Bedford Chapel Cemetery

Bedford Chapel Cemetery
Empire Township, Section 30 West
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Savannah US Business 71, east on State Route E 3.5 miles to SR D, then north and east 0.8 miles to County Road 185, then north 2.6 miles on CR 185 to CR 188. Cemetery is on the northwest corner of intersection. There is a grass driveway north of the intersection.

Notes: Bedford Chapel Church was established in the late 1860s.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005 & 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005 & 2006. ©THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Updates, corrections and additions:

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Bedford Chapel Cemetery 000 000a 001 001a 002 003 133
Tree with stones 019 108 109 110 134
Bauman, Daniel Daniel Bauman
Died Dec. 15, 1872
Aged 47 y’rs 1 mo & 6 d’s
058a 058b
Baxter, Nellie Cox Darling Nellie Cox
Dau. of John & Malinda Baxter
Died Nov. 27, 1886
Aged 4 y 10 m 1 d
Gone but not forgotten.
062a 062b
Beattie, Armstrong [west]
Armstrong Beattie
Died June 3, 1894
Aged 74 ys 10 ds
My husband is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear father, tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
059 060
Beattie, Ella Lee I want to go [hand pointing up]
Ella Lee
Adopted Dau. of J. B. & S. J. Beattie
Died Sept 9, 1872
Aged 3 y 7 ms
Beattie, J. B. J. B. Beattie
1813 – 1889
We will meet again.
Erected by their daughter Lidia Fulkerson
Beattie, J. Mildred J. Mildred
dau. of D. A. & K. B. Beattie
Born Mar. 5, 1878
Died Apr. 20, 1881
Sleep on sweet Mildred and take thy rest
God called thee home he thought it best.
122 123 124
Beattie, N. Elizabeth [north]
N. Elizabeth
Wife of A. Beattie
Died uncarved
059 061
Beattie, S. J. S. J. Beattie
1822 – 1884
We will meet again.
Erected by their daughter Lidia Fulkerson
Bedford, Lottie Lottie
dau. of [broken] M. & M. E. Bedford
born & died May 20, 1870
131 132
Clasbey, William Thomas+ 1837-1876 097 098
Clasby, Jennie Jennie
Dau. of W. T. & J. V. Clasby
Died Mar. 3, 1872
Aged 10 mo
097 099a 099b
Coffer, Jane W. Jane W.
Wife of T. W. Coffer
Died May 17, 1891
Aged 79 Yrs 7 Mo 1 Day
004 006
Coffer, T. W. T. W. Coffer
Died Dec. 6, 1886
Aged 79 Yrs 4 Mo 24 Days
004 005
Corder, Julia Ann Holy Bible
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
Julia Ann
Wife of Rev. Phillip T. Corder
Died Aug. 15, 1889
Aged 74 y 9 mo 12 d
No pompous marble to thy name we raise,
This humble stone bespeaks thy praise.
Parental fondness did thy life attend
A tender mother & a faithful friend.
036 037 044 046a 046b 115
Corder, P. T. Holy Bible
He was a kind and affectionate husband,
a fond father and a friend to all.
Dr. P. T. Corder
Died Apr. 12, 1884
Aged 83 y’s 9 m’s 8 d’s
044 045a 045b 045c
Cordier, W. M. W. M. Cordier
Died Jan. 23, 1872
Aged 26 yrs
Son of P. T. & J. A. Cordier
047a 047b 027
Deaton, infant Infant Dau. of K.G. & L. Deaton
Born Feb. 5, 1907
Died Feb. 11, 1907
Baby Deaton
Elliott, James A. Children of W. C. & Nancy H. Elliott
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven.
James A.
Born Aug. 13, 1875
Died Sept 16, 1877
068a 068b 070
Elliott, Jennie S. Children of W. C. & Nancy H. Elliott
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven.
Jennie S.
Born Oct 15, 1866
Died Nov 24, 1872
068a 068b 069
Elliott, Lizzie Lizzie
Dau. of W. G.. & Nancy H. Elliott
Born Apr. 21, 1868
Died Sept. 29, 1868
Budded on earth to Bloom anew in heaven
074a 074b
Elliott, Nancy H. Nancy H.
Wife of Wm. C. Elliott
Died Mar. 26/29, 1882
Aged 35 Yrs 20 Ds
A loving wife a mother dear
A faithful friend lies buried here.
072 073a
Farrow, Ellen J. 1854-1920 112
Farrow, John T. John T.
Son of M. & E. Farrow
Died Aug. 27, 1878
Aged 9 M
Farrow, Nimrod F. [west front]
Meet us in the better land
Nimrod F. Farrow
Born Nov. 3, 1816
Died Jan. 17, 1894
Beloved one farewell.
055 057
Farrow, Samuel P. 1875-1901 113
