Bower Cemetery

Bower Cemetery
AKA Beale Cemetery
Jackson Township, Section 17
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Fillmore, go south on State Route H. The cemetery is on the east side of SR H, one mile from the intersection of H with A. Entry is by permission, through private property.

Notes: This cemetery was cleaned in October, 2005 as part of the Eagle Scout Project of Nathan Stone. AKA Beale Cemetery.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Nathan Stone’s Eagle Scout Project, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Updates, corrections and additions:

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Bower Cemetery Before and after clean-up 007N 008 118 119
Auld, Catharine Catharine
wife of John Auld
Died Mar. 22, 1896
Aged 68 y’s 11 m’s
Gone but not forgotten
062 063 064 096
Bennet, Margaret A Margaret A. Bennet
died July the 19, 1864
aged 21 Yr 4 Mo 21 Ds
059 060 061
Bennet, Sarah Sarah
wife of R. E. Bennet
died Nov. 7, 1870
Aged 54 Yrs 4 Mo 17 d’s
057 058 061
Bower, Catharine Catharine
dau. of H. & E. Bower
Born Dec. 29, 1831
Died Feb. 4, 1850
Bower, Catherine Catherine Bower
Died Nov. 1, 1893
Aged 47 Y 1 M 28 D
099 100
Bower, Elizabeth Elizabeth Bower
Died May 30, 1877
Aged 73 Y 1 M 11 D
080 080N 083
Bower, Elizabeth J. Elizabeth J.
wife of John Bower
Died Apr. 16, 1879
Aged 37 Y 6 M 28 D
John do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
068 068N 069 070N
Bower, Elizabeth W Elizabeth W.
dau. of H. & E. Bower
Born Feb. 12, 1828
Died Feb. 10, 1851
Bower, George George Bower
Born Oct. 30, 1829
Died Mar. 21, 1905
055 056 102
Bower, Henry Henry Bower
Died Oct. 8, 1859
Aged 63 Y 23 D
081 082 084
Bower, Louisa J. Louisa J. Bower
Born Nov. 14, 1848
Died Sep. 10, 1883
John do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
George I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
075 076 077 078
Bower, Martha Martha
dau. of H. & E. Bower
Born April 23, 1834
Died Feb. 5, 1851
104 105 106
Bower, Mary A. Mary A.
wife of John Bower
Died July 10, 1864
Aged 31 y’rs 9 mo’s 14 days
065 066
Foster, William H. William H.
son of G. G. R. & Nancy J. Foster
Born Aug. 26, 1873
Died Sept. 23, 1874
Sweet little bud
For earth too fair
Has gone to heaven
To blossom there.
072 073
Hummon, John W. F. John W. F.
Died Aug. 11, 1874
Aged 11 M’s
Children of D. & Eliza Hummon
Dearest, bitter tears for thee are shed
Blossomed of being vision of beauty
Who’s all of life a rosy ray
Blushed into dawn and gently passed away.
Hummon, Mary M. Mary M.
Died July 25, 18[67]
Aged 7 Y’s 6 D’s
Children of D. & Eliza Hummon
Dearest, bitter tears for thee are shed
Blossomed of being vision of beauty
Who’s all of life a rosy ray
Blushed into dawn and gently passed away.
Kennedy, Elizabeth Our father and mother at rest
Elizabeth his wife
Born Apr. 16, 1816
Died Apr. 12, 1903
092 094 095
Kennedy, Thomas Our father and mother at rest
Thomas Kennedy
Born Mar. 30, 1817
Died Oct. 24, 1888
092 093 093N 094
Lincoln, Justus Alvin Our darling Justus Alvin
son of John & M. F. Lincoln
died Feb. 4, 1880
aged 4 Y 6 M 24 D
Kind angels watch his sleeping dust
Till Jesus comes to raise the just;
Then he may wake to sweet surprise
And in his saviour’s image rise.
107 111 112
Tipton, Reuben [possible footstone] 114
Trapp, Fannie B. Fannie B
wife of U. G. Trapp
Died Sep. 1, 1885
Aged 19 Y 7 M 13 D
Lord, she was thine and not my own
Thou hast not done me wrong
I thank thee for the precious loan
Afforded me so long.
086 087 088 089
unknown … 8 d’s [possibly Jeremiah Cole] 053N
unknown 091
unknown 103
unknown 116
unknown 117

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2006:

Cole, Jeremiah [see fragment]
Cole, Rebecca
Kennedy, James O.
Messick, Mary J.
Messick, William
Pearman, Edward+
Pearman, Lizzie
Tipton, Ruben [see footstone, but has tombstone in Fillmore]
Tipton, Sarah [has tombstone in Fillmore]

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