Ashley, Asahel (c. 1791-1876)

Date of Death: 18 Mar 1876
Subject: Asahel P. Ashley
Source: Andrew County Republican, 21 Apr 1876, p. 8

Died, March 18th, 1876, at the residence of Mr. A. F. Owen, Capt. A. P. Ashley, aged 85 years. Deceased was buried March 19th, in Bennett Lane Cemetery, under the auspices of Savannah Lodge, No. 71, A. F. & A. Masons, of which he had been a member since the establishment of the Lodge in 1844. He was also a member of Savannah Royal Arch Chapter, No. 83. having been a Mason for many years before emigrating to Missouri, he had battled against the relentless storm of Anti-Masonry and come out triumphant, and in his ripe and honored old age he exchanged earthly sorrows for the richer heritage of life eternal.

… [resolutions at a Masons’ meeting]… Resolved, That as a mark of respect for our deceased brother, it is ordered that the Hall of this Lodge and the furniture be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, and that the accompanying memorials be spread upon our record books, and that a copy of the same under seal of the Lodge, be sent to the family of deceased….”

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