Date of Death: 21 Mar 1911
Subject: Flora Anne Hurst
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 24 Mar 1911, p. 1
A shocking accident befell Miss Flora Hurst, on Monday of this week, March 20th, which cost her her life.
The unfortunate young woman, with her two brothers, Fred and William, with a housekeeper, Miss Burns, occupy the old Hurst homestead, on the Nodaway, near the Leach Mill. On Monday afternoon, Miss Flora went out into the yard and began raking the yard, and soon had a good pile of trash together, to which she applied a match, and in a little while the trash heap was burning, and she continued at her raking. In a few minutes she discovered her skirt was afire, and she tried to put it out; failing, she ran to the house, and by the time she arrived, her whole body was aflame. By the aid of those at home, the fire was extinguished, but not until her entire body had been burned to a crisp.
Dr. Miles, of Fillmore, was called, and Mrs. Williams, of Forest City, as nurse, was also called, and everything possible was done to relieve her, but to no avail, she dying a little after midnight, Monday night.
She was 22 [sic] years of age, and was the daughter of John Hust [sic] and wife, who died several years ago. Funeral services were held Wednesdty [sic], at Fillmore, the interment being beside her parents in the cemetery of that place. We hope for an obituary next week.
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 31 Mar 1911, p. 8
Flora Anne Hurst, daughter of John E. and Elizabeth F. Hurst, was born near New Point, in Holt county, Mo., July 21, 1886; died at her home on the same farm where she was born and raised, March 21, 1911, aged 24 years and 8 months.
Her mother preceded her to the other evergreen shore on November 20, 1907, and her father on October 7, 1909.
She was converted and joined the United Brethren church in October, 1899, where she remained a consistent member, keeping that faith until her departure.
While cleaning and burning the trash from the yard surrounding the house, her clothing caught on fire, the flames nearly stripping her body of all the clothing, burning and searing her body so she suffered intensely with pain and agony, but she endured all her sufferings and intense paints with the best of Christian patience until she was relieved of her misery a few hours after the accident had happened by the death angel and passed peacefully away.
Four brothers and many other relatives and friends are left to mourn their loss which is her eternal gain.
She was a loving sister and loved by all who knew her.
She has gone but she leaves the sweet consolation behind that she is with Jesus, who shed his precious blood for her.
May we meet her over there on that bright, shining, evergreen shore by and by, where there shall be no pain, sorrow or trouble, but all shall be joy, peace and happiness forevermore.
The funeral services were conducted in the Fillmore M. E. church by Rev. W. M. Smith, pastor of the United Brethren church of Maitland, Mo., and there was a large crowd of sympathizing friends in attendance. The remains were laid to rest by the side of her parents in the family lot in the Fillmore cemetery to await the Resurrection Morn.
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