Bennett, Joseph L.

Date of Death: 2 Jul 1918
Subject: Joseph L. Bennett
Source: St. Joseph Observer, 6 Jul 1918

A Well Known Pioneer of Savannah Dies after a Brief Illness

Considerable surprise was expressed and much sorrow felt in this city Tuesday when news reached here that Hon. Joseph L. Bennett of Savannah had died at his home that morning after a very brief illness with uraemic poisoning. He was one of the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of that place where he had spent the greater portion of his long life of eighty-two years.

Joseph L. Bennett was well and favorably known here and for that matter all over Northwest Missouri. He had been active in business and politics all of his life. The funeral occurred from his late home Thursday and was very largely attended. The ceremonies were in charge of Rev. Davidson and the Masonic fraternity.

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