Wakefield, Milly Ann (McDonald)

Date of Death: 29 Jan, 1858
Subject: Milly Ann (McDonald) Wakefield
Source: St. Louis Christian Advocate, 18 Feb 1858, p. 4

Died in this city on the 29th ult. of typhoid pneumonia, Sister Milly Ann Wakefield, wife of Dr. M. F. Wakefield, aged 36 years.

For twenty years Sister Wakefield had been a faithful, zealous member of the Methodist Church (of the Church South since its organization). As a Christian, she lived “by the faith of the Son of God,” and in the constant enjoyment of religion. She was a Christian, and a devoted friend of the Church of Christ– doing all in her power to promote its interests, and the glory of God in the salvation of souls. The influence of her piety was felt especially in her family, her husband, children and servants sharing in her prayers and godly counsels. Her house was the home of Methodist preachers, where they always found a cordial greeting. A. Caples, Ashby, Devlin, the writer and other members of the Missouri Confernece, can testify to the delight she took in ministering to the comfort of itinerant preachers. Our sainted Patten often toward the close of life rested his weary frame beneath her hospital [sic] roof.

Living in the enjoyment of the love of God, it is no marvel that her death chamber was a scene of Christian triumph, and that as she descended deep in death’s cold flood, she softly whispered back to weeping friends, “I soon shall be where sickness and sorrow, pain and death are felt and feared no more.”

In her death the M. E. Church South has lost one of its brightest lights and most devoted friends; her husband, a devoted wife; her children, an affectionate mother; her parents, a dutiful child; her neighbors, a kind and sympathizing friend. Yet we all feel that our loss is her eternal gain.

Her funeral was preached by the writer in the Methodist Church, previous to her burial. She had done more for the erection of our Church than any one individual in the city, and her funeral was the first service ever held in it.

May the Lord help us to follow her, as she followed Christ, and, when time with us shall be no more, meet her again where parting is unknown.

Savannah, Mo., Feb. 1, 1858, R. R. Baxter

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