Banks, Cora (Moore)

Date of Death: 31 Mar 1917
Subject: Cora May (Moore) Banks
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 20 Apr 1917, p. 2

Mrs. Cora Banks, wife of Joseph Banks, died at a St. Joseph hospital March 31, 1917, after five weeks of suffering. She was born in Andrew county, October 20, 1882, and was united in marriage to Joseph Banks, April 18, 1899. To this union three children were born– Chester, aged 12; Orville, aged 6, and Wauneta, aged 3. She leaves to mourn her departure a husband and these three children; two brothers, James and Richard Moore, of St. Joseph, Mo.; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Taylor and Mrs. Roda Hurst, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Mrs. Polly Clark of St. Joseph, Mo., and a host of friends and relations to mourn her going away. She made her peace with God just three weeks before He called her home. But to know she is not dead is a blessing to those she left behind. She bore her suffering with the will of God– she said it was His will to take her she was ready to go, but she wanted to live for her children’s sake and her husband’s sake. To know Cora is not dead but just asleep in Jesus’ arms, and to await for her loved ones she left to mourn her. Her birthday verse was Matthew xxiv:44: “Therefore be ye also ready, for in such hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.”

A Friend

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