Amelia County VAGenWeb

The Amelia County, Virginia VAGenWeb Project is now located at and is available for adoption.

What’s New for November, December and the Foreseeable Future

My Christmas present this morning — apparently another section of the site is down due to, I think, some kind of server update. How long has it been down? I have no clue. As is usually the case, the error message isn’t helpful at all. Also, as is usually the case, no one noticed or cared enough to let me know there was a problem.

I’ve had a suspicion for a long time, and am again reminded, that the only users for the site are me, a couple of dedicated contributors (Monica and Justin) and the Google bot. So I’m thinking I’m going to be taking a break for a few months.

What’s New in October

Actually, not much happening this past month of October, and probably pretty quiet for the rest of the year. I’m taking some time off to watch old Hitchcock movies and read silly books. 🙂

What’s New in August

It’s been a busy month! I wish I had a kewl prize to offer if you make it through the whole thing. 🙂

Google Newspaper Archive: As you might know, Monica makes extensive use of the Google Newspaper Archive to index the death notices in the old newspapers for us. A few weeks ago, she started having problems with it and it’s become pretty much unusable at this point. There’s a discussion thread about it in the Google forums — and it’s not just her having issues. While it doesn’t appear anyone with any clout from Google is weighing-in, we hope you will. Interesting that the comments indicate it’s genealogy researchers who are using that archive, eh?

Facebook Changes: Facebook recently made a change that no longer allows for automatic posting of blog posts to the Facebook page. It’s still possible to add the posts to . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

What’s New in July

Lots of stuff happened in July. Well, I think it’s lots — you might not. 🙂

The Morgan County MOGenWeb project now resides in three places, which is going to be confusing for the time being. The Rootsweb site is back up and while Rootsweb was down, most of the material was moved to the server. Once the material has been harvested from Rootsweb, and once I can get logged into, those will be deleted and redirected, so please update your bookmarks.

I spent the better part of July, as with most of the past months, working on the St. Mary’s Cemetery in Hurlingen, Buchanan County, Missouri. I could probably work on this cemetery for another year and still not call it “finished.”

Monica, as always, was busy indexing newspapers and we have these gems from her:

1889-1899 Obituaries . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Morgan County MOGenWeb Project

Work has begun on cleaning up the Morgan County MOGenWeb project pages and moving them from the MOGenWeb server. There is a lot of information there, so it will take awhile.

Most of the email addresses on the Surnames list and the links to researchers’ pages are broken — some as a result of the Rootsweb problems, and also because they were abandoned long ago. There’s contact information on almost every page for County Coordinators who are no longer active.

Unfortunately, there continues to be a problem accessing the old site on MOGenWeb to update those pages. Your patience is appreciated while that gets resolved.

Are you doing research in Morgan County? Do you have a personal website that contains information about families or places there? We will be happy to link to your site, the only requirement being that your page must deal . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Copyright and Fair Use

Monica and I have this discussion occasionally, especially pertaining to obituaries. Can we re-publish them on the web? If they are from before 1923, no. Just recently I told her, “Since everyone else is doing it, I’m tempted to just wait for ‘them’ to catch me.” But that’s not really The Right Thing To Do, so I’ve settled on excerpts with links for items that I don’t have permission to copy outright. Some newspapers have given express permission to do so, The Current Local and the Idaho Statesman, for instance.

Copyright law is a bear to understand. The University of Texas Libraries has a section that might help — the Copyright Crash Course. In a nutshell, “Fair Use” is NOT “re-publish the whole thing.”

What’s New in May

We finished transferring what we could find for the Carter County MOGenWeb project, formerly hosted at Rootsweb, from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. A lot of the MOGenWeb county sites are down and/or lost because of loss of their Rootsweb hosting, and a significant percentage of them need County Coordinators. Larry Flesher, the Missouri State Coordinator, would love to hear from you if you can help!

We heard from Justin Watkins this month and he submitted some additions/corrections for the DeJarnette Family Cemetery in Pettis County. In the good news/bad news department, he also asked, “What happened to the pictures?” This is how I found out that some database changes back in August 2016 broke many of the Pettis County cemeteries, and probably other counties as well. I really don’t know, at this point, how extensive the damage is or how long . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

Behaving Badly

All of my efforts to date to get a handle on the bots and site scrapers can only be classified as an epic fail. They are determined and they are legion and they are automated. And they consume alarming amounts of bandwidth.

