Bradford, Jasper E.

Jasper E. Bradford, a farmer of Jackson Township, was born at this present location on April 21, 1842. His is a son of James and Hephzibath (Griffith) Bradford. The father was a native of Northampton County, Va., born May 11, 1802; the mother, originally of Bourbon County, Ky., was born on February 25, 1806. They were married in Kentucky December 22, 1825, but about 1840 came to Andrew County, being among the first settlers. Upon reaching that county they settled where our subject now resides, and engaged in farming. They were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The father was a Democrat in politics. He died July, 1881, in his seventy-ninth year. The mother is in her eighty-first year, and is living with her son, Jasper E., who is one of eleven children. He spent his juvenile days on the farm, and finished his education at Manhattan College, Kansas. After leaving school he began farming at the place of his birth. He now owns 320 acres of land. On March 25, 1887, he was united in marriage with Miss Sadie Black, of Holt County, Mo. Mr. Bradford is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (St. Louis and Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1888), pp. 192-193.

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