Mrs. Sarah Alice Piper, 37 years old, wife of Harry C. Piper, died Saturday night at the home, 1210 Frederick avenue. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dalbey, Clarksdale, Mo., five sisters, Mrs. Amanda Burris, Mrs. Sophia Wilhelm, Mrs. Eva Elliott, and Miss Settie Dalbey, all of Clarksdale, Mrs. Rhoda Allphin, Wathena, Kas., and two brothers, Nick and John Dalbey, both of Clarksdale. The body will be taken from the Heaton-Begole chapel at 11:30 oclock this morning to the First Baptist church at Clarksdale, where the funeral will be conducted this afternoon. Burial will be at Clarksdale.
St. Joseph Gazette, 21 Nov 1921, p. 6.
Submitted by Monica Schirmer Eshelman
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