Berry, Caroline (Marion)

Date of Death: 18 Apr 1898
Subject: Caroline (Marion) Berry
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 22 Apr 1898, p. 4

Carrie Marion-Berry was born in Holt county, Mo., October 5, 1878. Died, April 18, 1898, aged 19 years, 6 months and 13 days.

She was raised in the Marion district, and was loved an respected by all who knew her; was converted and baptized three years ago. A short time before her death she told her friends she was ready and willing to die, and left her infant baby to the care of her mother.

She was married to Edward Berry, August 10, 1897.

The funeral exercises, were conducted by Rev. Haines, of Fillmore, and were held at the residence of her father, Robert Marion, attended by a large concourse of people. She leaves a husband, father, mother, one brother, five sisters, and an infant baby to mourn her loss.

Mourn not–

Carrie is not dead– only gone before Safe on the “Evergreen Shore,” She is waiting for us at the beautiful gate.”

M. S. M.

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