Brooks, John C.

John C. Brooks, a native of Rockcastle County, Ky., was born in 1831. He is the son of Richard and Nancy (Merriman) Brooks, both natives of Virginia, who lived in Kentucky at the time of their death. John C. has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. In 1855 he located near St. Joseph. In 1866 he purchased the farm where he now resides, though he had located on it some years previous. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Miss Maggie Adams, of Kentucky, who was born in 1839. She is the daughter of Absalom and Cynthia (Evans) Adams, who were also natives of Kentucky, and removed to Missouri in 1855, locating in De Kalb County, in which county they died. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks have had eleven children, four of whom are dead. Those married are Laura B., who was married to William Fisher in 1887, and lives in Kansas; Jennie L., married James Carmichael in 1881, and lives in Montana; Abbey L. was married to S. S. Brain in 1884, and lives in Montana; Cynthia A. was married to F. M. Brown in 1887. Mr. Brooks participated in the border warfare of 1856. From 1862 to 1870 he served as constable of Washington Township, De Kalb County, making a good and efficient officer. He has been nominated for county judge and sheriff, but declined to become a candidate on account of the oath his friends would have had to take in case of election. In politics he is neutral. He was once a member of the Grange.

Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), pp. 551-552.

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