Farrow, Susan H. [west front]
Meet us in the better land
Susan H. Farrow
Born May 18, 1815
Died May 13, 1888
Asleep in Jesus
055 056 125
Farrow, Walter H. 1849-1904 112
Fletchall, George+ [Broken stone]
Was b. Oct. the 6 182[4]
Died Apr. 25, 190[9]
092a 092b
Fletchall, N.+ N. Fletchall
Was b. Dec. the 6, 1827
Died July 24, 1908
Gaddy, Thomas F. [south]
Thomas F.
son of J. F. C. & J. F. Gaddy
Born Sept. 22, 1860
Died Aug. 25, 1881
Aged 20 y 11 m 3 d
Oh why should such love be sustained in our nature?
And why should its object be doomed to decay?
Bliss almost immortal beamed forth in each feature
Alas, our fond hopes are cut off in a day.
We cherish their memory
029 029a 029b 031
Hall, Ellen Ellen Hall
Born Feb. 2, 1858
Died Aug. 17, 1867
Hammer, Jesse Our Children
E.O. & M.E. Hammer
Resting Place Of our Idolized Jesse
Died Nov. 24, 1882
Aged 3 y 5 d
052 054 126
Hammer, Ralph Our Children
E.O. & M.E. Hammer
Our Baby Ralph
Died July 5, 1882
Aged 9 m 21 d
052 053a 053b
Hayward, John E. John E.
Son of L. & M. Hayward
Died Aug. 17, 1884
Aged 2 Y’s 3 Ms 24 Ds
Blooming in Heaven
Hobson, Rosa Our Pet Rosa
Dau. of T. M. & M. F. Hobson
Died Nov. 1, 1875
Aged 11 d’s
Holt, Jeramiah Jeramiah Holt
Died Feb. 21, 1884
Aged 67 y 1 mo 12 d
Polly do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
090a 090b
Holt, Mary Mary
Wife of J. Holt
Died Aug. 29, 1886
Aged 58 Ys 3 Ms 14 Ds
Our mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear mother, tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
088 089a 089b
Kent, Bettie Bettie
Dau. of E. W. & J. M. Kent
Died Aug. 22 1884
Aged 3 Y 11 M 16 D
018a 018b 018c
Kent, Joseph B. Farewell
[south leg, west face]
Joseph B. Kent
Died Nov. 14, 1889
Aged 83 Y 9 M
[south leg, south face]
My husband is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear father, tho’we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
063a 063b 064
Kent, Lillie Children of P. & S.E. Kent
Born & Died Sept. 2, 1880
011 012 012b
Kent, Martha Children of P. & S.E. Kent
Born & Died Nov. 12, 1879
011 012 012b
Kent, Mary B. Children of A. D. & M. E. Kent
Suffer little children to come unto me
and forbid them not for of such
is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Mary B.
Died Mar 10, 1875
Aged 1 Y 11 M 9 D
093 096
Kent, Obed Children of P. & S.E. Kent
Born Dec. 21, 1875
Died Aug. 15, 1878
011 012 012a
Kent, Redmond Children of A. D. & M. E. Kent
Suffer little children to come unto me
and forbid them not for of such
is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Died July 11, 1875
Aged 10 M 14 D
093 094
Kent, Susan E. Susan E
Wife of Perrin. Kent
Died July 17, 1898
Aged 47 Y 7 M 24 D
011 011a
Kent, Thomas Children of P. & S.E. Kent
Born & Died July 18, 1881
011 012 012b
Kent, William Children of P. & S.E. Kent
Born & Died Oct. 28, 1874
011 012 012a
Lewis, Elizabeth 1820-1872 117a 117b 117c 118 119 120 121
Lewis, Elizabeth [south]
Sacred to the memory of
Elizabeth Lewis
Aged 76 Y 2 M 15 D
A loving wife A faithful friend
A mother dear lies buried here.
101 103
Lewis, James 1859-1882 117a 117b 117c 118 119 120
Lewis, John C. 1857-1916 010
Lewis, Samuel 1805-1882 117a 117b 117c 118 119 120 121
Lewis, William B. (side)
Wm. B. Lewis
Llewelyn, Clydie S. Clydie S.
Son of J. & M. E. Llewelyn
Died Oct. 17, 1872
Aged 2 y 8 m’s 9 ds
Asleep in Jesus, o how sweet.
035a 035b
Mason, William W. I Live
Wm. W. Mason
Died July 18, 1872
Aged 31 Yr 8 Mo 23 Days
McCarty, Jesse A. Jesse A. McCarty
Feb. 16, 1889
Apr. 16, 1895
085 130
McCarty, Sallie E. At rest
Sallie E.
Dau. of T. J. & S. E. McCarty
Died Oct. 6, 1872
Aged 1 y’r 3 m’s 11 d’s
McCarty, Sallie I. McCarty
Sallie I. – His Wife
Feb. 24, 1851 – Aug. 8, 1909
McCarty, Thomas J Thomas J. McCarty
Sept. 15, 1846 – June 24, 1927
McLaughlin, America At Rest
Dau. of J. & M. McLaughlin
Born Aug. 24, 1878
Died Aug 1, 1879
024 024a
Merritt, Mary B. Farewell
In memory of Mary B.
Wife of John L. Merritt
