Date of Death: 18 Feb 1918
Subject: John Florence Hunt
Source: Savannah Reporter, 1 Mar 1918
Passing of Rosendale’s Oldest Inhabitant John Florence Hunt was born in Highland County Ohio, January 29, 1932. His parents, John and Ada Florence Hunt were born in the same county. His paternal grandparents emigrated from Ireland. John Hunt senior, died when the subject of this sketch was a small boy and he being the eldest of a large family was under the necessity of taking the lead in the home.
The family removed from …
He has lived in …
To his first marriage there were born 5 boys and 1 girl. Of these only one son is living, David Hunt, who resides near St Joseph. On February 15, 1872 his companion was taken away by death, and on August 11 he was married to Amanda Cowden a daughter of Harrison Cowden, a pioneer Methodist preacher. To this union 3 girls were born, only one of whom is living. Mrs. John Pixler of St. Joseph. While yet a young man he became an “ODD Fellow”. He was a charter member of Fillmore Lodge and sometime since was made an honorary member of the Rosendale Lodge. He loved the principles of Odd Fellowship and carried them out in his everyday life. He at one time represented his district in the Grand Lodge and also once sat as delegate to the Grand Lodge of D of R. On the 6th day of February, 1918 he went with his wife to visit at the home of Ellsworth [sic, Marcellus] Brewer, 5 miles northwest of Rosendale where he was stricken with paralysis and after lingering on the borderland until the 18th, his body fell peacefully asleep. The body was brought to the home and on the 20th was taken to the church in Rosendale where in spite of the stormy day, a large crowd assembled to pay the last respects to this good man. Elder W. A Chapman preached a sermon from II Timothy 6, 7, and 8. Burial was beside the companion of his youth in Fillmore Cemetery. The Odd Fellows rendered their ritualistic services at the grave.
Andrew County ever since, except for 7 years in South Dakota. Ten years ago he removed to Rosendale where the rest of his life was spent. Soon after coming to Rosendale he united with the Christian Church near Fillmore, under the ministry of Elder William Trapp, soon after coming to Missouri.Highland County to Clermont County near Cincinnati, where at the age of 22 years he was married to Mary W. Robb. The same year he and his young wife were both converted and united with what they knew as the New School Baptist Church. From there they removed to Blackford County Indiana where they resided for 12 years, when they came to Andrew County, in 1868.
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