Murray, William Riley

Date of Death: 9 Jan 1852
Subject: William Riley Murray
Source: Savannah Sentinel, January 24, 1852

DIED-In this place, Saturday January 10th, 1852, at 12 1-2 o’clock, A. M. Mr. William Riley Murray, formerly of Kentucky, aged 22 years.

It is a painful task to perform, yet due the memory of the dead to indite an obituary notice.

But the duty is relieved of some of the most unpleasant reflections, when we call to mind the many virtues of the lamented Murray. We had been acquainted with this worthy young gentleman for but a few months. During these few months, by his manly bearing, his upright walking, his strict integrity, indeed we may say by the practice of all the excellencies that are calculated to endear, and to elevate to the highest seat in our affections; he had wound himself so closely around our hearts, that when called upon by the fell destroyer to part with him, it was with bitter tears and heaving sobs, that we submitted to the decree of an all wise Providence.

For his loss, the social circle may mourn the departure of one of her brightest ornaments; our young friends may weep at the thought, that from us has been taken one of the kindest and noblest of hearts, and is chilled by death. Society may be cast down in the deepest sorrow and dejection, for the putting out of one of her brightest lights.

He is gone from among us, his body sleeps with the cold, cold clods of the valley, but his memory lives and shall ever live as fresh in our hearts as though his manly form moved in our midst; his warm and affectionate heart gladdening, and making happy, as he was wont to do, all with whom he came in contact.

He met his fate as only his bold heart could. “It is hard, but if it is the will of God, I am ready,” were his words.

He died trusting in a merciful Jehovah, in his dying moments hoping and believing that he would enjoy a seat at his right hand in the day of his coming to judge the world.

His distant friends may rest assured that all the aid that human hands could bestow, was freely given; many kind and affectionate friends watched with him during his sufferings; and proper and appropriate demonstrations were made performing his obsequies. W.

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