Sutton, Francis M.

Date of Death: 14 Aug 1914
Subject: Francis M. Sutton
Source: Savannah Reporter, 21 Aug 1914

After being a helpless invalid from a stroke of paralysis, for five years, Frances M. Sutton passed away in death at his home in Bolckow on Aug. 14, at the age of eighty years, eight months and twenty-five days. He was born in Scott county, Indiana. Most of his life has been spent in Missouri. On May 3, 1891, he married Sarah Moackley, who survives him, but who has been in very poor health for a number of years. During the Civil War he served in Company G., 51st Missouri Volunteers. The late R. M. Cole of Fillmore was his captain. While yet in his youth he united with the Baptist church, and continued in the faith. He is survived by four sisters and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held at the home at 2 o’clock p.m., Sunday, Aug. 16, by Elder W. A. Chapman, assisted by Elder R. E. Snodgrass, and interment was in the Lower [Neely] Grove cemetery.

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