Carl, James D.

Date of Death: 25 Nov 1904
Subject: James D. Carl
Source: Savannah Reporter, 26 Nov 1904

James D. Carl, one of the early settlers of St. Joseph, died yesterday morning. Mr. Carl was born at Frankfort, Kentucky, Nov. 5, 1826. He came to St. Joseph in 1849, and soon after his arrival opened the first bakery and confectionery establishment in the frontier village.

He remained in this business for a number of years, and afterwards conducted a fish and oyster house in a store room on Market square. He continued to follow this business until 1876, when failing health made his retirement necessary.

During his active career Mr. Carl was recognized as one of St. Joseph’s enterprising citizens, and older residents recall him as among those who did much for the early development and progress of the city.

The deceased leaved a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Henry Petrie and a son, Oscar, who is now in business here.

The funeral will take place Sunday morning from the late home of the deceased, 924 North Second street. Interment will take place at Long Branch cemetery, near Avenue City.

Source: unknown

James D. Carl, aged seventy-eight years, died at 4:45 Friday morning. Will be buried Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. Long Branch Cemetery. Funeral will be at family residence, 923 No. 2d.

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