In the past, I tried requiring user registration for the TNG section of this site, but that wasn’t working. If registration was open, I was deluged by spammers. If registration required administrative approval, it never failed people wanted “in” while I was sleeping. Or working. I do sleep and work. 🙂

So, in a bit of a comprise, I’ve settled on requiring a login BUT it’s sweet and simple. You don’t need to register! Just follow the instructions on the login page and you’re in in the time it takes to type ten characters. Let’s you in and hopefully keeps them out.

Since I implemented . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

1845-1911 Surname Index for Death Notices in St. Joseph MO Newspapers

Monica’s latest project has been to index the surnames from her death notices in St. Joseph, Missouri, newspapers indexes, The Index Index! The 1845-1911 Surname Index for Death Notices in St. Joseph MO Newspapers is now online. I don’t know where she finds the time!

1906 Death Notices in the Gazette and News-Press

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1906 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Gazette and the St. Joseph News-Press. She has since commenced working on 1905 which should arrive soon, considering her dedication!

1906 Death Notices in the Gazette and News-Press

I Wasn’t Wrong — I Miscalculated!

In my PACT Project Update at the end of December, I mentioned I was contemplating a hectic year and needed to get organized in a hurry. Not only am I still not organized, but this year so far has greatly exceeded my expectations busy-wise — and it’s only just started!

Adding to that, I’ve been unable to work on my personal research with any regularity for about five years. I’ve got boxes of stuff to scan and document, as I’m endeavoring to Go Digital. For one thing, my printer went feets up, so printing everything like I used to isn’t an option.

I also got the “bug” again the other day when I had to dig through one of those boxes. I found what I was looking for (and I’m going to write about it soon, as it’s so KEWL!), but I also found a ton of stuff . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

1895 Death Notices in the St. Joseph, Missouri Herald and Daily News

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1895 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald and Daily News. She’s able to work faster because there are now only two newspapers, but also because the further you go back, the fewer obituaries and death notices are available. But she still parties on! Thanks, Monica!

1895 Death Notices in the St. Joseph, Missouri Herald and Daily News

1896 Death Notices in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1896 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News.

1898 Death Notices in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1898 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News.

1897 Death Notices in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1897 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Missouri Herald, Gazette and Daily News.

DeKalb County Wills from Book 1

It’s taken weeks to clean up, but I think I caught most of the missing files and images. Please, if you find missing things, let me know. A lot of pages and files were removed from the server because they were compromised. But I still have “good ones” — it’s just a matter of figuring out what needs to be replaced. So please, if you find a problem, let me know about it!

If you’re a DeKalb County researcher, there is good news for you. The wills from the DeKalb County Will Book 1 have been uploaded and some of them are real goldmines. As always, some of them are no help at all — the guy who leaves his entire estate to his surviving children, but doesn’t name them? Or his wife? In contrast, and for a giggle or two, check out the will of John . . . [Yes! There’s more!]

1905 Deaths from the St. Joseph Gazette and News-Press Newspapers

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1905 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Gazette and the St. Joseph News-Press. She has since commenced working on 1904 which should arrive soon, considering her dedication!

1907 Deaths from the St. Joseph Gazette and News-Press Newspapers

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1907 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Gazette and the St. Joseph News-Press. She has since commenced working on 1906 which should arrive soon, considering her dedication!

1907 Death Notices in the Gazette and News-Press

1908 Deaths from the St. Joseph Gazette and News-Press Newspapers

Monica Schirmer Eshelman has sent in her abstract of the 1908 deaths mentioned in the St. Joseph Missouri Gazette and the St. Joseph News-Press. She has since commenced working on 1907 which should arrive soon, considering her dedication!

1908 Death Notices in the Gazette and News-Press

George Clifford Willick (1937-2014)

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of George C. Willick. Much of the information, especially as regards veterans, for Pettis County is available because of his hard work.

Mr. George Clifford Willick, age 76, of Madison, Indiana, entered this life on May 1, 1937 in Madison, Indiana. He was the loving son of the late, George Joseph and Oleata Violet Martin Willick. He was raised Catholic and was a 1955 graduate of Madison High School. George was inducted into the United States Air Force on February 29, 1956 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He rose to the rate of Airman Second Class serving at Lowry Air Force Base. He was honorably discharged on February 28, 1962 at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, North Carolina. George was united in marriage on January 13, 1961 to Elberta Ione “Peachie” Wayman in Madison. This happy union of . . . [Yes! There’s more!]