Date of Death: 31 Jun 1873
Subject: Melissa Ann (Saunders) Pew
Source: Andrew County Republican, 8 Aug 1873, p. 3
Died, at her residence in Clay Township, July 31st, of Consumption, Mrs. Melissa A. Pew, wife of Daniel A. Pew.
Deceased was thirty-four years of age, and a native of Pulaski county, Kentucky. She leaves a husband and five children to lament her untimely death. Highly esteemed and respected for her many good qualities and kind acts, she will be missed by the friends in her community. She desired very much to be spared to live to see her children grown to man and womanhood, but, finding the grim monster must be appeased, she bowed in humble submission to His will, “who doeth all things well,” and died rejoicing in the bright prospects of a better life beyond “the dark valley of the shadow of death.” And “may He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” guard her little ones and direct them to that haven where the weary find rest.
F. T. M.
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