Duncan, who survives him and with whom he lived happily until his race on this earth was run. Of this union there were born nine sons and three daughters of whom there are still living six sons and three daughters who are honored and esteemed by all who know them.

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