Died Dec. 22, 1885
Aged 44 y’s 7 m’s 24 d’s
Asleep in Jesus
Sweet is the sleep our mother takes
Till in Christ Jesus she awakes
Then will her happy soul rejoice
To hear her blessed savior’s voice.
081a 081b 081c
Phillips, Sarah J. Sarah J. Phillips
Died Jan. 15, 1899
Aged 49 Y 11 M 9 D
Dear Mother,
Thy hands have ceased their toils
Thy loving voice is still;
Ther’s in our hearts an empty place
Which nothing e’er can fill.
007 008a 088b
Pollard, Martha C. [south]
Martha C.
Wife of R. Q. Pollard
Born Sept. 26, 1818
Died July 21, 1880
076 078
Pollard, R. Q. [north]
R. Q. Pollard
Born April 12, 1820
Died Jan. 30, 1880
076 079
Richardson, Thomas Thos. Richardson
Died at Rosendale Sept. 2, 1874
Aged 41 yrs.
A native of Eng.
042a 042b
Roberts, John L. John L. Roberts
Died Feb. 26, 1894
Aged 70 y’rs 5 mo & 18 days
Gone but not forgotten
040 041 028
Roberts, Mary A. Mary A.
Wife of J. L. Roberts
Died June 20, 1870
Aged 49 y
039a 039b
Roberts, Sidney [Broken stone]
Born Sept. 12, 1845
Died May 4, 1876
Aged 30 ys 7 ms 22 d
Remember friends as you pass by
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death and follow me.
038a 038b 038c
Roland, Joseph D. Joseph D. Roland
Born Nov. 15, 1863
Died May 19, 1891
Our Joseph is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear Joseph tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
013a 013b
Russell, Lizzie [west]
Holy Bible
My Wife Lizzie
Wife of Alex F. Russell
Died Nov. 12, 1888
Aged 25 Y 7 M 23 D
Dear Fleet, Do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow.
Friends, you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
048a 048b 048c 049a 049b
S., S. [S. S. footstone] 114
Scott, Mary Mary Scott
Died Nov. 15, 1902
Aged 77 y 10 mo 15 d
O, ’twill be sweet to meet
On that blest shore
All sorrow past
All pain forever o’er.
016 016a
Scott, Sarah Sarah Scott
Died May 28, 1898
Aged 70 y 9 mo 26 d
Beloved by all
Excelled by none
We cherish her memory.
017 017a 034
Selecman, John F. [west]
We cherish their memory
John F.
Son of Geo. W. & Dorcas G. Selecman
Born Nov. 7, 1858
Died Aug 25, 1881
Aged 22 y 9 mo 8 dy
A mother’s hope, a father’s joy
Death’s hand hath here laid low,
God gave and took our darling boy,
To his command we bow.
031 032a 032b
Selecman, Mahala [north]
Mahala Selecman
May 10, 1820
Jan. 8, 1906
101 104
Selecman, Mary E. Mary E.
Wife of H. T. Selecman
Died Mar. 23, 1891
Aged 30 Y’s 7 Ms 9 Ds
She was a kind and affectionate wife,
a fond mother and a friend to all.
043a 043b 043c
Selecman, Samuel G. [west]
Sacred to the memory of
Samuel G. Selecman
Aged 81 Y 3 M 21 D
Our father has gone to a mansion of rest
From a region of sorrow and pain
To the glorious land by the deity blest
Where he never can suffer again.
101 102a 102b
Shores, Sarah M. My Wife Sarah M
Wife of James Shores
Died Nov. 10, 1882
Aged 43 Ys 4 Ms 25 Ds
Parted friends again may meet
From the toils of nature free
Crowned with mercy O how sweet
will eternal friendship be.
050a 050b 051
Simons, Zebulon Zebulon Simons
[stone broken]
23 D’s
Since thou canst no longer stay
to cheer us with thy love,
We have to meet with thee again
In yon bright world above.
071a 071b 071c 071d
Tansil, Jane E. Jane E. Tansil
Died Feb 22, 1881
Aged 65 y 8 mo 11 d
083 129
Tansill, Ann L. Ann L. Tansill
Died Aug. 28, 1873
aged 55 y 3 m 16 d
127 128
Tansill, George H. Holy Bible
Geo. H. Tansill
Died Oct. 18, 1873
Aged 41 y 8 m’s 16 d
Tansill, Martha L. Martha L. Tansill
Died Nov. 23, 1883
Aged 60 yr. 11 mo 29 d
025a 025b
unknown [stone broken]
Children I am happy now
With a crown so bright upon my brow
Friends you must meet me here
where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005-2006:

Clasbey, infant, d/o Lucien & Lucy
Cofer, Nancy
Coffer, infant s/o Redmond & Mary
Coffer, Ora L.
Coffer, Samuel Thomas
Hammer, Mary (Samm)
Holt, infant female
Hoover, William E.
Phillips, infant, s/o Edward & Sarah

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