Walter, David

Date of Death: 20 May 1873
Subject: David Walter
Source: Andrew County Republican, 30 May 1873, p. 3

A large circle of friends and acquaintances will regret to learn of the demise of David Walter, an old and highly respected citizen of Rochester, Andrew county, Missouri.

From the St. Joseph Herald we gather the following points in the life of Mr. Walter. He was born on the 18th of November, 1802, in the city of Straisund on the Baltic sea. He removed to the city of Philadelphia in 1820, and there he learned the trade of baker and confectioner. After serving a faithful apprenticeship, he became discontented with the small profits arising from working for others, and the true spirit of independance [sic], opened business for himself at 442 Race street. He conducted the business successfully five years. In the year 1825, he closed business in the Quaker City and removed to Winesburg, Holmes county, Ohio. Here he farmed until September, 1857, when he removed to Rochester, Andrew county, Missouri. After seven years spent in farming, he embarked in merchandise, which occupied his time and attention until two or three years ago, when he retired from the active duties of a life well spent. Several days previous to his death, he lost his appetite, and on Tuesday, May 20, at the ripe age of seventy-one years, he passed to that better land for which the experience of a Christian’s faith from early youth had fitted him. He left thirteen children to mourn his loss. He also left considerable property– the savings of prudence and economy. He was very popular in the community in which he lived, and always took an active part in every enterprise tending to advance the moral, social and commercial interests of the people. However, the mourning friends can console themselves with the reflection that their loss is his eternal gain.

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